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About Fermer05

  • Birthday 01/03/1959

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  1. Mechanics of comet motion. Community of Russian scientists. url deleted A comet is born when a satellite, orbiting a planet during the new moon phase, breaks out of orbit. Having left the planet's orbit, the satellite moves against the rotation of the Sun, due to which the centrifugal force of the satellite is reduced, and as a result, the satellite rushes towards the Sun. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet If the orbital speed of the satellite is greater than the orbital speed of the planet, then the satellite moves around the Sun in the opposite direction. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retrograde_and_prograde_motion In the new moon phase, when the orbital speed of the planet and the satellite are equal, the centrifugal force acting on the satellite from the Sun is zero. For this reason, the satellites of the planets in the new moon phase approach the Sun. Perhaps comet Shoemaker-Levy, when rotating around its axis and Jupiter in the new moon phase, approached the Sun, then overturned and scattered into fragments. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrifugal_force The eccentricity of a comet's orbit can be expressed using the following formula. E = Vp/Vs. Jupiter's orbital speed is 12 km/sec. The orbital speed of Jupiter's satellite Metis is 31 km/sec. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Solar-System-Moons-Separations-and-Radii_tbl1_256459609 Metis, synchronously rotating around Jupiter and its own axis at a speed of one revolution per 7 hours, is slowly approaching Jupiter. And everything that rotates, including satellites, has the properties of a gyroscope, maintaining the vertical position of the axis in space regardless of the rotation of the Earth. https://youtu.be/aj-RClXNloc?si=qOR_20ODcKT-ZmHT When the axial and orbital speed of the satellite reaches a critical point, the satellite, having the properties of a gyroscope, overturns, due to which the synchronous rotation of the satellite is transformed into asynchronous. https://youtu.be/Lgi9bZ40tHQ?si=yW9VnF3Lj2TqXvAE During a satellite capsize, a centrifugal force appears, due to which the satellite breaks into fragments, like the Shoemaker-Levy comet. Next, one part of the satellite fragments leaves orbit and moves around the Sun both clockwise and counterclockwise, another part enters the asteroid belt, and the third crashes into the planet. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_Shoemaker%E2%80%93Levy_9 Perhaps the asteroid belt was formed from the torn apart moons of Jupiter. It is possible that the asteroid belt is located between Jupiter and Saturn. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asteroid_belt Asteroids, rotating around their axis and in orbit, periodically collide with meteorites, due to which the asteroid, having the properties of a gyroscope, first sways due to a violation of the center of mass, and then overturns, leaves orbit and moves towards the Sun. https://youtu.be/1n-HMSCDYtM?si=CWN0ToKqhw8eOFB3 The claim that tidal forces tear apart comets is questionable. Because the tidal force is too weak and depends more on the diameter of the comet than on the distance from the Sun to the comet. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_force The stability of the orbits of planetary satellites is also reduced by unstable orbital resonance and stable orbital resonance between the Sun and the satellite. Perhaps the supermoon is the result of a stable orbital resonance. The supermoon also depends on the orbital speed of the Earth and the Moon and the shape of their orbits. Perhaps the gyroscope has other unstudied properties, one of them is the Dzhanibekov effect. The above can be easily verified by experiment. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbital_resonance Anticyclones also have gyroscope properties, due to which anticyclones are blocked. http://meteoweb.ru/2018/phen20180730.php Continuation: links deleted
  2. According to the Static Theory of Tides, the lunar tidal wave moves from east to west following the moon at a speed of 1600 km/h, circumnavigating the Earth in 24 hours, flooding only the eastern shores of the continents. But centuries later it was discovered. 1. That the lunar tidal wave floods the western, southern and northern shores of the continents? 2. That the speed of a tidal wave of 1600 km/hour is destructive for both continents and marine fauna? 3. That there are not two tidal humps operating simultaneously across the globe, but more than a hundred, regardless of the location of the Moon? 4. That the applied hour, which theoretically should be 50 minutes, was stretched from 0 to 12 hours and serves as a tool for adjusting the lunar theory of tides to reality.
  3. The more complex and confusing the hypothesis, the more difficult it is to refute it.

  4. According to the Static Tidal Theory, the Lunar tidal wave moves from east to west following the moon, at a speed of 1600 km / h, skirting the Earth in 24 hours, flooding only the eastern shores of the continents. But after centuries it was discovered. 1. That the Lunar tidal wave floods both the western and southern and northern coasts of the continents? 2. That the speed of a tidal wave of 1600 km / h is detrimental to both continents and marine fauna? 3. That not two tidal humps function simultaneously across the globe, but more than a hundred, regardless of the location of the Moon? 4. That abnormally high tides for some reason are formed in semi-closed bays, where there is no direct access to the tidal wave. And in the bays open to the tidal wave, there are no tides at all, or are they small? Later, the Dynamic theory of tides was proposed, which was supposed to answer all the questions posed. According to the dynamic theory of tides, the Lunar tidal wave moves from east to west at a speed of 800 to 1600 km / h. Crashing into the continents, part of the wave is scattered in place, and the reflected part rotates around the ocean, thanks to the Coriolis effect. Like water that spins in a cup when you slide the cup back and forth. The only link on the Internet that reveals the "essence" of the dynamic theory of tides. http://ffden-2.phys.uaf.edu/645fall2003_web.dir/Ellie_Boyce/dynamic.htm But the dynamic theory of tides does not answer all the questions posed. 1. What is the mechanism of tidal wave scattering in the region of collision of the tidal hump with the continent? 2. If the cup of water is moved back and forth, the water will splash out and not rotate. 3. How does the tidal current that travels along the coast create the ebb and flow? 4. While the tidal wave makes one revolution around the Earth, the Moon makes two revolutions, how is the gravitational connection between the Moon and the tidal hump carried out? 5. In order for the Lunar tidal hump to exist, a nonuniform gravitational field is necessary, and for this, the Moon must constantly be above the hump, otherwise the hump will fall apart? 6. If the Moon created the tidal hump on Earth, it would not be an ellipse but a "drop". (The force of gravity is stacked, not compensated)? 7. Tidal waves are synchronized with the diurnal rotation of the earth and lag behind by 50 minutes daily. The moon is out of sync with the tidal waves. (There is only one moon, but there are hundreds of tidal waves on Earth)? 8. It is believed that the abnormally high "Tides of the Century" with an amplitude of 15 meters in the Gulf of Saint-Malo, France, formed during the parade of planets. Then why, in other bays of France and the northern hemisphere, during the parade of the planets, abnormally high "Tides of the century" are not formed. Moreover, in some bays of France during the parade of the planets, abnormally low tides of the century are formed. 9. According to the lunar tide theory, the maximum tides in the northern hemisphere should occur in the summer, when the moon and sun move over the seas of the northern hemisphere. In reality, the maximum tides in the northern hemisphere are formed - in spring and autumn, when the Moon and the Sun are in the southern hemisphere. The record high tide in the Bay of Fundy - 21 meters - occurred on the night of October 5, 1869, when the Moon and Sun were in the southern hemisphere. The cyclical theory of tides explains this by the fact that the speed of rotation of the gyres increases in spring and autumn. 10. How to explain the fact that in the Southwest Australia in the port of Fremantle the tides are significant for part of the year and then disappear. Once a year, in the Northern Dvina delta, during the spring flood, the ebb and flow mysteriously disappear for several days, sometimes for a week, and this is considered one of the mysteries of nature? 11. According to the Lunar tide theory, the maximum tides are formed in the phase of the new moon and full moon, and the minimum - in the first and last quarter. But in reality, the maximum tides are formed in the new moon phase, the minimum - in the full moon phase. 12. The modern tide table is made by trial and error, and adjusted to the lunar theory of tides. It is quite easy to compile a tide table by trial and error, for the reason that the tide heights are almost the same every year, except for the bays into which the rivers flow. Tide tables were compiled long before the discovery of tide theory (by trial and error). The same tables are used today; they are updated annually based on long-term data. 13. What theory was the Chinese tidal calendar based on in 1100? According to the lunar theory of tides, in temperate zones tidal force raises the earth's crust to a height of 20 cm, and at the equator more than 50 cm. Then why are the tides in the equatorial zone three times lower than in the temperate zones? The maximum height of the tides in the temperate zones is: 1) Fundy Bay in North America - 18 m. 2) The mouth of the Severn River in England - 16 m. 3) Bay of Mont Saint-Michel in France - 15 m. The maximum height of the tides in the equatorial zone is: 1) Maraca Brazil - 9 m. 2) Balboa Panama - 5 m. 3) Zanzibar Tanzania - 3.5 m. Information about the tides in some ports of the world. https://www.krugosvet.ru/enc/Earth_sciences/geografiya/PRILIVI_I_OTLIVI.html The tidal cycle theory explains this discrepancy by the absence of the Coriolis force at the equator, which is necessary for the formation of cycles, cyclones and anticyclones. https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a0730201f0f095995e9cc6c7c9875519 According to the lunar theory of tides, abnormally high tides should occur at the equator and not in the temperate zones. Quote: “a half-meter“ lunar tidal wave ”, such as a mini-tsunami, rushes to the eastern coast of the continents at the equator at a supersonic speed. https://scfh.ru/lecture/prilivy-i-otlivy-v-moryakh-i-vo-vselennoy/ https://youtu.be/NqDEaFjIXPw How to understand the fact that the amplitude of the tides in the Bay of Fundy yesterday was 6 meters, and today is 18 meters? What changes have occurred overnight, for such a sharp jump? We have two possible answers: 1. For a day, the force of gravity increased three times. 