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  • Interests
    Physics, cryptography, computers, programming & cybersecurity, philosophy, sudokus, poetry, thrash metal, classical music (yeah, it's possible). I'm deeply interested in social movements and social changes.
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    Just living among books while listening to Megadeth or Chopin., who knows.
  • Occupation
    I'm currently studying...surprise

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. In my opinion the lack of a consistent English definition of evil is caused by a cultural unconscious inheritance. Taking into account England is where the industrial revolution was born, leading to a later marxist wave originally in east -Europe which influenced the whole cultural and intellectual elite; I would rather say there's a tacitus ideological component in linguistics. This idea is based on the great influence of authors such us Goethe who meant the word "evil" as a extraordinary force which could lead to magnificent processes which weren't compulsory negative or immoral. So regarding to that definition, nowadays we could face a linguistic, philosophical o even religious misunderstanding, because in a time where everything which is evil has a negative sense, we would reinterprete its meaning leading to a philosophical and semantic revolution
  2. Well, there are some interesting points you all have talked about. AI machines, as everybody knows, are characterized by the fact they use 5th generation coding languages which allow them to execute algorithms in a highly efficient way regardless the computational load. In addition, they can be assisted by cellular automata , so we have a great common fact : the mathematical basis which enables them to recreate multiple situations and develop their possible numerical consequences. As the last thing we could thing also about the evolution quantum computers and quantum algorithmcs which gives us the chance of simulating two different states (0 and 1) at the same time leading to a great similitude with the current "known" universe, so taking this into account, I would say computers can draw simple models of the universe which can potentially be improved and optimized in order to achieve a greater understanding of the place we live in.
  3. Hi everyone, I'm Kairos. I'm a female student highly interested in physics, computers, programming and cybersecurity. I also speak fluently Spanish (my mother tongue) and French. I love sudokus, listening to thrash, folk, viking, pagan metal and classical music (yeah, it IS possible hahahah). I really like philosophy, poetry,social movements and social changes and custom motorbikes.
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