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Everything posted by Royston

  1. I was wondering if anyone knew, is scar tissue when exposed to excessive UV radiation, prone to mutation like normal healthy skin ?
  2. Royston

    email banned

    The problem is, when you register this message appears... * The administrator has banned your email address. To contact the administrator click here And when you try to change you E-mail / password details, under edit profile. Obviously I used my other E-mail address when trying to register. Is it because you can't register under the same ISP address, to stop trolling or is there a genuine error ?
  3. Do we really need another debate on someone trying to amalgamate religion with a scientifc theory. Evolution has nothing to say on sin, morals or God. People have tried plently of times on here, and it gets nowhere...please can we keep the two seperate. Agreed, let's keep it that way, and stop all this science / religion bashing because people can't keep the two distinct.
  4. Sorry cloud, I missed your response, so apologies for the late reply. You can get steroid and nitrate based combination topical creams for fungal infections, they are not full proof, but let us know how you get on. My only advice is go easy on the Hydrocortisone...especially if the problem is on your face. Despite HC being a relatively weak steroid cream, you will cause other problems if you're applying the cream liberally.
  5. With Jacques Monod's quote...how are chance and necessity compatible ?
  6. Thanks Bascule, I thought you'd see where I was coming from. I think it's very important to note that whenever someone has an idea such as I've posted, that you have to ensure the reader knows it's unsubstantiated. This is one of many ideas I have floating around in my head. Now I'm studying seriously I've gone back to basics...so any way-out theories I may have are completely speculative, until I have the maths to back it up. People like sunspot...and I've done it in the past, jump in at the deep end, that's completely the wrong way to go about things.
  7. You can buy amps for wifi, but they're illegal in the UK. A friend of mine made a wifi antenna out of a USB dongle and a wok, but the curvature wasn't brilliant to get a solid signal. You can buy digital antenna's on E-bay that'll give you a huge signal...it's up to you if you want a huge dish sitting on your pc.
  8. What I find amusing is there are so many films where the bad guy is a cold calculated European. Die Hard is a prime example.
  9. Do you mean manipulating the higgs field to create super massive particles that create bodies that have gravitational pull, that outweighs the repulsion of dark energy ? EDIT: Not that I'm qualified to even be talking about the higgs field.
  10. Virtual particles (hence the name) are theoretical, the effects of virtual particles have been observed, but not the particle itself e.g gravitons. Particles aren't created, virtual or otherwise, they are merely found. As for creating planets, it's an interesting idea, but I'm not sure why it would have any consequence on the expansion of the universe...perhaps you have an idea formulating that'll explain this ?
  11. Theories on collective consciousness (outside Buddhism.) Bascule will probably shoot me down for this, but 'memes' is another. Here's a complete load of clap trap... http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=20641
  12. What does that have to do with particles being synthetic ? Despite the fact they're not. Why is there any need to play devils advocate ? Question. Are particles found in particle accelerators synthetic ? Answer: No It's really that simple.
  13. Back to the OP...foreign opinion of the US, pretty poor I'm afraid. I work for an American company, with multi-nationals. The concesus is pretty universal, self interested patriotic fatties. Obviously this is complete over generalization, but from my own experience (talking to others) this is how America comes across. In fact there is a woman in my team who loves America, she's hideously obese, so likes visting the states, because she feels she 'fits in'...no joke. When I was in Vegas, my ex went on stage with Penn and Teller. They asked where she came from...'Britain, what did you do for us...oh, The Beatles' it was a joke, but it pretty much sums up the attitude that America seems to have on the world. Basically we'll do what we like, because we don't need anybody else. This is just the general view I percieve, I can't say I have opinions on an entire country, because it doesn't make sense.
  14. The conservation of mass is only applicable to chemistry, so it's redundant when it comes to high energy physics. I guess that was the law he was reffering to.
  15. Remember Sunspot, we're not talking molecules here, that can be synthesized, new elements are being found in particle accelerators. Although they are prone to decay into other elements there is nothing unatural about an element. It's just particle accelerators create the conditions in which they can be found.
  16. Royston

    de ja vu

  17. Funnily enough, last night, my other house mate told me it was on his list for future DVD purchases. He also said he'd heard good things about it. Here's a review...http://www.starseeker.com/films/primer.htm
  18. The problem I'm interested in concerning the 'beginning', is if our universe inflated from the centre of a black hole, then our universe was a product of a previous universe and so on. I guess I'm missing something. There was also talk in the article (I think...I'm nowhere near the level to understand the article fully) of curvature on planck size scales. I'm particularly interested in this, as this is my next area of study...beginning at the end of this month. Though I more than likely misread this, because surely that would be a breakthrough.
  19. Sounds like my kinda movie (I like films that keep you guessing throughout), my house mate is an engineer so I'm sure he'll find it interesting to. I'll keep an eye out for it next time we rent a DVD.
  20. Well this doesn't really go against genetics. Errr, I'm not sure why you mentioned 'one of the couple gave birth first'...if the other twin is still pregnant then that kinda puts an end to it. If the babies were born around the same time...and then switched at the hospital, and then there was confusion as to who's baby's was who. That may cause problems...I don't know enough about DNA and twins, and if there would be a problem identifying who's baby was who's...someone else may be able to answer that.
  21. LOL, that's the spirit ! I overheard the countdown to the next Big Brother yestarday...ten days apparently, I really can't contain myself...no really (sarcasm.) I've managed to avoid watching any of this atrocity since it started...despite the odd glimpse while skipping through channels. Thankfully I hear it's losing popularity...finally the masses are starting to wake up, more David Attenborough !
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