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  1. Thanks for clearning it up DrP. This is so baffling. What could have been on the paper that sticks to cardamom and I cant see? I brought the paper home and did the same thing, but didnt work - obviously!
  2. Thanks DrP. The guy claimed himself to be a priest with powers. I'm perplexed because all items were mine except the paper on which I spread the cardamons. He had not touched anything in the entire process except just laying the paper down in front of me. It happened within 1 foot of distance from me. I'm baffled.
  3. Hi forum, I saw something mysterious today. The person spread some cardamons on a white paper. The cardamoms were seal packed from the shop. Then transferred them into an empty jar. I took a mouthful of fresh tap water and kept in the mouth for a minute or 2. Then spit all of it in the jar, immediately closed the lid of the jar and shaked it. This caused a combustion in the jar. I am perplexed. The only thing from the person was the white paper on which the cardamons were spread. Rest of the items were mine. I am really perplexed. Could there be something on the paper that stuck to the cardamoms, then due to the water being warm in my mouth, it combusted? Really looking for answers. Thank you.
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