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Dr. Casey

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Everything posted by Dr. Casey

  1. I played golf once upon a time... missed the ball the first forty or so times, then I got lucky and hit it about three feet (Then it was my friend's turn and he hit it about fifty yards on the first swing, damn him). So you can't be much worse than I am.
  2. Hmm... I see what you mean. (I could probably say more, but I'd rather let this topic die already, heh.) Correct on the first two. Not sure what percentile it's at, though.
  3. Doubtful. My GPA is still going to wind up between a 3.9 and a 4.0 for this year. (And yes, we always have to do our own work in the other five classes.)
  4. 6 meters, isn't it? I mean, if the stepladder is half a kilometer, and you stretch the rubber band 500 meters, you'd be stretching it far enough to eclipse the distance covered by the difference in length between the altitude and the diagonal measures of each vertex of the stepladder.
  5. Ours did, luckily. That's why everyone in the class except one person got a hundred even though we never pay attention to... well, anything in the class. Our response to a substitute when she asked us what exactly Ecology is was "Who knows?" But as everything you said is correct in the right class (Which there aren't very many of over here), I don't really have anything else to say. Well played, Dak, well played... the victor always wins.
  6. Hmm... alright. Take A and put it on top of B. Take x and square it. After squaring x, multiply A times B. The result (AB) goes into the d position, and x goes into the c position. Now repeat the process using the first problem, only insert the denominator resulting from the second question into the first number of the first problem. Now stick AB from the first problem into a, and x from the first problem into b.
  7. I'm in High School. We don't have complex anti-cheating doobries. =) And actual understanding of the material is required in only three of my six classes. The Ecology exam is open book.
  8. Well, I don't really have any mates, but there are some people I can ask for the answers. =P But yea, I just go for the questions I already know/know where to find and leave the hard ones for later, unless I just feel like having something to keep me busy. Oh, and it doesn't really matter how we word our answers. He just asks us to hold up the paper from our desks, and he says "That's good" and gives us a 100. We can show him an assignment from earlier in the year or an assignment from a different class. ^^ It's a very... interesting course. Yeah, well, I can bench-press 665 pounds*. If anyone has a problem with my cheating, I'll take them all on. * slight exaggeration
  9. A bit late, but thanks anyway. This isn't a strict course, in any case. I just copied the answers I didn't have off everyone else the next day. It's a practice we've all done since the beginning of the year; our teacher encourages it. I mean, school work doesn't really matter, anyway. The information isn't useful if you're not in that particular field, and I sharpen my brain enough in my spare time so as to not really benefit from this stuff. I just wanted to be the one with the answers this time. =P
  10. We have to do worksheets, and they're very poorly made. The questions and answers only have a vague connection with the material in the books. So... can you wonderful people help me out? 34. Clean up of contaminated soils is done by... a) washing it with detergent b) burning it c) injecting microorganisms into the soil to "eat" the organisms d) all of the above e) none of the above The first two sound ridiculous, and if it's none of those two it can't be D, so I'm leaning towards either E or C. Probably E since none of the other answers are E, but C sounds plausible enough. Not that I'd know since the book doesn't seem to answer this. 37. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the process of biomagnification? a) chemical contaminants b) low concentrations in the environment c) the food chain d) artificial selection or "survival of the fittest" e) serious consequences to predators I'm fairly certain it's B, but I'll ask anyway just to be safe. 39. True or False: A severe thunderstorm could release all the chemical wastes from a surface impoundment into the environment. I went ahead and put True because it sounds like the right answer, but the book doesn't say. :/ 41. True or False: Currently, the most practical alternative for dealing with wastes appears to be reclaim, recover, and recycle. I think it is. Am I mistaken? The book doesn't seem to say anything about it, but I think the complexity of the question implies that it's not something they made up. 44. True or False: It is thought that there is no correlation between bioaccumulation and resistance to disease in affected organisms. I put False, because of all those fishes dying and stuff. Of course, I'm not a Science expert to put it mildly, so just to make sure... 45. True or False: Biomagnification is the build-up of toxic organic compounds within the tissues of a single organism.[/b] Okay, I'm a bit confused on this one. Isn't bioaccumulation where something on the bottom of the food chain eats toxic wastes and then gets eaten by something higher on the food chain, and so the predator gets both the prey and the toxic wastes? I'm not sure whether to count that as a single organism or not, since the only animal likely to feel the affects is the one that's still alive and has eaten all the others... even if it's only in the belly of the first creature and... screw it, I'm probably just confusing you all. I went ahead and put False. 49. True or False: Technology now exists that makes it possible to purify contaminated water in aquifers. I would think so. It would be just lovely if the book bothered to answer this, but I can't find anything about it. I'm leaning towards it being true.
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