2. During the day, the rotation speed of the rotation has increased three times. Record high tide in the Bay of Fundy - 21.6 meters - occurred only once in the entire history of observations, on the night of 4 to 5 October in 1869. On the night of October 4-5 in 1869, under the influence of the Saxby Gale cyclone, a record rainfall fell over the river basins flowing into the Bay of Fundy (300 mm per day), thanks to which the waters of the Bay of Fundy poured into the Bay of Man and increased their rotation speed gyre in the Gulf of Maine three times. During the flood of rivers flowing into the Bay of Fundy, the current speed in the north of the Gulf of Maine rises to 20 km / h, with the result that the height of the tides reaches 18 meters. During a drought over the basins of rivers flowing into the Bay of Fundy, the amplitude of the tides does not exceed three meters. And the most important question is why in the season of abnormally high tides in the Bay of Fundy, in other bays of the Northern Hemisphere, the amplitude of the tides does not increase? A similar pattern of abnormally high tides (floods) is observed in all bays into which rivers flow. Real-time animation shows how waters flowing into the Bay of Man from the Bay of Fundy form a cycle that, precessing, reflects a tidal wave toward the Bay of Fundy. https://earth.nullschool.net/?fbclid=IwAR3fDQD_uF0xgVpETpxVzbrv2xxgzOR0UfAKIEFDHAKoC2jzE-Mpu1lIWMs#current/ocean/surface/currents/equirectangular=-65.27,44.29,3000/loc=-66.405,44.310 https://images.app.goo.gl/hAE4F7kyMQ1mhcAF9 Mezen Bay White Sea tide height reaches 10 m. https://earth.nullschool.net/?fbclid=IwAR245zpmdxn7SmOQdJ7qF9HhRn-54AYSZIChWmA6-0A2rXyJ9y2UivmtlZA#current/ocean/surface/currents/equirectangular=42.30,67.95,3000/loc=44.019,65.946 Tides - table. http://www.prilivy.com Why is there a high content of hydrogen sulfide in the east of the Mediterranean Sea and there are no tides? According to the “lunar theory of tides,” a tidal wave enters the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait of Gibraltar, pulsating every 12 hours and until the east of the Mediterranean tidal wave barely reaches. And according to the circulation theory of the tides, the flow that flows into the Mediterranean Sea spins the cycles much faster than in the east of the Mediterranean Sea. https://youtu.be/wlvkrRdYNZ0 According to the “lunar theory of tides,” a tidal wave in the Atlantic Ocean moves from east to west after the moon, and crashes into the eastern coast of South and North America. Then, reflecting, it moves back east and flows into the throat of the Mediterranean, Baltic, White and other seas. The pattern of tidal wave movement from the North Atlantic Ocean to Chukotka. https://www.esr.org/research/polar-tide-models/movies/?fbclid=IwAR3fB506PI_LBQcjUyDVVjtSjLNW_voHpajgMBjuTXOPK9I4aMGcdT8rFYg The height of the tides in the west of the Mediterranean Sea reaches 1.2 meters, in the east of 15 cm. The average depth of the Mediterranean Sea is 1500 meters, in the east 1700 meters. The maximum depth is 5000 meters. In the Indian Ocean, a tidal wave with a height of 0.5 meters, obeying the dynamic theory of tides, moves from east to west at a speed of 800 - 1600 km / h. Crashing into the eastern coast of the island of Madagascar creates tides 1.5 meters high, and abnormally high tides up to 7 meters high, for some reason are formed in the west of the island of Madagascar. And it should be the other way around. Wikipedia explains this discrepancy by the reflection of waves and the fact that the Coriolis force does its job. And the real reason for this inconsistency is the giant cycle that revolves around the island of Madagascar at a speed of up to 9 km / h, precessing, reflecting a tidal wave towards the west coast of the island of Madagascar. https://youtu.be/jJ8aARJobXc https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Train_mys_Igolny https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozambique_current Wikipedia explains the tidal physics in many languages of the world, and different formulas are written in each language, and in some languages there are no formulas at all. And there are no real, digital calculations of the tidal heights of a particular bay or coast. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tide By the degree of discrepancy of a particular theory, one can judge the degree of inaccuracy of the theory. In Wikipedia and the encyclopedia, gravitational and centrifugal forces are equally explained in all languages. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrifugal_force The tidal cycle theory can be easily verified by relating the tidal height to the rotation speed of the cycle. List of seas, with an average flow rate of more than 0.5 km / h and tidal heights of more than 50 cm: Irish Sea, North Sea, Barents Sea, Baffin Sea, White Sea, Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Arabian Sea, Sargas Sea, Hudson Bay, Maine Bay, Alaska Bay, etc. List of seas, with an average flow rate of less than 0.5 km / h, and a tidal height of less than 50 cm: Baltic Sea, Greenland Sea, Black Sea, Sea of Azov, Chukchi Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, Red Sea, Sea of Marmara, Caribbean Sea, Sea of Japan, Gulf of Mexico, etc. https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_seas USSR Sea http://tapemark.narod.ru/more/ Continuation: Forum of Akademgorodok Novosibirsk. The science. https://forum.academ.club/index.php?showtopic=1235578 Continuation: Forums of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky. http://forum.unn.ru/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=10331
  5. The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth and the gyres. Tides are not formed along the entire coast of the seas and oceans, but only on those coasts where there is a high speed of currents. And the higher the speed of currents along the coast, the higher the amplitude of the tidal wave. On those coasts where the speed of currents is 0 km / h, the amplitude of the tides is also 0 meters. The waters of the lakes, seas and oceans of the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise, and the waters of the southern hemisphere rotate clockwise, forming cyclonic gyres. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_gyre And everything that rotates, including the cycles, has the property of a gyroscope - to maintain the vertical position of the axis in space, regardless of the rotation of the Earth. If you look at the Earth from the side of the Sun, the gyres, rotating with the Earth, turn over twice a day, thanks to which the gyres precess (sway by 1-2 degrees) and reflect a tidal wave from themselves along the entire perimeter of the gyre. https://goo.gl/images/M4SJq8 http://goo.gl/AM5g1s The waters of the White Sea rotate counterclockwise, forming a huge gyroscope whirlwind, which precessing reflects the tidal wave along the entire perimeter of the White Sea. A similar pattern of tides is observed in all lakes, seas and oceans. White Sea. http://rivermaps.ru/doc/beloe/beloe-3.htm http://tapemark.narod.ru/more/22.png The waters of the Mediterranean Sea rotate counterclockwise, forming tides 10–15 cm high. In the Gulf of Gabes, off the coast of Tunisia, the height of the tides reaches three meters, and sometimes more, and this is considered one of the mysteries of nature. But at the same time, the whirlpool rotates in the Gulf of Gabes, precessing reflecting an additional tidal wave. https://youtu.be/wlvkrRdYNZ0 The tidal wave in the Amazon River creates a huge planetary circulation with a diameter of several thousand km., Rotating between South America and North Africa, covering the mouth of the Amazon River. The pattern of movement of the tidal wave along the perimeter of the North Atlantic planetary circulation (according to satellite data). https://youtu.be/ZEhm_ONTQKc?si=Gf4x72tNzhh5tYT4 The length of the tidal wave depends on the diameter of the rotation. The height of the tidal wave depends on the rotation speed of the rotation, the orbital velocity of the Earth and the time of the rotation of the rotation (12 hours). A = V1 • V2 / t Where, A is the amplitude of the tidal wave. V1 is the rotation speed of the rotation. V2 is the orbital velocity of the Earth. t is the time of the rollover of the cycle (12 hours). Table of tidal amplitude versus current velocity, on all coasts. 1 km / h - 1 meter. 5 km / h - 5 meter. 10 km / h - 10 meter. 15 km / h - 15 meter. The amplitude of the tides also depends on the size of the cycle, the amount of water under the cycle, the distance from the coast to the cycle and on the direction of the current (north, south, west, east). The currents that move along the equator reflect a tidal wave north and south twice a day. And the currents that move along the meridian reflect a tidal wave west and east 1-2 times a day. Applied time - from 0 to 12 hours occurs when an ebb wave runs into a tidal wave. A simple experiment can be made if you rotate the globe around the axis and in orbit, entwined along the equator and meridian with a plastic hose in which the fluid moves. By the height of the tides, you can determine the speed of the current along the coast, relying on the map of sea currents.
