Thank you for putting the chemical formula in its correct form. I am looking to experiment with staving off mold on things we store in our basement with the final product, that being stable AgNP, for which I know silver nanoparticles are quite effective. I could, quite simply, get PVP (polyvinyl pyrrolidone) coated AgNP, being that PVP has shown to be very effective for stabilizing AgNP and also acts as a good dispersant, with many experiments showing the effectiveness of PVP capped AgNP, however PVP is derived from petroleum, which I am not looking to work with. The experiment that was carried out that I am looking to reproduce used [Ag(NH3)2] to mix with a particular vegetable extract, which eventually synthesized stable AgNP. I have everything I need to go forward with this experiment, except what amounts I need of the reagents.