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Everything posted by Royston

  1. I had a dream a couple of nights ago that was so awesome and vivid I thought I'd share it with all of you. I dreamt I awoke in my bed, and found the largest of my snails (Sonic) had crawled next to me. It's shell was soft, and the tip of the shell was missing, so I rushed to the bathroom where the light was better to se what was wrong. For some reason I fathomed the snail was symbolic of life evolving from nothing...the spiral of the shell growing larger with the snail appearing as it branched out. As the tip was missing the snail was telling me I had access to alternate realities. I went back to bed, and woke again. I was half asleep and I tried to walk across my bedroom, I suddenly realised I had accessed another reality, and (as I usually do when I lucid dream) I started floating. I went to the door, and my house mate and his girlfriend were talking in the hallway (odd thing is they actually were when I awoke properly) I went past my other housemates bedroom, only to find another mate had moved in. I asked my housemates what was going on, and they explained that an alternate consciousness from another reality (which was me) was in my body, so I could break the laws of the reality I was currently occupying...hence the floating. I went back to my bedroom exhausted at this prospect, and fell asleep. I awoke again (not knowing if I was dreaming or actually awake) and crawled towards my door. I then found another friend had moved in, so I suddenly realised this was another reality. We went to the back garden to talk, and I looked up, and instead of birds, there were giant sea turtles flying around...flocks of them (this was no CGI looking affair) it looked absolutely awesome. I explained we had birds in my reality, and explained what they look like and the variety of birds there were. I once again retired back to my bedroom. I awoke again only to find my bedroom was completely different and I was sharing it with my present housemate, and yet another friend. I was exhausted and tried to tell them that I wasn't actually supposed to be here...they thought I was crazy. I asked them why we were sharing the same room. They told me in this reality there was bedroom tax, so people generally shared bedrooms to limit the cost. I told them about council tax, but they thought I was nuts, so I went back to sleep. I awoke again, and I was once again in my bedroom. I could walk fine this time, so it took me a few minutes to realise I was still dreaming. I went through my door, and I noticed in the distant window that the sleepy quiet road where I live, was replaced with a bleak industrial landscape...spotlights filled the sky, and it was approaching night. A few friends were in the back garden chatting. Barbed wire dressed the grey walls of our concrete yard (gone were the hedgerows, the trees and the lawn) and my friends were cowered in the corner smoking cigarettes. They explained they were illegal, and they were hiding from the black spheres that hovered above which were armed with cameras jutting out in all directions. Suddenly one of the black spheres glided over the garden, and in a few seconds a van pulled up and gunshots were fired...several men in navy blue boiler suits ran into the garden, and dragged myself and my friends away. I came to, in some high security facility. I was in a que, on a long corridor. I suddenly remembered what my housemate and his girlfriend had told me in the first reality. I rose above the crowd and flew down the corridor to a grill, high up on the left side. I prised the grill open and snuck inside. I found myself hovering above a vast room of lockers. Prisoners of the facilty were folding clothes and cleaning their boots. I noticed another window, and flew towards it. I came out into a courtyard, but the fences formed a dome over the whole facility...there was no way out. I noticed a hut attached to a corridor to my right, so I flew quickly down, and entered. I heard somebody behind me, so I whizzed down the corridor and found a door leading to a small room. A janitors uniform was hanging on the inside of the door...I went to put it on. Everything skewed into a point, like a three dimensional spiral, and I awoke. It took me a few seconds to realise I was actually awake. I dream quite a bit, but I've never had a dream that tied in so many aspects of myself, and which followed a narrative, with references to past events in the dream, and even a bit of mild humour thrown in...I didn't want it stop.
  2. Good point I really should of mentioned this, steroid creams do thin and wrinkle the skin, (as stated earlier) so it's essential to keep the skin lubricated. IIRC emollients such as E45 dilute steroid creams (please correct me if I'm wrong on this) which makes the effect of the steroid less severe.
  3. Royston


