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Everything posted by rita

  1. Hi guys, Do you know what is meant by m* on a mass spectrum. I have a mass spectrum but I don't know what is meant by " m* , 191 : 220 -> 205" which appears on the spectrum. 220 is the MW, and 205 is the strongest peak, but I don't really know what is meant by m* and 191. Can someone help me please. Thank you very much
  2. Thank you,do you know how long you heat it for and what temperature? also cal you explain please why excess NaCN is required? and if I need to isolate cyanoferrate or I just add iron and acid to the solution as woelen said. Thanks, Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedsorry I forgot to ask if FeSO4 in water is in the form of FeSO4.7H2O?
  3. Hi, I am trying to do the same experiment. but am not sure how to do it in a safe way. as CN is toxic. Thanks
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