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Everything posted by mistermack

  1. I'm really not the man to answer, I think you can tell by now I'm not a physicist. My OP was just me musing. However, from that perspective, if no energy moved in your body, would you age or stay exactly the same? If no energy moved in a pendulum system, would the clock show any time? If a photon didn't move, the speed of light would be zero. That could only happen if time didn't happen. As far as my imagination takes me, if no energy moved in the universe, there would be no time expended. (unless you were looking in from another universe) But the four dimensions of space and time, are they sufficient to define an event ? We bring in mass and momentum and energy to fill in the picture, but don't they boil down to energy in motion?
  2. The focal point of a hemisphere would be halfway towards the centre so it wouldn't be a lot of use on the Earth. It could be used to generate power in space, but the equipment would have to be inside the balloon, which might get a bit hot. To focus on a spot on Earth from orbit, the mirror would have to be almost perfectly flat. The radius of curvature would have to be twice the altitude of the orbit.
  3. Depends on the size of the 'point'. And the quality of the mirror. And the orbit. I remember seeing the space station one night, and it passed over pretty quickly, so at that orbit, you would need some pretty clever positioning to keep the beam on one point. And the space station was TINY, even at that low orbit. So a mile wide mirror isn't going to look very big from Earth at that altitude. But with pretty phenomenal accuracy, you could theoretically station a mirror far enough away for it to orbit slowly, and be used as some kind of weapon. The cost would be astronomic though, and would be wasted just doing environmental damage. Maybe it could be used against other satellites, especially those in a similar orbit.
  4. Septic tanks are usually placed away from wells, but if contamination occurs, that's faulty siting. But the ground can filter out that kind of thing in the right circumstances, whereas it can't filter out salt. Where salt deposits are undisturbed, it might be that it doesn't dissolve quick enough to noticeably affect ground water. Salt dissolves quick in powder form, but it might be slow in rock form.
  5. But energy isn't a function of just the 3 dimensions of space. You can't describe energy just with the 3 spatial dimensions and time. But energy, in motion in the 3 dimensions, causes time, and pretty much covers everything that exists.
  6. Oak Eggar ?? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lasiocampa_quercus
  7. Seawater has a lot of living things in it, it would need some pretty good filtering before you could use it for plumbing. It's also more corrosive than fresh water, so your plumbing would have to be of resistant materials. And if the water or sewage system sprang a leak, then the salt water would contaminate the ground water. For that reason too, your treatment plant would need to discharge directly into the sea, you couldn't use a river. It would probably be impractical. Some ships have used seawater in the past, for toilets and fire extinguishing. It needs a lot of flushing to get rid of microscopic shelled creatures, that die if they come into contact with fresh water. Most cruise ships and ferries, I believe, use fresh water, and store up the waste and discharge it to land treatement plants. Don't quote me on that, but it's what I've heard.
  8. Michael1991 , you respond as if I'm a bit thick, but even though that's true, the problem was made by you. Your OP was far too long and wordy, and consequently, people will skim it to try and get the essence of it, so don't blame others for not immediately getting what you are getting at. If you had produced a more compact summary, that wouldn't happen. I am aware of the entangled pair phenomenon, although very much not expert in it's intricate details. However, your proposition doesn't explain how those entangled paired particles end up in the same human being. They could end up anywhere in the universe. The matter in my brain will be from a totally different source to the matter in my foot. While my body might contain particles that have entangled pairs, the chances of one of them being in my body are absolutely tiny. And yet you seem to be talking as if every particle in my body has it's entangled pair somewhere else in my body. What possible process could make that happen?
  9. You seem to be confusing awareness and existence. Each part of me can exist, without me having to be aware of it. I'm hardly ever aware of the hairs on my back, but they still exist. So why do you suppose that awareness of EVERYTHING is necessary for consciousness? I haven't even thought of those back-hairs till just now. But I'm still conscious. I'm unaware of the folds in my brain, but it's still working well enough to write this post. No faster-than-light phenomena involved here.
  10. Well the history of the Universe is the real event, and you have to make arbitrary cut-off points, in time and space, to isolate the part of that event that you are interested in. Pressure and temperature are the result in the change in location of e over time. Volume is just the 3 dimensions of space, and mass is e/C² so nothing new is needed there.
  11. I responded to your written submission by quoting your actual words and responding to them with specific argument. You've just replied with hysterical rubbish. Is that how "serious thinkers" operate? Not in my experience.
  12. You're massively overstating your case. "Cannot" implies that it's impossible. That has not been established, nor is it even a consensus. Change "cannot" to "cannot yet" and it's a more truthful statement, but your whole case collapses like a pack of cards.
