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Everything posted by Gertwor

  1. Interesting to see but I did not think this as a mystery. Well I do believe that human brain does look and work like a large Electro-Magnetic coil when you think that it has vibes and neurons passing electrical charges by exchanging two charged matters to have an electric flow all from back of the neck to the front of the head. It would be really logical if it has a tendency of having a certain direction for most of humans which neurons concentrate to go. So when you contradict to that alignment it could be harder to exchange charged matters in and out of the neuron. But I also think that if it is true than sleeping near a Large City Transformer should be very bad for brain anyone know any experiment about human brain behavior around EM disturbances.
  2. Yeah I definitely agree to that "the Core" is not an scientific movie (And a very idiotic one too) but I do think that massive magma floating can cause magnetic field as such those are heavy metals with large charges so it will most certainly one of the reasons for our magnetic filed by the way What really produces our magnetic filed and where is it's electro-magnetic field ?
  3. I readed all posts and noticed that everyone has the same utopia as me (or I think so).Us as Upper Class(Not econamicly but ones who think,create and designs)Should be together where every induvugal is think him self as a part of a human soceity not some flag(Altough i am very Nationalist if someone say come join us at our place where everyone is People of earth and free to belive what religion they want i will go without thinking)So in that soceity geneticly altering our childs can be allowed as i know any of you will have resanoble request and logical mutation but in today worlds IT's impossible as surely some rich guy will say that he is going to make his children a genuis and bribe someone for this.I must admit this we need some selection method for our community excluding Poors,weaks and Selfish richs.I dont think we can go further without understanding that we are HUMANS PEOPLE OF EARTH and NOT TURKS,American or Canadians.(I know it sounds fasict but this the only way Do you realy think Aliens will nations they will be united as one to create even bigger and better than what they are). Thx Please Critisis this
  4. I always tought your idea as this "if you accept universe as endless(infinite) then you accept that everything is possible then that is four sure that we got same planet same people somewhere at universe living just 1 sec before(Of course in all times that before and after as all posibilities affect earth)so there must be someone 1 sec ahead of us so what creates the diffrence some say soul some say free will but as i dont belive both(Thoughts are randomized as it just electirical pulses that brian creates and waits which affected cell answer it with another pulse and we create cell orders as we exprience life. About Soul I just dont belive that)so i get the conclusion that either universe is limited.Or we are just living the secnario that Randomization crated over and over
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