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Everything posted by camperxyz

  1. Thanks for the response. I'm assuming everything else I stated in the thread is correct then? No panic/suffocation sensation?
  2. I want to know hypothetically, if a person was to buy two nitrogen tanks and then put it inside the trunk of his car, and then hop into the trunk and close it while leaving the nitrogen tanks on and staying in the trunk overnight, would this person die due to the nitrogen displacing the available oxygen in the trunk? And is it true that when someone inhales nitrogen, their body won't be able to tell the difference from oxygen which would mean the person wouldn't have any choking or suffocating sensation since the suffocating sensation is due to the build up of carbon dioxide in the body? Can the human body expel carbon dioxide if nitrogen is inhaled? Is this true? If the nitrogen displaces all the oxygen, would the person experience any choking/suffocating/panic sensation or would the person just fall asleep and die peacefully without knowing that they are suffocating? Just curious, your answers are appreciated.
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