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About NimrodTheGoat

  • Birthday 04/27/2000

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  1. image.thumb.png.a98558dd19cddf6e7a77b927dbf26bc2.png

    Ah O.K. nice to know the correct answer.


  2. I got that too. Koti, i don't get the joke can you explain it to me.
  3. Found him living behind my drawers. What kind of spider is it? I don't know what kind of spider it is. In any case, if it isn't a long leg, it isn't going to live anywhere near me. I regret smushing its guts all over my clean tile floor, I should have put him in a container with Hector the Brown Recluse. Pennies for scale. I wonder how long he will survive for.
  4. Good point.
  5. The Neanderthals would be tosseled by politics. If they prove to be a financial burden on society, I am certain most governments would refrain from giving them human rights.
  6. its relative (subjective?), yes
  7. no, it simply makes the pants look smaller
  8. Something like statistics and probability for when your battery will discharge. If you want an online calulator and graph then I would guess something like Desmos. https://www.desmos.com/calculator/2rnqgoa6a4 https://www.desmos.com/calculator/zzxbryrahc Start with a full battery, record how many hours you can go, and how far you went before you need to recharge. If you graph the numbers and they turn out to be a Normal Distribution you can then find the standard deviations and then the probability of when you will need to recharge. Hope this helps.
  9. I was wondering about that as well. I had learned about it a couple months ago. Notice how plastic gets warm whenever you bend it or chew it.
  10. Don't forget California.
  11. Never heard of this. Sounds interesting. Do you have any or know of any interesting cases on this? Never thought about that effect either.
  12. The same thing could be said about humans using antibiotics. " Also, it may increase the antibiotic resistance, making the antibiotics useless against the disease. It loses effectiveness." I see no immediate problem to this other than livestock passing harmful diseases to wild animals. If you create an antibiotic for pigs the pigs will recover, but there is still a chance that the disease may spread on to hoards of wild hogs which would prove fatal to the group. "1.Capping antibiotic use in farm animals 2. imposing a fee for veterinary use of antibiotics." Imposing a fee on use of antibiotics will only increase the cost the consumer has to pay at the end of road. Not worth it if I were to be honest. "3.limiting meat intake that together can reduce the use of antibiotics in food animals by up to 80% by 2030." I have read articles that hypothesize the decreased consumption of red meats which claim to reduce air pollution, the cost of food, and can prove to be beneficial to the human body.
  13. you look very cute
  14. No worries about GPS failure, we will revert to using giant arrows on the ground for means of direction. https://savingplaces.org/stories/the-true-story-behind-those-giant-concrete-arrows/#.WvXgaWinHrc
  15. I ate two bacon and egg english muffins and oh boy I can feel it trying to get revenge :-(

    1. StringJunky


      Nom Nom. You need to eat more until your body acclimatises to grease. :D 

    2. NimrodTheGoat
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