I'm not really sure what I want to study, career wise I want to become a scientist, doing research and publishing scientific articles, but in terms of what science I want to be performing I'm not certain of that.
Here is what I like and do not like with the scientific branches:
+ Can be used to explain how everything works.
+ Doesn't require a great deal of memorization, more about truly understanding the logic behind it.
+ Very logical and fun to learn.
+ Challenging in a reasonable way (not like having to memorize 200 pages).
- Not something I would major as since I simply want to use mathematics as a tool.
+ I like how it explains the physical world.
+ Interesting to learn about, e.g. great variety of physics such as particle physics, quantum mechanics etc... really diverse.
+ I have a moderately strong interest in physics.
- I'm weak with programming, not so creative.
- Can be a bit difficult at times.
+ Not so many choosing chemistry as a major, so I can literally pick any university teaching it in my country.
- I hate it.
- I have no interest in chemistry unless it is applied to biology.
Marine Biology
+ A subject easy to relate to, as you study things you see everyday (e.g. trees, plants, animals etc...).
+ Always been interested in marine lifeforms.
+ I have a strong interest in biology.
+ I might tolerate chemistry here since I like it when I apply other subjects. Like using maths in physics, feels the same here with chemistry.
- Few jobs, doesn't seem to be growing?
- Organic chemistry gave me a brain tumor. (I might learn to like it)
So what should I study?
Right now I'm divided between Marine Biology, physics and biology.
As a Marine Scientist I would like to specialise in marine biology and conduct research on how marine lifeforms live and function, from a biomolecular level.
As a Physicist I would like to understand how particle physics works. Also slightly interested in astronomy (not much because I literally can't "feel" it).
As a Biologist I would like to understand how lifeforms function, just like in marine biology, maybe a bit deeper into chemistry/biomolecular level here?
Any suggestions? Should I maybe even pick engineering in lets say, bioengineering?