  6. The mechanism of formation of rogue waves. Geofak Moscow State University. https://m.facebook.com/groups/328946357209747 A huge number of tidal waves move in the seas and oceans. When tidal waves collide with the coastline of the continents, tides are formed. When two tidal waves collide in the open ocean, a killer wave forms. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_wave The magnitude of the killer waves can be calculated using the following formula: H = T1 • T2. Where T is the kinetic energy of the tidal wave. Experiment to the topic: The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle - killer waves https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1TIY6ZoV-Jk&feature=youtu.be As we see, killer waves are formed only in those seas where tidal waves are formed and the higher the amplitude of the tides, the higher the killer waves. In seas where tides do not form, killer waves do not occur. List of seas where tides and killer waves are formed, more than 50 cm high: Irish Sea, North Sea, Barents Sea, Baffin Sea, White Sea, West Mediterranean, Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Arabian Sea, Sargas Sea, Hudson Bay, Maine Bay, Alaska Bay, etc. List of seas where tides and killer waves are formed, less than 50 cm high: Baltic Sea, Greenland Sea, Black Sea, Sea of Azov, Chukchi Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, Red Sea, Sea of Marmara, Caribbean Sea, Sea of Japan, Gulf of Mexico, etc. In the season of abnormally high tides, abnormally high killer waves form. The highest tides and killer waves are formed in the North Atlantic, in the Pacific Ocean in the Sea of Okhotsk, etc. You can conduct a simple experiment if two stones are simultaneously thrown into a bath of water. (the distance between the stones is 10 - 15 cm). When a tidal wave collides, the emerging killer wave foams and a larger wave pulls through a smaller wave somewhat. You can create a killer wave with a height of 0.3 meters and a duration of 0.5 seconds, if two divers at the same time jump "bomb" into the pond from a height of 2 meters. (distance between jumping 3 meters). If, in a cup with water, hit simultaneously with two tablespoons and a "killer wave" is formed there. The mechanism of formation of the tidal hump in the river, and killer waves in the oceans is similar and the height of the tidal hump in the river depends on the kinetic energy of the current in the river, and the kinetic energy of the tidal wave. https://images.app.goo.gl/fNxSM5ZBGN5evNQi9 Tidal waves move in the open ocean in different directions, at speeds up to 100 km / h, they are also called solitons or Rossby waves. Barely visible tidal waves colliding with storm waves create a killer wave and are the main cause of the wreck of ships. The map shows the areas of the most frequent occurrence of killer waves. https://habr.com/ru/companies/ruvds/articles/585414/ In the North Atlantic, killer waves form mainly around the perimeter of the North Atlantic planetary cycle as a result of the collision of tidal waves with storm waves (three sisters). Suloy is a throw of water on the surface of the sea. https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B9 The hypothesis that the superposition of wind waves can be the cause of the formation of rogue waves does not stand up to criticism, since rogue waves are also formed during a calm period. (Wind waves do not form a tidal wave). The statement that methane floating from the bottom of the ocean sharply reduces the density of water and the vessel loses buoyancy is also not true, since a decrease in the density of water cannot cause mechanical damage to ships and oil platforms. The crews of the ships always record the impact of a huge wave, but no one has yet been able to record the methane emission. In the North Sea, off the coast of Norway, on the Dropner oil platform on January 1, 1995, during a 12-meter storm wave, a killer wave of 25.6 meters was formed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draupner_wave I believe the reason for this natural phenomenon is a tidal current that moves along the coast of Norway from west to east, reflecting a tidal wave from itself, both towards the coast and towards the open sea. Also, north of the Dropner oil platform through the Pentland Firth Strait, a current moves at a speed of 16 knots from west to east, reflecting a tidal wave north and south. https://www.equinor.com/en/what-we-do/partner-operated-fields-in-norway/draupner.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Sea In the North Sea, only storm and tidal waves move. And only, the interaction of tidal and storm waves can be the cause of the formation of killer waves. Continuation: Forum of Akademgorodok Novosibirsk. The science. https://forum.academ.club/index.php?showtopic=1235578 Forums of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky. http://forum.unn.ru/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=10331
  7. Thanks to faults, the density decreases, and as a result, the buoyancy of the earth's crust increases. a) The height of the continent above the magma level depends on the density of the continental crust. b) The more faults and voids in mountain systems, the higher the mountain systems. Every year, more than a million earthquakes are recorded on the continents, thanks to which the strength and buoyancy of the earth's crust increases.
