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Everything posted by m_ice

  1. Still i didnt understand anything, everyone say different thing. All what i wat to know is the reason of color and the electrods reaction. As i said im using aluminium, copper, and iron as electrods and salt as catalyst.. Plz also use chemical equations..
  2. All what i want is to find the amount of hydrogen produced (% of the test tube that filled up)... Is there an hydrogen electrode..sounds weird.. cuz i read in website this: "The bubbles from the hydrogen electrode were larger than the bubbles from the copper and aluminum." or maybe i have misunderstood the sentence...
  3. I didnt get the STP volume and what is the "gm"??
  4. i found this it might be helpful: number of hydrogen atom=6.24*10^18 e-/ coulomb * I * t t is in seconds
  5. Actually i found it, i used this equation to find the ampares in certain period of time: Columbus= Ampare * Seconds I want to know what reaction is taking place when i add salt to the water (what happens to oxygen, hydrongen, and NaCl)??
  6. By the way what is that unit "gm". And can anyone explain to me Faraday's law.. What is the difference/relation between Ampere and Volt? If use 9V can i know how many ampere is that?/
  7. i'm the rods that im using that is Aluminium, Copper, and Iron...and i found that iron is most effeciency one, anyone the reason why?? But what i want to know is the reaction effect with my results or it only effects the amount of oxygen, Cuz my aim is to find the amount of hydrogen. I think "ski_power" made a mistake in finding the amount of hydrogen, it should be H=W2-W1 cuz the answer must be postive number. Any way do u have any other easy way of calculating the amount of hydrogen. What actually happens when i used salt, does it Na and Cl seperate as hydrogen and oxygen, or it will participate?..
  8. I'm doing water electrolysis, i have got the appartus from the lab. I used electric adapter converts AC to DC and vise versa...What i realized the procces is too slow like it will take day to seperate hydrogen and oxygen, any reason why? So, i used salt as catalyist and the constant was 20 min. I have done 3 experiments to see the effects on effeciancy on electrolysis: using different rods, temprature of water, and voltage. I wanted to measure the amount of hydrogen that is in tube?? ANYONE KNOWS HOW.. And anyone knows any other reason why the color of water changes other than salt? what i think but im not sure, the rod is also taking reaction not only salt, if that true then that will effect my result, and i dont want that to happen...I NEED HELP in this what should i do???? THANX
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