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  1. A theory of everything, and a mathematical formulation of a philosophy: Geometric Generalization of the Structure of Nature is reviewed and extended. The updated version of this elegant theory is presented on its new website: http://www.unitytheory.info The new website now includes an Introduction – Quick Overview page. The list of readers’ comments and other similar theories are also added. I would appreciate your comments on this paper. Regards, M. Erk Durgun
  2. Geometric Generalization is a conceptual theory, which generates Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. Derivation of Lorentz Transformation Equations from Geometric Generalization and a few verifiable predictions are also included. Looking forward to hearing your comments. M. Erk Durgun Geometric Generalization of the Structure of Nature: http://www.morfarch.com/gsn.html or http://www.geocities.com/erkdurgun/gsn.html
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