  8. The cause of earthquakes is the explosion of water gases. Community of Russian scientists. https://vk.com/rosuch In the mountain systems of the Earth, there are deep vertical faults in the earth's crust, in which water collects. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Active-fault-map-of-the-EMME-Project-region_fig2_313429199 In faults the size of Lake Baikal, under the influence of pressure, temperature and time, the process of degassing of water takes place, due to which light gases collect in the upper part of the faults, and heavy gases in the lower. https://trendymen.ru/lifestyle/events/132544 And as soon as the ratio of gases and oxygen in the vertical fault reaches - 1:10, an explosion occurs and the waves from the earthquake source scatter in different directions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canyon In faults, the combustible mixture does not explode in its entirety, but only in the segment where the combustible mixture has reached the desired proportion. https://clck.ru/34zziH The duration of earthquakes and the number of underground explosions depends on the amount of combustible mixture in the fault. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_oxygen Before and after the main seismic events, local explosions, foreshocks and aftershocks occur in separate segments of the fault, due to which gases and oxygen are mixed, pressure and temperature increase, causing a rumble, trembling and swelling of the earth's crust. Foreshocks and aftershocks are also catalysts and precursors of major seismic events. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreshock Ignition of a combustible mixture occurs as a result of compression of the combustible mixture, contact of magma with a combustible mixture, or from an electric discharge. The self-ignition temperature of gases is about 500°C. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthquake It is possible that other variants of combustible mixtures are formed in the bowels of the earth. https://www.ngpedia.ru/id659214p1.html The presented hypothesis can be easily verified by blowing up a firecracker under the ice. https://youtu.be/zFdF6-qaPSA https://youtu.be/UDLobrro2Ao https://youtu.be/U7pNie2403A 1. After the explosion, faults diverge from the source of the earthquake, into which the combustible mixture rushes. 2. As a result of pressure, temperature and time, the walls of the faults become stronger. The height of the faults reaches more than a kilometer, the width is several tens of kilometers, and the length is several hundred kilometers. https://clck.ru/34pyLR 3. After seismic events, faults are filled with magma, due to which one of the types of folded mountains is formed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dike_(geology) 4. It is possible that basalt pillars and mesas were formed at the beginning of the process of mountain building, during the cooling of magma in vertical faults and in the vents of volcanoes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columnar_jointing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesa 5. Deep-water tectonic lakes, canyons and rivers were formed as a result of the failure of vertical faults. https://clck.ru/35AQMJ https://bigenc.ru/c/tektonicheskie-oziora-f68d86 6. I believe that minerals are formed in vertical and horizontal faults under the influence of temperature, pressure and time. 7. In the resulting faults, rarefaction occurs, due to which the faults draw in air and then close. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxyhydrogen 8. It is possible that some vertical faults are interconnected. 9. It is possible that ravines form between the earth's crust and magma on the reverse side of the earth's crust, in which, due to the degassing of magma, a combustible mixture is collected. https://www.ngpedia.ru/id659214p1.html And as soon as the ratio of gases reaches - 1:10, an explosion occurs, due to which faults and waves from the source of the earthquake scatter in different directions. The amplitude of a seismic wave can be determined by the following formula: A = m/h. Where, m is the mass of the combustible mixture. h is the depth of the combustible mixture. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seismic_wave In the epicentral region, a predominantly vertical oscillation of the earth's crust occurs with an amplitude of more than a meter, and waves with an amplitude of about a meter diverge from the epicentral region. 1. Before an earthquake, some animals leave the active fault zone. I think the animals are alarmed by the smell of gas coming out of cracks. https://clck.ru/34raLX 2. The gas content above the epicentral region can be determined using a gas trap containing litmus paper. Litmus paper can be placed in basements that are on the fault line. https://m.fishki.net/3822287-kak-zhivotn… 3. The concentration of gases in the faults can be determined using wells. 4. An earthquake can be provoked artificially by drilling a well in fresh faults. https://clck.ru/34pyLR 5. It is possible that the cause of anomalous phenomena in the atmosphere during seismic events is the release of a combustible mixture into the atmosphere. 6. Chinese scientists began drilling a well 10,000 meters deep. https://clck.ru/34zvXo The early stage of the Earth's evolution was accompanied by the formation of cracks. On one of the cracks, thanks to volcanoes and earthquakes, the Mid-Atlantic volcanic ridge was formed, which grows both in length and width, and in height and depth at a rate of 0 to 3 mm per year. The reason for the growth of the ridge is the vertical and horizontal faults that form at the junction and around the ridge. Thanks to volcanoes and earthquakes, faults expand by millimeters, mountain systems by centimeters, and the epicentral region by meters. https://images.app.goo.gl/vabkhhfCca979hDJ9 Mountain systems formed hundreds of millions of years ago, after the formation of the earth's crust, when the earth's crust beneath the mountain systems was much softer and thinner. The higher the mountain systems grew, the more they subsided, shifts, bends, failures in mountain systems, the result of uneven growth and subsidence of mountain systems. Three types of mountains form on earth: a) Horizontal folded mountains, formed due to numerous eruptions of lava on the surface of the Earth. b) Vertical fold mountains are formed after seismic events when vertical faults are filled with magma. c) Blocky mountains are formed when folded mountains collapse and grow due to explosions in vertical and horizontal faults. Due to faults, the density decreases and, as a result, the buoyancy of the earth's crust increases. a) The height of the continent above the magma level depends on the density of the continental crust. b) The more faults and voids in the mountain systems, the higher the mountain systems. Gases move along the faults that stretch from the mountain systems into the seas and oceans, due to which seaquakes are formed, and as a result, the mountain systems attack the ocean. Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge there are dozens of islands through which air enters the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, perhaps the more islands above the oceanic ridge, the higher the geological activity of the ridge. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid-Atlantic_Ridge Earthquakes and volcanoes are natural phenomena, the role of which is the strengthening of cracks in the earth's crust. And mountain systems are patches on the cracks of the planets. Every year, more than a million earthquakes are recorded on the continents, due to which the strength and buoyancy of the earth's crust increases Continuation: Academgorodok Forum Novosibirsk. The science. https://forum.academ.club/index.php?showtopic=1235578 Forums of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky. http://forum.unn.ru/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=10331 My VKontakte page https://vk.com/id383138048 Criticism of the tectonic hypothesis. 1. Why do earthquakes occur both at the junction of tectonic plates and in the center of the plate? 2. The assertion that tension is accumulating at the junction of tectonic plates, unsupported information. a) How much greater is the density of tectonic plates at the junction than in the middle of the plate? b) Does tectonics affect the rate of well drilling? 3. A seismic wave on the surface of the earth can only be created by an impact, and not by compression of the lithospheric plates. After compression, the earth's crust is not unclenched, but compacted. The soil compaction ratio is 95%. https://buildingclub.ru/kojefficient-uplotnenija/?amp=1 The above can be easily checked by setting up an experiment. 4. If the lithospheric plates were constantly moving one on top of the other, then the globe would tremble and hum, especially in zones of seismic activity. 5. Tectonic plates cannot have the properties of a spring or rubber. a) this can be easily verified by experiment. 6. What happens to the islands when the continental crust creeps over the oceanic crust? 7. If oceanic lithospheric plates go under the continental ones - how did the fossils of marine animals end up high in the mountains? https://bigenc.ru/biology/text/2704413 a) At the same time, fossils of marine animals are found in Iceland, despite the fact that in Iceland, the lithospheric plates diverge. https://en.ni.is/geology/fossils b) If the Indian Plate goes under the Eurasian Plate, how did the marine animal fossils end up in the Himalayas? In the Himalayas, high in the mountains, fossils of land animals should be found. https://proekt7d.ru/okamenelosti/ c) Fossils of marine animals were found on the entire surface of the earth, including in deserts, but they were not preserved everywhere. http://evolution.powernet.ru/history/Earth_04/ e) Fossils of marine animals on the surface of the earth - proof that the surface of the earth is not renewed. 8. If mountain systems were formed as a result of collision of lithospheric plates, the mountain systems would have a different shape and would be much higher, since the oceanic or continental crust that descends to the core of the Earth has a high buoyancy. https://autogear.ru/article/287/111/subduktsiya---eto-opredelenie-tipyi-i-protsess-subduktsii/ 9. There is no information about the number, speed, direction of movement and size of tectonic plates. a) if there are 13 lithospheric plates on the Earth, then there should be about 100 tectonic plates. b) how many tectonic plates are there on the Eurasian lithospheric plate? c) there is no description of the mechanism of interaction of tectonic plates. d) Do tectonic plates sink into the Earth's mantle, reaching the depth of the outer core. 10. Why is the epicenter circular rather than elongated along the fault line? 11. Why is the epicenter circular rather than elongated along the fault line? 12. During earthquakes, people and objects that are at the epicenter are strongly thrown up. I believe only an underground explosion is capable of this. Then, from the epicenter, waves spread in all four directions, due to which the buildings sway like ships on waves. a) according to the tectonic hypothesis of earthquakes, vibrations from the epicenter should diverge not in four directions, but only in two directions. By forming a horizontal vibration of the earth's crust, which would be extremely destructive. 