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Everything posted by Royston

  1. You sure these aren't the same person ? Just revel in the fact your the cream of the crop.
  2. Thanks 5614, so are all the particles colliding at the same point to create the required density. If the fundamental forces are being broken, so the particles can be packed closer together...is it the energy, rate and direction at which the particles are being fired, that creates a small blackhole at a specific point ?
  3. My last post was written immediately after sorting my pc out, and when I went to shut down, the screen went black as though it was about to turn off...and that was it. Apart from a flashing cursor in the middle of the screen. The usual message 'it's now safe to turn off' et.c doesn't appear. So when I reboot, it goes on to scan disk, which I guess you can skip, but sometimes it finds errors where the pc hasn't been shut down properly, so I usually sit through it. It's been doing this for over a week now, anybody have any ideas what's causing this ?
  4. See your point, it's a bit rich coming from me seeing as I smoke and drink...I certainly don't think of death when I spark up a cigarette...infact I try to put it right to the back of my mind. However, if I couldn't get cigarettes, I would never of started. So I think it's up to the establishments, as wells as the individual to sort it out. The money that must get spent on people's lack of will power, when there's much more worthwhile research and treatment to be concentrating on...and better wages, and smaller hours for nurses and doctors !!
  5. I'd say an early death is incentive. I eat cheap all the time...it doesn't have to consist of huge portions of offall covered in mayo. EDIT: Sorry Ecoli...you added to your post since I wrote this.
  6. What I was getting at, is that people go to the doctor and get signed off work for quite literally being pi**ed off with a co-worker, and claim they are suffering from 'stress' as though it is an illness. This still costs money, and stress is a viable reason for people not to work. There was an article on BBC breakfast where they said the amount of people going to their GP complaining of being 'stressed' is becoming a bit of a joke. I'll try and get a link.
  7. Well I've been to the states once, but going by observation...I'd say it's diet, every next person I saw was overweight, the portions you have over there...christ, there's just no need to have meals that big. The sandwiches were ridiculous, thin layer of bread with about 5 inches thick of reconstituted ham. I'm not having a pop, but if you sell it, people will buy it. Britain is starting to follow suit though, obesity, heart disease, liver problems (drinking heavily is increasing over here) are all on the up from what I gather on recent news articles. It seems to stem from this exponential need to consume more and more, it's the manufacturers and establishments that need to change IMO. EDIT: As for stress...well I think that's just a case of people being more aware of stress related illnesses. I'm not convinced people are more stressed than they were say 50 - 60 years ago. Stress is such a tenuous illness, you can get signed off work just for feeling a bit ticked off with somebody.
  8. Royston


    Interesting...I'll have to look into that
  9. Royston


    Perhaps Alice means testing cosmetics maybe...how about a set of occasional tables, don't forget to use coasters if you have hot drinks. What else...you could paint them gold, and have them strike different poses near water features.
  10. It's not much fun being teased by the pudding of prediction...if we can't access the file, how can we even have a sniff of this sweet delight ? Do you know how many sleepless nights I've had, wondering how I can wield such power...just inches from my grasp.
  11. With creating black holes...how exactly are they creating such high compression, and how is this acheived in a particle accelerator ?
  12. Well he sounds like a nice chap ...any plans on meeting him I've just found another of the same name...I thought my name was rare. This bloke does talks for managerial skills, yawn.
  13. I'm sure many people have done this...in fact Dave Gorman created an entire show, where he met the people who shared his name, simply by googling and arranging to meet with them. So far I've found two people that share my name. One bloke is in a gay calender called 'naked ambitions.' He's an engineer, and is posing with a tape measure. tee hee The other is currently studying his masters in mathematics...somewhere in the states, I can't remember exactly where, off the top of my head...though I have thought about getting in contact with him, as I'm starting maths at the end of the year. Has anyone else googled their name, and found interesting results ? EDIT: It's actually not a gay calender, but office workers posing naked for charity. My other is April 2005.
  14. Royston

    Why be human?

    Who are you representing ? Please enlighten me on how to think beyond my so-called programming. I'm confused...are we apes or sheep, there's a clear distinction between the two. Can I be a lizard...I like lizards.
  15. Thanks for that JohnB, I guess it's one of those anamolies that's been swept under the carpet...very interesting.
  16. Good point, a scenario of a given organism over history shows a broader understanding of all the factors at play, rather than just stating the fundamental laws.
  17. I'll go with (for starters) - what are the three laws proposed by Darwin that constitute natural selection. Then perhaps, what are the other factors that contribute to evolution that are not covered by natural selection.
  18. and then some...what causes gravitational force !?! That's one of, if not the biggest questions in physics.
  19. Klaynos, just for the record, that explanation wasn't aimed at you. I'm sure you're well aware of the problem with classical mechanics and the speed of light. I think I might wait until I've got the basics in my head first, before I start even thinking about black holes. I just find them far too interesting, to not talk about them.
  20. The maps of Antarctica are a particular favourite of mine...ice-free. I'm not sure if these have been debunked yet, might have to look into that.
  21. Thanks Klaynos, that made me feel better. The whole reason you can't apply classical mechanics with black holes is that your dealing with the speed of light, as light can't escape black holes. So for a particle to have escape velocity from a black hole it would have to exceed the speed of light, which is impossible. The problem I have is...if a particle (even a photon) can't escape the gravitational pull of a black hole, then there must be acceleration within the black hole that exceeds light, otherwise particles would just freeze or hang in suspension around the black hole...maybe. So my reasoning is that under black hole conditions, the work is provided by gravity...and potential energy goes out the window...if we presume that gravity is just a product of the shape (for want of a better word) of space-time. So anything entering a black hole would consistently gain kinetic energy, because even a particle of no mass cannot escape, therefore even photons gain more kinetic energy as they are pulled into the blackhole. Otherwise they would just be suspended around the event horizon. Sorry if this poorly worded...I was studying till 2 am last night, my brain feels a little fried.
  22. LOL, I don't even want to go in to the problems a velcro-vindaloo would cause.
  23. Not worried about it at all...it's akin to hitting your funny bone (one of those stupid kind of pains), I know quite a few people that know exactly what I'm talking about, women included. It really makes you want to wiggle your bum around in an attempt to get rid of it. I'll see if I can find anything on it. Sorry for going slightly off topic.
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