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Everything posted by Royston

  1. Pretender, have you heard of a guy called Graham Hancock...I think you'll enjoy his work. He's another that tries to make links with gaps in historical knowledge, but is not nearly as far out as Von Daniken. There's some very interesting finds that he brings to light, and does raise questions on how advanced ancient civilizations were, compared to our almost arrogant portrayal of them.
  2. How strange, I've just been experiencing a phantom itch then I viewed this thread. It's on the underside of my knee, above the carf muscle. However the itch feels as though it's inside my leg, rather than on the surface of my skin. It also feels as though it's moving around a point, rather than on a specific point. Nevertheless it makes me want to scratch the area under my knee.
  3. Royston

    Why be human?

    I've often wondered what the world would be like if so many weren't so self involved, and we all muscled in together to achieve something far beyond what we have achieved at present. There are many people that get caught up in the trivialities of a consumer lifestyle. The fickle masses sit on their butts waiting for science to provide them with better lifestyles, better health, faster technology and communication, improved services, shorter delays et.c et.c It's not all doom and gloom. I think it's necessary to have a need from the masses to invoke progress, it creates diversity with different technologies, and this means implementation of ideas that wouldn't of been realized if there wasn't this thirst for improvement in so many sectors. I think diversity in culture is needed as well, if we were all environment conscious egg heads designing fuel efficient space crafts to continue our race elsewhere...things would probably be a little dull, maybe...I get your point. I try not to worry too much about it, I quite like the way there's a separation of the pioneers and the (possibly) automatons.
  4. There is technology that could maybe make this a reality, but the details are fuzzy at best...I started a thread on this a few months ago, I'll try and find the link. Like you, I've been know to talk in my dreams...I've also gotten up to urinate somewhere whilst asleep (this is actually quite common amongst men.) Which has caused a lot of embarassment, despite being completely oblivious. Quite amusing when you hear in the morning your friend had to leap off an armchair, because I was about to do my business in his direction. As for smelling and tasting in my dreams...I get this occasionally, I definetly have incidental music in my dreams which is quite amusing, and the sense of touch is blatantly there...e.g being grabbed by something in a dream is a very powerful sensation, and can make me wake up with a jolt. EDIT: Alice, here you go...http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=12532&highlight=cat+brains
  5. I'm currently studying energy transfers e.g (very basically) chemical energy used for lifting something onto a shelf, which transfers to kinetic energy and once on the shelf has potential gravitational energy due to the height increase relative to the earth. No energy has been lost but conserved. Now if hypothetically a black hole appeared below the shelf...and the object fell into it...with the absence of a mass to transfer the energy from the object, wouldn't the gravity be applying constant work (constant acceleration) and obviously this would increase the kinetic energy...I can't fathom how the rules of energy convservation apply to black holes. Surely the energy would be increasing exponentially, what am I missing about black holes that preserves energy conservation...it seems there is just free energy when gravity has no stopping block (for want of a better term.) I guess classical mechanics and black holes aren't compatible ?
  6. Inno 3D Geforce 6200 (256mb), nothing special...but better than my last one.
  7. 10,000 posts, and all a worthwhile read as well ! I'd be very proud of myself if I was that consistent...congrats !
  8. Thanks for the response 5614, yeah basically the log on prompt appeared, but windows failed when I tried to log on...simple way of getting round it. I went into safe mode when I got back from work today, I realised if I went through the device manager to check all the files that were connected with the new and old graphics card and deleted those files, this made sure I wasn't deleting anything that could effect any other applications. I located the ME drivers on the cd, and everything's working fine now. PC is up and running in time for my gig, plus I have better graphics...woot!
  9. Last night, my house mate gave me an unwanted graphics card as his pc wasn't the right spec to run it properly. I stuck it in my pc, installed it et.c only to realize that I'd forgotten to uninstall the old graphics card...very stupid indeed. Obviously this caused a conflict, they are both Nvidia so are likely to share similar files. I managed to get the pc into safe mode, but when I tried uninstalling the drivers...they appeared to be merged on the add/remove programs (there was only one Nvidia program) it came up with an error, and wouldn't uninstall. NVUDISP.EXE error - restart your pc et.c So I think through frustration (I really need my pc at the moment), I went back to safemode and deleted the Nvidia files - drivers et.c however there are clearly some loose files, mainly DLL files (which are a pet hate of mine) that aren't under the Nvidia main folder, that start with NV, and I don't want to start deleting any files which I'm not sure about. Any ideas how to remedy this, money is tight (going on holiday soon) and I really need my pc for my degree, and music...gig coming up on 6th May. Help, thanks ! EDIT: Don't ask me why, but I'm still using the ME operating system. EDIT II: If it's any help, when I try running the pc as normal (with the previous or new graphics card) the log in screen appears, but I'm unable to get into windows.
  10. Royston


    As far as I know, any subject in an equation is proportional to any parts of the sum i.e mass is proportional to energy, C squared is proportional to mass and so on. So if we had a=bcd, a is proportional to b, a is proportional to c and so on. Einsteins equation is showing that the properties of either energy, mass or the speed of light are intrinsic with each other....very basically. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here, I've only just started rearranging and combining algebraic equations.
  11. Royston


    That speaks volumes about you Herme3. You need to start liking yourself before you can even get into a relationship, it will cause problems if your self esteem is so low, that you have to resort to changing yourself to suit one person before actually seeing that person. That all comes naturally, if the relationship progresses...e.g you can pick up each others habits, mannerisms et.c I don't think starting a relationship by acting out all the things that she likes is going to work...at all. You have to both be comfortable with being yourselves.
  12. Hehe, he's particularly irritating in Time Team...or as I call it 'Trench Time.' I liked him as Baldrick in Blackadder, but that's where it ends.
  13. Royston