13. Vibrations from earthquakes are transmitted in the form of seismic waves over a distance of more than 10 thousand km. a) then why seismic waves do not provoke earthquakes in other regions of the Earth. http://www.evgengusev.narod.ru/spb/zhirnov-2011.html 14. According to the tectonic hypothesis of earthquakes, a seismic wave moves along the Earth's crust. And according to the explosive hypothesis, a seismic wave can move both along the earth's crust and under the earth's crust (along magma - like a tsunami wave in the ocean). https://youtu.be/9bJwTkruL0g 15. The volcano can erupt both upward and towards the core of the earth. If a volcano erupts towards the core of the earth, then tsunami waves from the volcanic mountain scatter in different directions. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U7pNie2403A&feature=youtu.be b) Perhaps one of these earthquakes occurred in the Sea of Okhotsk, in 2013. Then the seismic tsunami wave reached Moscow. https://uc.xyz/SyD44?pub=link https://news.ucsc.edu/2013/09/deep-earthquake.html c) After major earthquakes, the seismic wave goes around half of the globe. I believe that only a seismic tsunami wave, which moves under the Earth's crust, is capable of this. https://www.hmong.press/wiki/1994_Bolivia_earthquake 16. There is also no exhaustive explanation of the mechanism of movement of seismic waves, from the source of the earthquake to the Earth's surface at a distance of more than 700 km. a) as a seismic wave, moving from the source to the epicenter, over a distance of more than 700 km. falls exactly on the fault line. https://uc.xyz/SyD44?pub=link 17. According to the tectonic hypothesis of earthquakes, the diameter of the epicentral area depends on the depth of the source and can exceed 1000 km. a) what will be the diameter of the epicentral area if the source depth is 700 km. https://uc.xyz/SyD44?pub=link b) what will be the diameter of the epicentral region if the earthquake source is located in the center of the Earth? 18. How to explain the fact that all seaquakes occur only at the foot of the islands and continents. Why, in a clear sea or ocean, seaquakes do not occur. 19. The tectonic hypothesis of earthquakes can be easily tested if two clay slabs are moved towards each other in a basin with water. The cause of earthquakes is the explosion of water gases. It is believed that in the upper mantle at the junctions of lithospheric plates there are cells in which, due to convection, magma rotates at a speed of 1-5 cm per year. The statement that lithospheric plates move thanks to magma gates that rotate in cells is questionable. Thanks to currents, eddies and magma-gates, only pits can form in the earth's crust, and not the drift of continents and "lithospheric plates". https://images.app.goo.gl/yS56u6oYvaMtavLi6 Questions arise: 1. How many cells move the lithospheric plate and how are they synchronized? b) How are tectonic, lithospheric and continental magma-rotations synchronized? https://images.app.goo.gl/Lf2Xa6tYhE9JF4J99 2. What do magma-turns rely on when moving lithospheric plates? a) Motion without support, contradicts the two-body problem - Newton's Third Law. "The force of action is equal to the force of reaction." b) Moreover, magma-turns themselves will repel from the lithospheric plates in the opposite direction. Since, lithospheric plates are much more massive than magma-rot. c) oceanic and magmatic currents are too weak to move lithospheric plates or affect the axial velocity of the Earth. 3. The width of the crack of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is several meters, and the distance between the continents is several thousand kilometers. 4. The total length of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is more than 18 thousand km. and is broken by transverse faults up to 600 km long. https://images.app.goo.gl/cHbdb1i6RSeqDe7z6 a) what is the total length of the magma gate, under the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and how does the magma gate affect transverse faults? https://images.app.goo.gl/cqn26EqbMcoqATp66 5. In North America, the movement of the Juan de Fuca ridge was observed for two years: no movement of the ridge was found. http://www.evgengusev.narod.ru/spb/zhirnov-2011.html 6. What is the coefficient of adhesion of a convective cell (magma vortex) to a tectonic plate? a) The adhesion coefficient of a convective cell with a tectonic plate can be checked by rotating two red-hot magma gates in a heated dish. b) With what force two magma gates are pressed in the cell and why do they not destroy each other? c) As the width of the fault increases, does the mass, size and location of the convective cell change. d) How many revolutions must a magma vortex make to move a tectonic plate by 1 cm? 5. As the width of the fault increases, does the mass, size and location of the convective cell change. 6. With what force do two magma gates press against each other in a cell, and why do they not destroy each other? 7. It is believed that faults several tens of kilometers wide and more than 80 kilometers high stretch from the cell to the earth's surface. a) What fills the void in the faults? b) Why are the fault walls not destroyed? 8. I believe that in the bowels of the earth, faults and trenches with a height of more than 11 km cannot exist, due to high pressure at great depths. (The pressure at a depth of 40 km is 103 MPa). The Mariana Trench has an average width of 69 km and a depth of up to 11 km. https://clck.ru/34vvMD a) Why are the gutters conical? 7. Why, along the perimeter of the Atlantic Ocean, did not a ring of fire form, as in the Pacific Ocean? It is believed that over hundreds of millions of years, the Earth's surface has been constantly changing, supercontinents formed and disintegrated. The supercontinent Rodinia disintegrated about 750 million years ago. Then it formed and broke up into six continents - the supercontinent Pangea. Questions arise: 1. For Pangea to form, magma-convection currents must move to one point, and for Pangea to disintegrate, magma-convection currents must turn around. a) How does the mechanism of reversal, magma-turns work? 2. In which sea did the Amazon and Congo rivers flow before the collapse of Pangea? a) What mark did this sea leave? 3. Huge streams - water and air drift across the Earth with a specific purpose. And for what purpose are the continents drifting? 4. I believe that the evolution of the Earth was accompanied not by continental drift, but by a change in the tilt of the Earth?s axis, from 45 degrees to 23, due to which heat-loving plants and animals lived beyond the Arctic Circle. For this reason, the remains of heat-loving plants and animals are found in Antarctica. 5.https://images.app.goo.gl/wJhvfGJ88jwUrKT86 The animation shows India crossing the equator and moving north, despite the magma gate cell remaining in the southern hemisphere. a) The assertion that India is sailing from south to north at a speed of 4 cm per year, like an icebreaker in the ocean, is questionable. b) With what speed and what was India sailing northward, before the collision with Eurasia? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subduction 6. It is believed that India, having collided with the Eurasian plate, turns 90 degrees and moves towards the core of the earth. a) Why do not cracks form at the place of bending of the slab? 7. It is believed that when the oceanic plate goes under the continental, a depression is formed with a depth of more than 10 km. a) At the same time, most of the depressions in the oceans are too far from the continents and they are not everywhere. b) If India goes under the Himalayas, why did not a depression or a reservoir form at the foot of the Himalayas? https://images.app.goo.gl/EkLp3TDpVYcBf3MB8 https://images.app.goo.gl/pA2CmLgYpje7SzWC6 https://neftegaz.ru/tech-library/geology/148157-kraevoy-progib/ 8. What plate goes under the Ural Mountains, and what depth was formed at the foot of the Ural Mountains? a) Is there a shear movement of plates in the south and north of the Ural Mountains? https://slide-share.ru/kak-dvizhutsya-litosfernie-pliti-69693 b) The Ural Mountains - a seismically active crack, which diverges at a rate of 0 to 5 mm per year, and not the result of "plate compression". 9. It is believed that the Eurasian, Indian and Philippine plates compress Lake Baikal. a) Then why do the shores of Lake Baikal diverge at a rate of 2 cm per year? 10. It is believed that the shores of Lake Baikal diverge at a rate of 2 cm per year. a) And with what speed does the bottom of Baikal diverge? b) Why didn?t Baikal form along the entire fault line, both in length and in depth? c) What is the bottom of Baikal based on if a convection cell operates under Baikal, which constantly expands the fault. d) Why doesn't the water in Baikal boil, because under Baikal there should be magma with a temperature of about a thousand degrees? https://dzen.ru/a/XvD23FcU0yLDOwr5 e) According to the tectonic hypothesis about earthquakes, if the width of Baikal is 50 km, then the bottom of Baikal should be more than 50 km wide, and the depth of Baikal should be equal to the thickness of the earth's crust and be more than 40 km. https://vasily1986.livejournal.com/66774.html 11. It is possible that deep-sea lakes, seas and rivers, as well as depressions in the oceans, are the result of successive explosions in a crack in the ridge, followed by a sinkhole. https://clck.ru/35CyUd a) After the formation of lakes, gorges and canyons, the banks should converge, not diverge. b) The rate of convergence of the banks of the reservoir depends on the pressure of the soil on the outer walls of the reservoir, and the greater the depth, the greater the pressure. https://clck.ru/34yUCP 12. I believe that the Red and Adriatic Seas, lakes Baikal and Tanganyika were formed as a result of the failure of the earth's crust https://clck.ru/34yQpG a) The appearance and depth of the formed reservoir depends on the depth and shape of the hearth, and on the nature of the failure. 13. The assertion that the lithospheric plates compress Africa from the east and west, due to which Africa splits into two parts, contradicts elementary logic.
