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Everything posted by June

  1. Sorry, this probably seems like a stupid question, but could someone explain the sleep cycle thing to me? (Would it effect how rested or not rested you feel after any amount of time spent sleeping, if you wake up at the wrong time in the cycle?) Thanks.
  2. I think that children should be free to learn what ever they want in what ever way they want, when they want and how they want. If left to their own devices they will find ways to approach and learn the things that they deem important. I think that if any kind of learning is pushed upon them, it can result in the development of an aversion to the subject, and a stunt in natural curiosity and eagerness to learn. Now, in this age of media and technology, an abundance of information is, if not at our finger tips, in our face. If we are going to make a point of teaching anything, I think that critical thinking and the ability to filter through all the information coming towards us and find what is true and important, are the skills that need to be taught, in the place of actual 'science'.
  3. I guess I should be expecting people coming up to the door and being like: "So...You're a masochist, eh?" LOL. I know. I can't see how sex became something to consider 'bad' in any way. I think that we can't ever be liberated enough in all ways though. But it seems like we are always trying and in trying becoming more accepting of each other and our selves... Still, and always a work in progress though... *sigh* Even though I came in and was like: "Hey! I'm here and here's my problem that has nothing to do with psychology, let alone science." I'm interested in the original subject as well... Well, 'cause I am this way, and am realizing that psychology, of any kind, seems really fascinating...
  4. Wow! Yeah! 5,854?! Is that really how many times this thread has been viewed?? It's up there... Crazy! Now my deepest darkest secret is spread across the world! LOL However. It is about sex. Which is a very universal topic on all levels. (Physically, mentally, instinctually etc.) We wouldn't exist without it. Sometimes I can get frusterated with how sex obsessed everything seems. But on the other, not only is it natural, but it seems particularly necessary now in a time when we are still only just coming out of sexual opression of all kinds. It puzzles me though... You would think that the farther back in history you go the closer to our roots as living beings we would have been, and so we would not have developed the need to opress something so basic and inherant to life... as sex. And other things too. Very weird paralels and juxtapositions of getting more and more screwed up and more and more unscrewing up, it seems... But I guess this is the constant chaos that we throw our selves into in order to stay alive. And we are alive still and are not going extinct yet, so maybe we do have something to owe to how messed up we can be... as well as how AWSOME! we can be. Yay! celibrate humanity for all it's (perhaps needed)faults! It's not something I do very often. (Kay, was that about as off topic of "The Psychology of Bondage and Masochism" as I could get??)
  5. Well, by nature I'm a person who never takes risks. And I've always lived a very free life style (my parents raised me more freely than I've ever seen anyone else raised. And I've been to democratic schools, etc.) and I enjoy it very much. In fact I proably have more control over my own life than a vast vast majority of people... In other words I'm sure I'm not into 24/7. Yeah, trust. For sure... In any kinda relationship, actually. Thanks, again for responding because I'm right now and it actually means alot to me... Any way. I'll shut up now, because I'm sure that a science forum is a less than ideal place to discuss one's sexuality... Speaking of it being a science forum, even though I only joined to respond to this, it seems interesting...
  6. I over use ... and am a bad speller!

  7. HI I'm June. I kinda stumbled across this site accidentally... and joined to respond to something specific... But it seems interesting and I'm into staying!! I find sience very interesting, but I don't personally have a scientific mind... so it's something I can respect and admire very much! (So, most of the people here, I respect and admire you!) I'm into many art forms. I write LIGHT SF. (Which is where the science comes in, I suppose.) I'm most specifically interested in Theoretical Physics. I over use ... and am a bad speller.
  8. Thanx for replying to my long post all about me. I realize that you don't have to be into the life style to be into it. I think that I just need to come to terms with how I view my self now that I know how society views it, and how that aspect of me fits into the rest etc... (i.e. I'm over philosophizing.) The desire to feel danger with no real danger involved? But than I wonder how you would explain getting turned on by it instead of just liking it... People don't get turned on by roller coasters but they still like them...
  9. This is speaking to the idea that you are a masochist because of what you were exposed to as a child. (I would qoute you, A Childs Mind, but I just joined this to respond, and I'm a ludite so I won't try to figure it out...) This makes total sence, and I bet that it is true for a lot of people, but I just realized that I am a masochist the other day, and it's not seeming true for me... I have been sexually excited by the thought of pain ever since I can remember, (since I was very young) and am still young(?) and haven't had sex (or even kissed anyone...) so it's very clear that it is my inherant fetish (?), but there is nothing in my childhood that points to the possibility of this being because of anything... I was never abused or anything and had a really really ideal childhood with not even the trace of violence. (Except for in stories that I liked) So I really don't know where it's coming from... I'm comfortable (too comfortable) with the idea of being a masochist, but not everything else around it... and the fact that I can't tell where it comes from... (I'll continue to write even though I'm sure there's nothing more directly relevant to the thread... So don't feel obliged to read on.) I'm a perfectly avarage person other wise, and am kinda scared by the fact that being raised like I was could possibly produce a person like me... I think BDSM is totally fine and everything...(Actually, it's good that I could find stuff on it because otherwise I probably would have continued to live with the thought that I am just sick, and that's all there is to it, in the back of my head... but now I am aware that it's a sexual orientation, or some people consider it to be.) It just scares me a little to think that at this point, with out having ever been in a relationship (I'm not very "grown-up" in these areas...) that I might not have a chance at an avarage relationship... Just a BDSM one... And I kinda see a split life problem coming up too... All of the people that I care about are perfectly avarage people who I sort-of, in a way, wouldn't want to have to have anything to do with me if I get into BDSM (and that's sorta seeming like the only option...) And BDSM seems to contradict almost every other aspect of my life too... I go to poetry slams for god's sake! And listen to people perform beautiful poetry about love(...mind you there was that piece that that person did about loving period sex... but what ever.)...not that BDSM can't be beautiful, I suppose, but the conitation of it... Any way. Since it seems like BDSM folk are here, it'd be much appreciated if you could tell me of your experience in BDSM and it's relation to other aspects of your life or getting into BDSM or realizing that your a masochist(sadist) or what ever... Yes, yes I know this has nothing to do with the thread...
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