    Smoking Vaccine

  14. Have you phoned your provider to see if they're having problems ? I take it you posted using another pc
  15. The variety of people and opinions on here and the volume of incredibly smart people is what makes SFN so great. I spend a couple of hours doing work, then the rest of my (working) day on here, I absolutely love it. So this is really dedicated to everyone, but I'll do some 'big ups' because that seems to be the trend of this thread, in no particular order... Blike, Phi for All, Martin, YT2095, Severian, Swansont, 5614, Yourdadonapogos, Insane_alien, In My Memory, Padren, Gcol, Macroquantum, Klaynos, Bascule, Azure Phoenix, Aj47, Herpguy, Jim, Phil, Tycho Sorry if I've missed anyone obvious. EDIT: Dave and Sayonara being obvious...doh.
  16. I'm what I thought I'd be, a rationale, entj.
  17. When relaxing on a Sunday afternoon my housemate insists on watching Time Team - which for those of you not in Britain, it's an archeological dig programme...where they go to different areas across Britain and have three days to dig and uncover stuff like an old Roman bath house, or a Saxon dwelling that sort of thing...yawn. So with a stroke of sheer brilliance I noticed a number of words that are guaranteed to be mentioned each week...trench, geo-phys and on occasion ditch. The game is simple, whenever you hear one of the Time Team utter the word trench or the term Geo-phys (I hate that term...it irritates the crap out of me for some reason) and ditch...have a shot, or a generous swig of beer (2 fingers deep should suffice.) By the end of the programme you should be suitably off your face. Oh, and have a swig or shot when the Cornish bloke laughs. Finally, Time Team is no longer the dullest show in the history of television.
  18. That is probably the most generic, repressed bulls*!t I've ever read. It's so clear you've never even been in a proper relationship to arrive at such assumptions. Get some experience Herme3 before making observations. If you had any clue about relationships, you'd realise men and women think practically the same thing when it comes to 'as you say' the heart.
  19. Thanks for the link Bascule, I'm going to watch it tonight after doing my assignment, with a nice cold beer.
  20. Royston

    Death Penalty

    Ok, I was a bit pushed for time...I have an assignment to be getting on with, but here you go. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1997/09/970927110900.htm testing of violent female inmates, conclusive results. http://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/17984.html... Some people say that you can pick out serial killers by some of their actions from when they were younger. A study(1) involving 36 incarcerated serial killers was tested and they collected a lot of data on childhood behavior traits among serial killers. Out of the 36 men, 28 said they daydreamed a lot, had compulsive masturbation, and were in constant isolation. These are the top three common behaviors. Animal cruelty in children has also been linked with homicide, serial killers...by studying the childhood of inmates...http://www.animalsvoice.com/PAGES/writes/editorial/features/link/randour_link.html Another group of research studies explored the childhood of individuals who were incarcerated or committed to psychiatric hospitals for criminal offenses, comparing them to "normal" men. Would the childhood of the men in prison and psychiatric hospitals for criminal behavior reveal more juvenile animal cruelty when compared to a group of "normal" men? After conducting a number of their own studies, and reviewing the research of their colleagues, Kellert and Felthous arrived at a definitive result. They stated that there was a significant association between acts of cruelty to animals in childhood and serious, recurrent aggression against people as an adult. http://www.bxscience.edu/publications/forensics/articles/psychologicalprofiles/killer.pdf more studies and conclusive childhood traits on serial killers that were incarcerated. Correlation of schizophrenia amongst deathrow inmates... http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro06/web1/cheffron.html The signs need to be found before this kind of thing happens again...this can only be done if behaviour can be matched and compared i.e the subject needs to be alive.
  21. Royston

    Death Penalty

    Absolutely ! I've posted and deleted 4 times today on this thread, because I was so sickened by the mentality of (clearly intelligent) people that support the death penalty on here, I was trying hard not to let my emotions get the better of me. This holds especially for the example from the OP, someone who commits an act like that is BLATANTLY mentally disturbed. You shouldn't get swayed by the act itself, but think of a solution to stopping it happening again...and killing somebody is soooo not the answer. I will quite happily look for psychological testing on inmates (globally) and the positive results that have come about...in fact I know they tested on inmates in Texas on deathrow (I'll look for the link). However the time is limited, if you have a subject for 40 years that you can gain useful information from, and analyse their behaviour so it can be recognised in another potential killer...that has got to be good. The more subjects there are to compare results the better...not just sweeping tragedy under the carpet. Bah, it's too nice a day to get worked up over this...I'll come back to this when I've calmed down a little.
  22. Well I just turned a corner in a corridor at work, and a fella and I had to slightly get out the way of each other...but not enough to warrant 'oh sorry mate.' I was graced with a large 'sniff.' My work colleague who I was with laughed hysterically. I didn't think quick enough to ask him why he sniffed...significant data has been lost.
  23. Sorry, I'm still a little fuzzy on the order of events here. If liquids were free to undergo thermal expansion due to the release of pressure from gravity, would we (if we could hypothetically observe this) see the earth bulge and then the surface area would liquify as the molten rock become gaseous, as this was happening wouldn't anything that's held to the earth by gravity (such as farm animals) just fly off into space. I'm probably being stupid again.
  24. Or they could go and get professional help...rather than creating this fake fantasy land. I think anyone who wallows on the negative aspects of life needs help...and going by your posts Herme3 you clearly need some guidance. You certainly don't listen people on here who have oodles more life experience than you have, and are clearly enjoying life...wake up!
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