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  1. A new study by the researchers of Nevada silent spring institute found potential toxic compounds for cancer in the wrappers used for fast foods in U.S. Fast foods are the not recommended for healthy eating. It is known that they contain saturated fats but the new study throws light about the hidden dangers associated with fast foods. Restaurants use grease proof wrappers for packing fast foods. Now it is learned that toxic compounds present in the wrappers leach into the foods and can lead to cancers, lowers fertility and associated with many other health effects. Read the complete article here http://www.chaprama.com/2017/02/researchers-find-toxic-fluorinated-compounds-in-fast-food-packaging-that-cause-cancer-and-lower-fertility.html
  2. Scientists from CSIRO (Commonwealth scientific and Industrial Research organization), Australia have now found a way to convert the cooking oil into Graphene. The technique also reduces the cost involved in making the nanomaterial. Earlier researchers have succeeded in awakening the hidden superconductivity of graphene in its natural state. Read complete article here http://www.chaprama.com/2017/02/scientists-develop-technology-to-convert-cooking-oil-in-to-graphene.html
  3. Donald Trump's longtime personal doctor, Dr. Harold N. Bornstein has revealed that president takes a small dose of drug finasteride also known as Propecia used to treat male baldness. Along with this he also takes other drugs that include rosacea for a common skin problem and a statin to regulate cholesterol and lipids. advertising deleted article trimmed (copyright)
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