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  1. Hello, I know, that I have asked you guys before a question regarding my carrer and you haven't heard from me since, but I just had to evaluate all my options, but I really appreciated your opinion and I chose a few prospects based on your opinion, that I will just have to try myself in in order to determine whether I fit this field or not. Anyway, I'm coming with more direct question now as I'm struggling with writing my first own work, that has to be ~40 A4 pages. So far I got 34 pages and I just need some info on the last chapter as I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm interested in cellular response in plants, particularly: transcription-independent cellular response and inhibitory(cell to cell contact). My work is about interceullar signaling and as I have found most information I need, including transcription-dependent and permissive response, but I can't seem to get anything on the rest. I just need something like what book I can find it in or even some short article, anything that will help me shade some light on this issue. Thanks a lot, Best, Ted.
  2. Hello, I have previously posted here asking for an advice about pursuing career in bioinformatics. I decided to not go into this direction and I have weird, but interesting option on my mind. Youth is a beautiful things, all those ideas and paths crossing my mind and I'm truly lost in what I want to go for, although I want to focus on development of myself and do what I will enjoy in life. I'm new here although I was following this forum for a while. I'm currently about to finish my second year at the university in Poland. I'm going to grab Bachelor title in Biotechnology next year. I have done a lot of research recently on job prospects in Biotechnology and it's such an wide area that to be honest I'm just lost. I would like to work location independent - I know that basically nothing will grant me an ability to work from home in Biotechnology industry. I really like biotechnology and I would love to pursue an career, but more than that I would like to travel and have a particular set of skills that I can use anywhere in the world wherever I want. IT is the best example, but I know that it's basically impossible to work like this in this industry, even though I know there must be something, some niche that would allow me work like this. As for the moment I'm earning over 1,000$ USD monthly as a freelancer while studying at the university, doing a lot of various jobs and if I wanted I could just drop out of uni and live above average in Poland and in most of "poorer" countries, but the income is not stable. I've been building a network of contractors for a year, but the jobs may end any moment and looking for a new one is really painful and long process, especially as I'm not an qualified expert at anything I do. I just got experience in those things working hard and figuring things on my own, therefore I want to continue studying Biotechnology to become an expert at something and have a stability in life that everyone so eagerly pursue. Getting a job allowing to work remotely is not an option in this industry - I have already realized it, but there must be something allowing you to for example: Go to country A for a few months to do a job, then travel to country B for a few months and so on. I've been looking for something like this for a while already, but from what I have found Biotechnology is all about pursuing an higher position, getting hired at one company and doing your job, improving, getting more educated, getting reputation at the certain company and working for the same company at the same place for the of your life. Obviously I can quit my job and look for another in other country, but as long as I'm not top 5% or less at what I do process of getting hired and finding a good job will be really troublesome, resulting in pay cuts and building "yourself" from the scratch in the other company. Work that I could do in IT is something that I really desire. To be an independent contractor and I would like to pursue at least something slightly similar in biotech. I know it may seem a bit like a troll post, but I would love to hear from you guys that have a lot bigger experience in Biotechnology to tell me if it's possible. Best regards, Krystian.
  3. Hello, I'm currently studying biotechnology and I'm going for bachelor next year, but to be honest I totally don't see my future in here. I would like to try bioinformatics, some data analysing, science world with computers. I'm going to sign up for some post-diploma 2 years bioinformatics course after I graduate biotechnology, but maybe somebody knows any good beginner bioinformatics course online that I could start educating from now and slowly make my steps in this direction? Thanks for help.
  4. Hello, I've just registered here, although I have been reading this forum for a while. I find myself currently in the "what-to-do-with-my-life" crisis. I really can't think of any options. I'm finishing 3rd semester of biotechnology now in university in Poland and I feel like it's all going into nowhere - I'm basically just expanding my high school knowledge about science. I keep learning loads of theoretical stuff, basically all that I had in high-school with just a "bit" more from every subject, there is no much laboratory practical works and I feel like I keep studying, studying just to pass another test/exam then forget it, take a weekend break and over and over again study for another test and so on. It's like I'm not going anywhere. I learn everything and yet I don't know nothing and can't do anything. The thing is, I won't learn anything this way. I already feel like I've wasted 1,5 years of learning stuff that I will just keep forget and I can't put it to any use. I want more direct approach - I want to focus on some area that I like and study it, study it more. I'm still on my bachelor course, so that is probably a reason why I'm not learning anything particular, just a bit of 'everything'. If I decide for an PhD after that I will probably focus more on a certain field, but still... I'm pretty sure that's not enough, besides after I've read about some of the prospects after finishing biotechnology I think I would like to get into IT side of it - like bioinformatics. I know there are 3 years bachelor course and 2 years phd course of bioinformatics in my city, but I don't want to start over again and let those 1,5 years go totally to waste to try it there. And I'm pretty sure first 3 years will look pretty much like my current course of general biotechnology - a bit of everything with only difference being much more pressured into informatics and maths. I was kind of IT freak when I was like 12 years old. I used to learn html/css, was reading hacks and exploits forum, having fun with photoshop, helping to install gta for school mates, using linux. I've really enjoyed it, but then I decided I'm bad at maths so I focused on biology and chemistry and that's how it went. Now that I'm older (turning 21 years old this year), I really feel it was an mistake. But, going back to the topic. I thought of maybe finishing my current general biotechnology course and getting bachelor title and then trying my way into something connected with informatics, something that connects biotechnology and IT and try to specialize at it, learn it, study it hard and focus on it so I can become good at it. I feel like I've definitely gathered enough general knowledge and now I want to focus on a certain direction. The thing is, I can't think of anything that I can do. I can't start bioinformatics on university - it will be just waste of 3 years spent at general biotechnology and probably first 3 years will be pretty much a waste too, just studying same theoretical stuff from exam to exam. I can't find any course that I can do after my bachelor to connect IT and biotech except bioinformatics in my country, but that's a not a big issue I guess. I was preparing myself for living abroad anyway as biotech in Poland is not really much developed and too many students finishes this course, so getting a job without 'connections' is pretty much impossible. So is there anything that I can go and study after getting biotechnology bachelor title related with IT to study and focus on becoming a specialist in a certain area? Maybe becoming bioinformatician, but without starting it at university again with the basics all over again? I'm really desperate to start doing something that I know will be useful for me and to find a 'path' of what to do in the future. Like I said, going abroad is not an issue. I can travel within Europe and even go to USA. I have some money spent from my part-time jobs and I'm pretty sure my parents would help me with a start if I gave them a good reason. I know it's an important time for me and I want to at least once make a good decision about my future. I'm also sorry for such a long post, I hope somebody will read it though and maybe point me to some direction or give me some ideas. Best regards, Krystian.
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