  9. Sorry, I didn't find the edit button. How to fix it?
  10. Stationary model of the solar system. Community of Russian scientists. https://vk.com/rosuch 1. The solar system is an autonomous object of the Universe, does not rotate around the center of the galaxy and is in a stationary state in space. 2. Sunlight approaching the edge of the Solar System, under the influence of the Coriolis force of the Sun, is deflected and begins to move along the perimeter of the Solar System, against the rotation of the Sun. 3. The sunlight then slows down, breaks up into particles and collapses into a star, causing the kinetic energy of the light to be transformed into the rotational energy of the stars. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oort_cloud 4. At the edge of the solar system, the mass of stars, the force of gravity, the speed of light, and the orbital speed of stars are close to zero. The farther a star is from the Sun, the lower the orbital speed of the stars. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_(physics) 5. The star, being in a state of weightlessness, floats along the edge of the Solar system in the form of balls, globular clusters and galaxies in the direction of the rotation of the Sun, relying on the laws of celestial mechanics and temperature differences - the Yarkovsky effect. https://images.app.goo.gl/y8B4LuoyEvVU2Yfr6 https://images.app.goo.gl/T6SH4NYKDf2wxdSQ8 6. Approaching the Sun, the stars compress and become denser, due to which the temperature and brightness of the stars increases and globular clusters, galaxies and asteroids are formed. Most of the mass of the Solar System comes from the Sun and the ecliptic plane, due to which asteroids orbiting the Sun slowly approach both the Sun and the ecliptic plane, resulting in the formation of the Kuiper Belt. Then planets emerge from the Kuiper belt, surrounded by a system of rings from which satellites are formed. https://youtu.be/0iaOnql4d3E?si=hUz26qUwC7QsiLOD 7. Further, as they approach the Sun, the temperature, axial and orbital speed of the planets and satellites increase, due to which the satellites are thrown out of orbit and the planets are overturned. https://youtu.be/QaO9gC9EXNI?si=rOzRc9TaFdQGpHDb When the planet comes close to the Sun, the geological activity of the planets increases, resulting in an explosion of the combustible mixture in the fractures of the planets, and as a result the planet is destroyed into fragments, similar to Comet Shoemaker - Levy 9. Then fragments of the planets, rotating around the Sun at a speed of tens of km/sec, crash into the surface of the Sun, due to which the axial speed of the Sun increases. http://www.sai.msu.su/ng/solar/comets/main_sl9.html The self-ignition temperature of gases is about 500 degrees. 8. The radius of the Solar System depends on the speed of light and the angular speed of rotation of the Sun. R ≈ c/ω The speed of light is ≈ 1,000,000,000 km/h. The angular speed of rotation of the Sun is ≈ 0.0105 rad/h. The radius of the Solar System is ≈ 95,000,000,000 km. 9. The Earth and Moon pair, in an elliptical orbit, rotate around a common center of mass and move in the direction of rotation of the Sun. A photon consists of two particles rotating around the center of mass, which move in space against the rotation of the Sun, thanks to the deflecting Coriolis force of the Sun. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light The photon and the Sun are interconnected by gravity, just like the Sun, Earth and Moon. (Three body problem). The more the gravity of the Sun affects the particles of the photon, the more the orbit of the particles is extended and the greater the speed of the Photon. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photon At the edge of the Solar System, as the Sun's gravity decreases, the ellipse of particles also decreases, due to which the Photon slows down and breaks up into two particles. Next, a particle of light moves from the edge of the solar system to the Sun for billions of years, possessing enormous potential energy, which can be calculated using the following formula. U = (Ms+mch)•r Ms - Mass of the Sun. mch - Particle mass. r - Distance from the Sun to the particle. Without the gravitational influence of the Sun, the Earth-Moon Pair and Photon disintegrate. Based on the mechanics of interaction of three bodies, it is possible to construct a supportless propulsion device. https://youtu.be/um5nS-vA9is?si=ORVhOM36rKW2PcKZ And its transformations. https://youtu.be/4_M-fBv5Xmc?si=3nRFzsUytTQDqqvb 10. Proper motion of stars. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proper_motion Galaxies, atmospheric cyclones and anticyclones rotate around their own axis and in orbit, and everything that rotates has the property of a gyroscope to maintain the vertical position of the axis in space regardless of the rotation of the Earth, due to which blocking, overturning and drift of galaxies occurs. The direction of galaxy drift depends on the inclination of the axis and orbit of the galaxies relative to the ecliptic plane. Due to the gyroscope properties that galaxies have, galaxies drift around the entire perimeter of the Solar System rather than aligning themselves in the ecliptic plane. https://youtu.be/aj-RClXNloc?si=AK_KmsP1X9tcl0Hz Perhaps Barnard's flying star revolves around the Sun in a highly elongated orbit and is at perihelion. The speed of Comet Halley at perihelion is 54 km/s, and at aphelion 1 km/s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnard%27s_Star https://www.winstein.org/publ/1-1-0-8325 11. Outside the solar system, sunlight does not penetrate and it will be impossible to see the solar system from the side of the universe. 12. It is believed that the farthest stars are located at a distance of about 10 billion light years from us. a) How does sunlight travel such a huge distance and how much distance can sunlight travel? 13. So little sunlight comes to Pluto that our star can be confused with a large star. Sunlight on Pluto is thought to be 1,600 times dimmer than on Earth. https://safereactor.cc/post/2769840 14. Perhaps the star reflects both its own light and the Sun?s light. a) What has been said can be easily verified by performing a simple experiment. 15. Our Sun loses more than 1 billion tons of matter per year due to the emission of light. I assume the same amount of matter falls onto the Sun from space. 16. All mechanical processes that occur in the atmosphere also occur in the starry sky. 17. In the solar system, everything is programmed and everything moves according to the strict laws of celestial mechanics, due to which randomness and chaos are not possible in the solar system. 18. The theory of the evolution of the Universe should not contradict and go beyond the laws of celestial mechanics. http://www.ponjatija.ru/node/938 The assertion that the solar system revolves around the center of the Galaxy does not stand up to criticism. If the Solar System revolved around the center of the Galaxy, then the Earth, rotating around the Sun, would approach and move away from the center of the Galaxy, as a result of which the Earth’s orbit, thanks to the Coriolis force of the Sun, would be elongated along the orbit of the Sun. Similar to the lunar orbit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galactic_year https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milky_Way But the orbits of the planets are not elongated along the “orbit of the Sun”, this means that the Sun does not rotate around the center of the galaxy but is stationary in space. https://m.habr.com/ru/post/411567 Objects in the Solar System cannot endlessly rotate around numerous centers. The laws of celestial mechanics are not omnipotent and are limited to the three-body problem; the Earth revolves around the Sun, the Moon revolves around the Earth, and nothing revolves around the Moon. No natural satellite of the planets has a permanent or temporary companion, as this would already be a four-body problem, which is contrary to the laws of being. For this reason, the artificial satellites of the Earth rotate by inertia much longer than the artificial satellites of the Moon. https://naked-science.ru/qa/518331 And the most important question is why asteroids have satellites, but planetary satellites do not have satellites, despite the fact that planetary satellites are much more massive than asteroids. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subsatellite Saturn's two moons, Janus and Epimetheus, move in the same orbit and pass each other every four years. If these two satellites orbited the Sun, then Janus would have captured Epimetheus. https://elementy.ru/kartinka_dnya/430/Tanet...usa_i_Epimetey In nature there is no relationship without symbiosis, and the solar system does not need the center of the galaxy. Comet Galya orbits the Sun every 75 years, in a highly elongated orbit, due to the fact that the Sun does not revolve around the center of the Galaxy. The Big Bang theory was born from the observation that other galaxies are moving away from ours at great speed in all directions, and based on this hypothesis the Big Bang hypothesis was written. https://bigenc.ru/c/teoriia-bol-shogo-vzryva-217844 1. Thanks to what forces the Universe assembles and explodes. Without an answer to this question, the Big Bang hypothesis has no right to exist. 2. After the Big Bang, the Galaxies, having received fantastic kinetic energy, must move in a straight line and forever. a) Rectilinear motion contradicts the laws of celestial mechanics. 