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Everything posted by psikeyhackr

  1. "what are you telling people your IQ for then?" I did not say I advertised my IQ, only if someone else brings it up. Like here. "none of the ones i have taken have had anything that would require you to possess anything other than reasoning skills." Guess you haven't taken enough then. I had one that asked questions about Cleopatra. <I have a psych book from 1969 that says intelligence is what intelligence tests measure.> "blanket statement about psych experts not knowing what they are doing, zero facts, lots worth reading there..." Oh, that statement about what was in the psych book wasn't a fact. Just something I made up. I recall in English class I was taught not to use a word to define itself. The stupidity of that circular logic was obvious. Apparently the psych experts can't figure that out. They don't have to define intelligence they just have to claim they can measure it. "followed by the most idiotic thing that has ever been written..." You obviously haven't read much either. It is easy to find people complaining about American schools. Even the psych guys have found that understimulation is bad for mental development. "100 is the average... it should be expected that most people would be somewhere around that. those who dont get over 111 are NORMAL. they are not braindamaged. suggesting that they are shows arrogance, ignorance, and general lack of empathy with the rest of humanity." Normal blood preasure is GOOD. Normal intelligence is MEDIOCRE. Find some psych experts and ask them whether they would rather have an IQ of 100 or 130. What answer do you think you will get? The technology you are using will only get more complex. It does not care about empathy. I didn't say people with low IQ scores were inferior, I said the tests were garbage and the schools were garbage. You can reaad, RIGHT? Maybe I'm just mad because I didn't get into MIT. I applied and got an interview but didn't get in. Now that interviewer knew what arrogance was. Talking about entrants having parents who were lawyers and doctors, etc. Yeah there is classism in the tests and the schools too. psikeyhackr
  2. My psych book says 50% is in the 90 to 110 range but the IQ tests are a statistical delusion anyway. The technology we are using now presents a socio/economic problem already. This society operates on the maldistribution of information now. Whether this technology improves or worsens that distribution it will create social stresses. I was just looking at a website yeaterday talking about how out of date the schools are. I thought this site has debating in its heading. Are you saying you are reluctant to live up to the title. How can I properly respond if I don't even know what you are complaining about? psikeyhackr
  3. Of course you could just install Linux on your computer. Maybe that would give your boss a heart attack and you could get an upgrade on her too.
  4. Greetings and Salutations, This is my second post. I put 130-139 in the vote because all I ever tell people is over 130. I took the MENSA IQ test in the 80's and got in. But I do not consider IQ tests to be valid. Most have vocabulary questions. That is not a test of intelligence, it is a test of knowledge. I have a psych book from 1969 that says intelligence is what intelligence tests measure. Yeah, RIGHT! Trust the psych experts to tell us that they know what they are doing. I do suspect that anyone that can't score over 111 probably has brain damage. Most likely from our great educational system.
  5. Greetings and Salutations, I am a fossil. I watched the original Satr Trek in black and white. It looks so strange in color. One of my biggest curiosities now is: since we have these powerful computers and this global internet, what are we going to do with it? psikeyhackr
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