Okay, you say the answer is no, but how can you be so sure? The research seems to point in the other direction.
I discovered the idea initially from Gary Weber, but like you, I was skeptical. I wanted to do more research and ask the experts. That's my reason for posting.
(begin at 20:17 for his talk on default network, and 24:23 where he introduces the three networks).
The Default Mode Network (DMN) seems to be a prominent idea as there's extensive information listed on Wikipedia.
There seems to be a lot of information provided for its existence, however the criticism listed in the final section confirms that the idea is not yet universally accepted. For what reason, I'm not sure. But just because something isn't "universally accepted" doesn't mean science hasn't found evidence of its existence.
Additionally, this article from NCBI mentions the Task Network as the "second major network" of the brain. This seems pretty offish.
That being said, I'm not finding much of anything for the "Control Network", the third network of the brain as Gary cites in his video. Perhaps there's no evidence for it yet.
Any new thoughts on the above?
Thanks again for jumping in!