3. The center of the Solar system is the Sun, and the role of the Sun for the Solar system is vital, but what role does the center of the Universe play for the Universe, what is there and what happens? 4. What was the state of the laws of celestial mechanics before the explosion, at the moment of the explosion, and after the explosion, how and when did they arise? 5. Moving away from the center of the Universe, the galaxies began to rotate around their own center, what force rotates the galaxies and where did this force come from? 6. The statement that globular star clusters are satellites of Galaxies and rotate in highly elongated orbits at a speed of ≈ 200 km/sec also goes beyond the scope of celestial mechanics. a) If globular clusters rotated around the center of the Galaxy, then they would rotate in the same plane. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy b) Will Saturn and its moons be able to orbit the Sun as a globular cluster? 7. In globular clusters there is no orbital rotation of stars. a) Then what forces form a globular cluster of stars? 8. If globular clusters are satellites of Galaxies, then globular clusters, like all satellites of planets, must have all the attributes of satellites: rotation axis, libration, etc. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globular? 9. After expansion, the Universe contracts back and Galaxies rush towards the center of the Universe with enormous speed. 10. For what reason the galaxies stopped scattering and began to gather. 11. What force attracts galaxies to the center of the Universe, if it is a gravitational force, then how does it arise? 12. How much energy is released when a galaxy collides with the center of the Universe. https://bigenc.ru/c/singuliarnost-prostranstva-vremeni-867893 Coriolis force on Earth and in the Solar System. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coriolis_force The Coriolis force occurs when an object approaches or moves away from the Earth's axis. At the same time, when an object that moves on or around the Earth approaches or moves away from the axis of the Sun, the Solar Coriolis force is generated. The deflecting Solar Coriolis force, due to the axial and orbital rotation of the Earth, is somewhat more complex. The flow of the Volga River is constantly pressed against the western bank of the river by the Coriolis force of the Earth, and the Solar Coriolis force, due to the axial and orbital rotation of the Earth, deflects the flow of the Volga River either to the western bank or to the eastern bank twice a day. For this reason, winding currents form in the seas and oceans. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meander The above can be easily verified by rotating a globe around its axis and orbit, entwined along the equator and meridian with a polyethylene hose in which the liquid moves. http://astrogalaxy1.narod.ru/astro016.html The Coriolis effect of the Earth does not depend on the inclination of the axis of the earth, and the Solar Coriolis force depends. The solar Coriolis force is involved in the formation of the Moon's ellipse. When the Moon, rotating around the Earth in the last quarter approaches the Sun at a speed of 1 km/sec, and in the first quarter moves away from the Sun at a speed of 1 km/sec, the Solar Coriolis force slightly stretches the Moon's orbit along the Earth's orbit, due to which the Moon's elliptical orbit is formed . https://images.app.goo.gl/wmqRKPc9jzScCrB16 When the Moon is in its new and full moon phases, the Solar Coriolis Force does not affect the Moon's orbit because During these phases, the Moon does not approach or move away from the Sun. The eccentricity of the Moon's orbit can be calculated using the following formula. E = Vz / Vl = 0.0411 / 0.55 = 0.0747 Where Vz - Earth's orbital speed - 0.0411 degrees / hour. Vl - Moon's orbital speed - 0.55 degrees / hour. The eccentricity of the Moon's orbit can be calculated using the following formula. E = (Vz / Sz) / (Vl / Sl) = 0.00071 / 0.0095 = 0.0747 Where Vz is the Earth's orbital speed - 107,218 km / h. Sz - Distance from the Sun to the Earth - 150,000,000 km. Where Vl is the Moon's orbital speed - 3683 km / h. Sl - Distance from the Earth to the Moon 384,000 km. The eccentricity of the Moon's orbit varies, from 0.026 to 0.077. Both formulas show that the average eccentricity of the Moon's orbit is 0.0747. And the average eccentricity of the moon's orbit, obtained using radar, is 0.054. http://www.aggregateria.com/R/radiolokatsionnaja_astronomija.html Also, the eccentricity of the Moon's orbit can be determined by the following formula. E = Vl / Vz = 27.3 / 365.2 = 0.0747 Where Vl is the Moon's orbital angular velocity. Vz - Orbital angular velocity of the Earth. By dividing the orbital speed of the Moon by the eccentricity of the Moon's orbit, the Earth's orbital speed can be calculated. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon Based on the fact of the approach and removal of the moon from the sun, it is possible to construct. Reactionless drive. https://youtu.be/4_M-fBv5Xmc The Moon, rotating around the Earth, approaches and moves away from the Earth, due to which the Moon periodically falls into resonance, and as a result, a supermoon and a micromoon occur. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supermoon The reason for the resonance of the Moon's orbit is the uneven orbital speed of the Moon. https://www.booksite.ru/fulltext/1/001/008/056/700.htm Artificial satellites of the Moon also enter into resonance - chaotic rotation. Why do artificial satellites of the Earth rotate by inertia much longer than artificial satellites of the Moon? https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mascon It is believed that the orbit of the Earth and the Moon rotates and completes one revolution every 112,000 and 8.8 years. The rotation of the Moon's orbit is in doubt, since the Coriolis force of the Sun constantly stretches the Moon's orbit along the Earth's orbit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apsidal_precession 1. Planets and satellites, rotating around the Sun and around their axis, have axial and orbital kinetic energy, which is transformed from axial energy to orbital, and from orbital to axial. a) The Earth, rotating around its axis, transfers its axial energy into orbital energy, and Mercury transfers its orbital energy into axial energy, due to which the Earth moves away from the Sun, and Mercury approaches the Sun. b) Venus transfers its orbital speed to the axial one, and rotates the planet to the left, and the atmosphere of Venus rotates Venus to the right, which is why Venus quickly loses orbital energy. The transformation of the speeds of Mercury and Venus occurs at perihelion. https://www.fieldphysics.ru/mercury_perihelion/ c) I believe that the physical libration of the Moon in longitude is the result of the transformation of the orbital energy of the Moon into the axial energy of the Moon. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libration The Earth's orbital speed is transformed into the Moon's orbital speed. https://youtu.be/um5nS-vA9is d) The atmosphere also participates in the axial rotation of the planets - atmospheric transfer, the speed of which depends on the temperature difference between the night and day sides of the planet. https://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki/1302676 e) The transformation coefficient, orbital inclination, shape and speed of rotation of orbits depend on the axial and orbital speed of the planets and the angle of inclination of the rotation axis to the orbital plane. https://youtu.be/aj-RClXNloc f) In celestial mechanics, the transformation of velocities occurs due to the mechanics of interaction of two and three bodies, which can be expressed in the form of a structure. https://youtu.be/4_M-fBv5Xmc https://youtu.be/um5nS-vA9is The reason for the geological activity of the planets is also the Coriolis solar force. The side of the Earth located at dawn, as a result of the axial rotation of the Earth, approaches the Sun at a speed of 1600 km/h, and the side of the Earth located at sunset moves away from the Sun at a speed of 1600 km/h. due to which the Solar Coriolis force stretches the Earth along the Earth’s orbit, and as a result, the geological activity of planets and satellites increases. (Rotating planets heat up, like a flat tire on a car.) The high geological activity of Jupiter's moon Io can be explained by the fact that the axial and orbital velocity of Io is 15 times greater than that of the Moon. Io's orbital speed is 17 km / s, and the Moon's orbital speed is 1 km / s. Io's axial velocity is 1 revolution per 42 hours, and the moon's axial velocity is 1 revolution per month. The distance from Jupiter to Io, the surface temperature and diameter of Io are the same as those of the Moon. Geologically active are also Earth, Jupiter, Ceres, Enceladus, etc. The geological activity of Venus and Mercury, due to the slow rotation, is extremely low. https://images.app.goo.gl/EC2iXou7XDLBWMB66 If Io gets closer to Jupiter, then the axial and orbital velocity of Io will increase, due to which the Solar Coriolis force can tear Io into numerous pieces, which will then be located along Io's orbit, forming a ring. Perhaps the Shoemaker Comet, Levi 9, was torn apart by the Solar Coriolis effect as it approached Jupiter at perihelion. At the time of the comet's rupture, the distance from Jupiter to the comet reached about 40,000 km, and the orbital speed was 60 km / s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_Shoemaker%E2%80%93Levy_9 The coefficient of geological activity of planets depends on the diameter, axial and orbital speed of the planets. The video shows how the Coriolis solar force is pulling the Earth and the Moon's orbit along the Earth's orbit. https://youtu.be/AjnA-5WFlgw?si=Ns0Opg18dlIUmRHU Continuation: Forum of Akademgorodok Novosibirsk. The science. https://forum.academ.club/index.php?showtopic=1235578 Forums of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky. http://forum.unn.ru/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=10331