  13. There are three dimensions of space. Four dimensions of space time. Isn't the fifth dimension e (as in E=MC²) ? There seems to be five properties of an event, not four. Space time without the involvement of energy doesn't do anything. It might as well not exist. And does time actually exist, without changes in the location of energy? So energy is more of a dimension than time. So I'm proposing that events occur in five dimensions. Whether you could work out a system of maths for that is beyond me though.
  14. No it doesn't. It remains to be fully explained. That doesn't make it a mystery. We have the mechanisms but the finer points and complicated interactions are not fully nailed down, and might never be, because they ARE complicated. Not because of some missing element. Complicated things take a lot of time and effort to analyse. Very often it's not worth the money or effort. That's not a fundamental mystery, it's just a fact of life. Why shouldn't it? What's to explain? Your OP comes across just an immense word salade, with throw-away questions like the above, that don't seem to have any real meaning. Explain in ordinary words why an ordinary biological brain could NOT be conscious, without the acres of spiel.
  15. The secret with flipping pancakes is good non-stick, and a gentle upward curve, on the outside edge of the pan. You have to give the pan a very sudden side to side shake, before flipping, to break the sticky, if the non-stick is less than perfect. Just a tiny amount from side to side, but very sudden. Then start the flip with the pancake sliding forwards, followed by the flip. On the mix, you need it wet enough to pour easily, but no wetter. Best served with lemon squeeze and sprinkled sugar to taste. Or with lemon marmalade. My favourite.
  16. I agree with Sensei. The important bit is to hold off flipping for at least 3 minutes. It allows the cooking to bind one side, before you try to turn it. If you start flipping early, you are turning it at the floppy stage.
  17. When you look at the animal kingdom, the bigger the brain, the higher the state of consciousness. Bit of a clue there. And a bang on the head leads to unconsciousness. Another clue. Brain scans show a difference when you are conscious, and unconscious. Another clue There are lots of other clues. Look at all of the clues, and it becomes perfectly obvious. Our souls make us conscious, and humans have the biggest souls.
  18. What argument?
  19. My own strongest reason for believing the Moon Landing happened are the fact that the Chinese, Russians, Iranians and North Koreans have never made any effort to disprove it, which you would think would be pretty easy to do. I'm sure that they would love to embarrass the US, and I can't think of any bigger embarrassment than being shown to have faked the Moon Landings.
  20. That's a tempting argument, but I'm not convinced. Secrets CAN be kept. Although you would think that they would have to leak out. Take the allies D day deception. That actually worked perfectly, even though thousands were involved. Obviously, it became common knowledge after D day, but there was no ban on disclosing it after the war. The biggest USA secret that has been sucessfully maintained in my opinion, was the Kennedy assassination. While I don't believe that there was more than one assassin involved, I totally believe that the fatal shot was an accidental discharge of an assault rifle by one of the guards, George Hickey, as he stood up in the following car and lookeded around for the shooter. The evidence is very very strong for that to have happened, but if it did, it means that that sequence has been covered up by the Secret Service and successive governments for nearly sixty years. And the Warren commission was a whitewash, a deception performed on the US public "for their own good". I don't totally dismiss the story of a fake Moon Landing. They COULD do it. But I would say that the chances of it having happened are about one in a thousand. Or even less. I haven't seen any GOOD evidence for it, most of it obviously belongs in the crazy box.
  21. That's a dangerous approach to take. Riots would become everyday affairs if the news got out. It does to Americans. That's why they have more guns than people. (including babies) That doesn't follow at all. Everyone was calling them off EXCEPT Donald Trump. That would be good. I don't think Biden will run. He has the perfect excuse not to (age) and it looks like he would lose anyway. Let his vice president or Mrs Obama have a shot.
  22. It's sort of stating the obvious, that if nothing moved, and therefore time stopped, then we would not age. That's happening right now. In zero time, I age zero seconds. That's not "stopping ageing". For time to be related to movement, you have to consider the movement of everything in the universe as your clock. And make the assumption that everything in the universe obeys the same physical rules, whether it's here, or ten billion light years from here. Basically, that spacetime behaves identically in every corner of the universe. That way, we can measure a time interval locally, and hence deduce that time across the universe has elapsed the same amount.
  23. I do too. You have to be a certain age to have lived through the periods of crazy inflation that we had in this country. It pervades and infects everything like a virus. Liz Truss's tax cutting agenda will just feed inflation, which is already starting to feed on itself. And increased public borrowing, at a time when we should be planning to pay for the billions that have been spent keeping things running during Covid, is just going the wrong way up a one-way street.
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