  4. Royston


  5. Royston


    I'm sure many of you will disagree, but I think pepperami's rock. In fact they're doing 3 for a quid at my local shop...anyway, I noticed on the side of the packet (a few weeks ago) that a pepperami contains 108% pork !?! As well as spices, pork fat and garlic powder. How can a pepperami contain 108% pork, should I get in contact with the manufacturer, and tell them this is impossible. EDIT: It's actually spelt peperami.
  6. Thanks for the response Aj47, I'll send a link to my mate.
  7. This question is on behalf of a friend. Why is it, when you close your eyes and press on your eye ball, after some time you get white blotches appear, but there are no visible light waves entering the pupil ?
  8. Cool, I was studying the decay of a lead nucleus to a bismuth nucleus...I guess I don't like having explanations laid out as gospel. I like to know why these interactions are happening, so alongside my degree (or at present my current study of beta decay) I can look at the interactions of Z and W bosons. Thanks again for the help.
  9. Thanks Gilded ! I'm yet to study the weak nuclear force (properly), but that's made it a lot clearer.
  10. I've just finished studying alpha decay, and found it quite simple...but beta decay is eluding me. How does a neutron change into a proton with the emission of an electron...it doesn't matter what the charge of the electron is beta minus or beta plus decay (obviously a positron with beta plus) but what is happening to the neutron to create a new element. I guess I'm missing something, but I thought photons only effected the position / speed et.c of electrons. Or does this decay have nothing to do with the absorption of photons ?
  11. Yeah I do like DJ shadow, admittedly I havn't listened to him for a while, ...actually hasn't it been a couple of years since he's released anything ? If you like your chill, Simon Posford has come under a few names (Hallucinogen is his most famous...that's psy-trance though), I'd recommend Dub Trees...Shpongle is a bit more hectic, but is a real pleasure to listen to. I'd also recommend Hallucinogen in Dub by OTT, and OTT's album Blumenkraft. Lush, epic sounding worldly dub psychadelic kinda affair. More down to earth chill, you should check out The Egg, and Boards of Canada...off the top of my head. EDIT: Almost forgot, have you heard of Amon Tobin...check out some of his stuff.
  12. I've always liked Tchaikovsky's 1st piano concerto in B flat minor, we cranked up Vivaldi's Spring the other day (when the sun was out), however it doesn't seem that fitting with the weather we're having at the moment. I really should listen to more classical music. I guess I'm more interested in new electronica, none of that pulpy club rubbish that you can churn out in a few hours...warp records or planet mu would be good examples of the style I like, I also really enjoy psychadelic chill out, such as OTT, Shulman and Schpongle (Simon Posford...which I can listen to again and again.)
  13. [attach]1327[/attach][attach]1328[/attach] Here I am playing music down my local...the smaller pic was when I was woken up, a few hours later on the same night IIRC. My hairs grown since these pics were taken.
  14. Neon Tetra (incredible track IMO) - Umberloid (Ott and Chris Barker) California Rolls - Tipper (I recommend Tipper to anybody, whether you're into electronic music or not.) Accelerator - Hybrid (Hybrid have written a lot of beautiful sounding music...the Russian philharmonic orchestra played in many of Hybrids tracks) 1979 and Mayonaise - Smashing Pumpkins Most of Radioheads stuff. I've just been listening to this guy called Prizzm, who writes very beautiful electronica. IMM, that Tiesto track, is that the one with the long orchestral intro, I havn't listened to that album in ages, so I can't remember. EDIT: Oh, and 'Angel of Death' by Slayer, a definite dim the lights ballad.
  15. I really do come up with some pitiful jokes when I'm drunk sometimes. Might have to add a disclaimer when I've got a night off study in future.
  16. Contrary to this, they've also discovered Orangutans (not sure about chimps) learn through imitation. In a national park in Borneo the Orangutans were found washing clothes, simply by mimicking other people. They've also learned to use a saw, and hit nails into wood using a hammer, albeit a little clumsy, but a definite similarity to humans. I'll try to find a link.
  17. Yeah, I noticed this to. I'm trying to think what would be the cause of such an (almost) universal trait. If it's not a gender thing, or a reaction asserting dominance, maybe it's something incredibly simple, such as noting you're aware of the other persons presence, and nothing more. Or, it could be a number of reasons, and 'sniffing' is the most subtle reaction we have at our disposal that's more socially exceptable than twitching, yawning or any other nervous reaction. Louise, LOL, I yawned half way through reading your thread. Needless to say, there was nothing boring in what you proposed.
  18. Oi jugs ! Fancy a sh*g ! (heard that while queing at a night club.) translates to... My dear, I have never gazed upon such fine mammaries in all my days, let us celebrate this triumph of womanhood with a fine wine, and an evening of unbridled hedonistic pleasure in my luxurious penthouse apartment.
  19. I say old chap, it appears we're out of bubbly...be a sport and fetch a corpse from the basement, there's a good fellow.
  20. Slight discrepancy there...still the machine certainly looks 'state of the art' if nothing else. I'd definetly opt for 'wood' as a material, if I were to build a device that would defy the laws of physics.
  21. Apparently the original ashes were dropped on the floor, I can't remember what ashes they used as a substitute, I guess more wickets. As Phi for All said, surely it's to do with drinking/celebrating...something to put the champagne in.
  22. Thanks again for all your responses. Like YT2095, I seem to have the same effect on dogs and cats for that matter (they just take a liking to me for some reason), however apparently not with other people. With the pheromones suggestion, that's certainly one idea, and definitely worth considering, but going by some of the responses, it still seems to me a subtle reaction of nervousness, perhaps assertiveness or just being taken by surprise, as well as sniffing for each others pheromones. So to me it's a reaction that has been toned down since our more primitive selves as we live in a much more complex society, and are regularly in close vicinity to strangers (walking around town et.c.) We are just used to being around people we don't know, so the reactions we have around other people are much more subtle, where as our primitive ancestors would have been highly effected by the presence of another group they had not met...caution, curiosity, perhaps fear, and possibly a need to assert who is the dominant group. I'm just guessing, but it seems reasonably plausible.
  23. Time and time again, people on here seem to completely ill define science, especially recently, and it's getting really boring and a waste of time for others trying to explain it. Is there any chance of a sticky or something that defines science precisely, no blurring with philisophical or religious arguments, no discrediting of science because a theory is incomplete (groan...I hate that one) just a concise, and solid definition, so for anybody that can't seem to understand what science actually is, can be given a link, and hopefully it will stop people rubbishing science because they can't define it correctly. If there already is one, apologies, I couldn't find it.
  24. Royston

    email banned

    It's a tricky one, I guess you don't want to deter new members who have free E-mail addresses, but stop trolling. Is there no way you can stop two user i.d's under the same ISP address ? Atleast that would mean banned members would have to go out their way if they wanted to cause problems, not full / fool proof, but certainly a deterrant ? Just an idea. P.S I havn't tried to register as two seperate users before, it was purely for the sake of this thread.
  25. It works ! I used the 'universal mind' to predict whether my work mate was going to the toilet earlier, or to grab a drink of water. A huge 50% was displayed that he would come back with a cup of water...indeed he did. After drinking the water, half an hour later, he went to the toilet...so the 'universal mind' predicted his actions to a whopping 100%. Amod, I have already warned you...the designs I have for such prediction are foul indeed.
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