  11. Причиной землетрясений является взрыв водяных газов. Сообщество российских ученых. https://vk.com/rosuch В геологически активных зонах земли располагаются глубинные разломы земной коры, в которые скапливается вода. http://www.crust.irk.ru/spp2/pages/maps.htm Под действием давления, температуры и времени происходит процесс дегазации воды. https://clck.ru/34zziH https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_oxygen В разломах размером с Байкал легкие газы скапливаются вверху разломов, а тяжелые внизу. https://clck.ru/34yQpG https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Озеро_Байкал И как только соотношение газа и кислорода в одной из частей вертикальных разломов приближается - 1:10, происходит взрыв и волны от очага землетрясения разлетаются в разные стороны. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Каньон После взрыва от очага землетрясения расходятся разломы, в которые устремляется горючая смесь. Землетрясение начинается с форшока, с небольшого взрыва, из-за которого газ и кислород смешиваются. Форшоки также являются катализатором и предвестником крупных сейсмических событий. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreshock При разломах взрывается не вся горючая смесь, а только та часть, которая достигла нужной пропорции. Продолжительность землетрясений и количество подземных взрывов зависят от количества горючей смеси в эпицентральной области. Воспламенение горючей смеси происходит в результате сжатия горючей смеси, контакта магмы с горючей смесью или от электрического разряда. Температура самовоспламенения газов около 500°С. https://www.ngpedia.ru/id659214p1.html Представленную гипотезу легко проверить, взорвав петарду подо льдом. https://youtu.be/zFdF6-qaPSA https://youtu.be/UDLobrro2Ao https://youtu.be/U7pNie2403A 1. В образовавшихся разломах происходит разрежение, из-за чего разломы подсасывают воздух и затем закрываются . 2. После сейсмических событий разломы заполняются магмой, за счет чего формируется один из типов складчатых гор. 3. Стенки разломов имеют высоту более километра и ширину несколько десятков километров. и протяженностью в несколько сотен километров, из-за воздействия давления и температуры они становятся прочнее. https://clck.ru/34pyLR 4. Возможно, некоторые вертикальные разломы связаны между собой. 5. Возможно, тектонические озера, каньоны и реки образовались из вертикальных разломов. https://bigenc.ru/c/tektonicheskie-oziora-f68d86 6. Я считаю, что минералы образуются в вертикальных и горизонтальных разломах под воздействием температуры, давления и времени. 7. В недрах земли могут образовываться и другие горючие смеси.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxyhydrogen 8. Между магмой и земной корой на обратной стороне земной коры могут образовываться овраги, в которых скапливаются магматические газы в результате дегазации магмы. https://www.ngpedia.ru/id659214p1.html И как только соотношение газов приближается - 1:10, происходит взрыв и волны от источника взрыва разлетаются в разные стороны. После взрыва от очага сейсмических событий расходятся разломы, в которые устремляется горючая смесь. Амплитуда сейсмической волны может быть определена по следующей формуле: A = м/ч. Где m – масса горючей смеси. h - толщина горючей смеси. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seismic_wave В эпицентральной области происходят преимущественно вертикальные колебания земной коры с амплитудой более метра, а волны с амплитудой около метра расходятся от эпицентральная область. 1. Перед землетрясением часть животных покидает зону активного разлома. Думаю, животных тревожит запах газа, выходящего из трещин. https://clck.ru/34raLX 2. Газосодержание над эпицентральной областью можно определить с помощью газовой ловушки с лакмусовой бумажкой. Лакмусовую бумажку можно размещать в подвалах, которые находятся на линии разлома. https://m.fishki.net/3822287-kak-zhivotn … 3. Концентрацию газов в разломах можно определить с помощью скважин. 4. Землетрясение можно вызвать искусственно, пробурив скважину в свежих разломах. https://clck.ru/34pyLR 5. В отдельных сегментах разлома происходят локальные взрывы, форшоки и афтершоки, которые повышают давление и температуру в разломах, вызывая грохот, сотрясение и вспучивание земной коры. 6. Возможно, причиной аномальных явлений в атмосфере при сейсмических событиях является выброс в атмосферу горючей смеси. 7. Китайские ученые начали бурение скважины глубиной 10 000 метров. https://clck.ru/34zvXo Образование планет сопровождается образованием трещин. Одной из трещин является Срединно-Атлантический хребет, который находится в Атлантическом океане и расходится со скоростью от 0 до 3 мм в год. Причиной расхождения хребта являются извержения вулканов и землетрясения, происходящие в стыке трещины, в результате чего размеры хребта увеличиваются как в ширину, так и в высоту. В хребтах вследствие сейсмических событий образуются вертикальные и горизонтальные разломы, из-за которых трещина расширяется на миллиметры, гребень на сантиметры и эпицентральная область на метры. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seafloor_spreading Газы движутся по разломам, которые тянутся от горных систем к морям и океанам, в результате чего образуются морские землетрясения, и в результате горные системы атакуют океан. Горные системы образовались сотни миллионов лет назад, уже после образования земной коры, когда земная кора под горными системами была значительно тоньше. Чем выше росли горные системы, тем больше они провисали. Сдвиги, изгибы, провалы горных систем являются следствием неравномерного роста и проседания горных систем. По трещинам образуются три типа гор: а) Горизонтально-складчатые горы, образовавшиеся вследствие многочисленных извержений лавы на поверхность Земли. б) Вертикальные складчатые горы образуются после сейсмических событий, когда вертикальные разломы заполняются магмой. в) Глыбовые горы образуются при обрушении и разрастании складчатых гор за счет взрывов в вертикальных и горизонтальных разломах. https://shkola.obozrevatel.com/news/goryi-kakie-est-vidyi-i-kak-oni-obrazuyutsya.htm Из-за разломов уменьшается плотность и, как следствие, увеличивается плавучесть земной коры. а) Высота континента над уровнем магмы зависит от плотности континентальной коры. б) Чем больше разломов и пустот в горных системах, тем выше горные системы. https://habr.com/ru/post/369749/ Землетрясения и извержения вулканов - явления природы, роль которых - усиление трещин в земной коре. А горные системы — это заплатки на трещинах планет. Ежегодно на континентах регистрируется более миллиона землетрясений, благодаря которым увеличивается прочность и плавучесть земной коры. Продолжение: Академгородок Форум Новосибирск. Наука. https://forum.academ.club/index.php?showtopic=1235578 Форумы Нижегородского государственного университета. Н. И. Лобачевский. http://forum.unn.ru/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=10331 Моя страница ВКонтакте https://vk.com/id383138048
  12. A similar pattern of abnormally high tides is observed in all the bays into which rivers flow.
  13. Thanks for the advice! All corrected.
  14. We have two possible answers. 1. For a day, the force of gravity increased three times. 2. During the day, the rotation speed of the rotation has increased three times. Record high tide in the Bay of Fundy - 21.6 meters - occurred only once in the entire history of observations, on the night of 4 to 5 October in 1869 under the influence of the cyclone "Saxby Gale". On the night of October 4-5, in 1869, under the influence of the Saxby Gale cyclone, a record rainfall fell over the basins of rivers flowing into the Bay of Fundy (300 mm in one day), due to which waters from the Bay of Fundy poured into the Bay of Maine and increased three times the speed of rotation of the cycle in the Gulf of Maine. -------------------------------------------------- ---- The real-time animation shows how the waters flowing from the Bay of Fundy to the Bay of Man form a gyre, which precession reflects the tidal wave in the direction of the Bay of Fundy. During the flood of the rivers flowing into the Bay of Fundy, the current speed in the north of the Gulf of Maine rises to 20 km / hour, as a result of which the height of the tides reaches 18 meters. https://earth.nullschool.net/?fbclid=IwAR3fDQD_uF0xgVpETpxVzbrv2xxgzOR0UfAKIEFDHAKoC2jzE-Mpu1lIWMs#current/ocean/surface/currents/equirectangular=-65.27,44.29,3000/loc=-66.405,44.310 https://images.app.goo.gl/hAE4F7kyMQ1mhcAF9 Mezen Bay White Sea tide height reaches 10 m. https://earth.nullschool.net/?fbclid=IwAR245zpmdxn7SmOQdJ7qF9HhRn-54AYSZIChWmA6-0A2rXyJ9y2UivmtlZA#current/ocean/surface/currents/equirectangular=42.30,67.95,3000/loc=44.019,65.946 Tides - table. http://www.prilivy.com
  15. Today in the Bay of Fundy the amplitude of the tides can be 6 meters, and tomorrow 18 meters. What is the reason for such a sharp jump?
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