How do I calculate the 'potential?' resistance in a tube, in cm H2O. I'm a physiotherapist and do positive expiratory pressure breathing exercises with lung patients. Problem, the PEP masks are quite expensive, so we make 'blow bottles' - simply a 1 litre bottle, half filled with water (about 10 cm), with a nice thick (about 1 cm diameter) silicone tubing of about 20 cm, through which the patient blows into the water to make it bubble. Another problem - blowing into the water retains the lung pathogens in the water where they can proliferate. I'd like to use the straw as it is to avoid a contamination source, but would like to know what resistance it will give during expiration. If I have a formula, I can use thinner straws or simply make them longer/shorter for +- specific requirements. (I realise the speed of expiration will also play a role in the resistance.) The resistance we're looking for is from 7 - 30 cm H2O.