why nobody sees it? light speed without space is just time space - is dark matter, wrong name, should be dark void space/time = speed (SPACE DIVIDED BY PHOTONS-TIME = speed of light) dark void is space, it`s expands (expands by light and matter) and shrinks - trying to get rid of photons and matter dark void fluctuation is gravity why no anti-gravity? because matter tries to turn in photons in this process matter tries to create abs void which again tries to pull together - that`s why no anti-gravity dark energy is photon sphere inside abs dark body - never seen, best example - event horizon of black hole inside of black hole is dark void, this is why black holes are shrinking, and evaporating, nobody seen them, just their event horizons - accretion disk - photon sphere inside abs dark body Casimir effect can be explained by this, two mirrors (photon sphere) + matter try to pull together on small distance LIGO can be explained by this why gravity is 1/space^2 and light isn`t, just changes it wave length? because wave length is function of density or clearity of dark void, to speed up it travels to void, to slow down it travels inside matter, that`s why Refraction and Cherenkov effect