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Everything posted by NimrodTheGoat

  1. All of you are overthinking it. Of course the robots will take over. But in truth, I beleive that social animals would most likely have the advantage in the race of learning our knowledge. Who knows, evolution is random.
  2. I am also genuinely intrigued as to how one obtaisn fossils. Are there permits needed? Programs to enroll in? Perhaps rules of excavation are different in European countries then they are in the Americas. P.S. I have been meaning to create a thread showcasing my rocks, but I always forget about it. My procrastination and laziness gets to me the majority of the time.
  3. Metric or Imperial system?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Raider5678


      Wouldn't metre be pronounced "ME-TREE"?

    3. Function



    4. koti


      Yes, exactly. "Mee-taaaah" is phonetically far from the spelled "metre" and closer to "meter" :)

  4. You are perhaps reffering to the UAE? "The Ultimate Attribution Error was coined by psychologist Thomas Pettigrew in 1979 to explain why members of the ingroup (“us”) tend to judge members of the outgroup (“them”) so harshly. Pettigrew suggested that when outgroup members behave negatively or undesirably, ingroup members attribute their behavior to dispositional causes, such as genetics, poor character, or poor upbringing, whereas when outgroup members behavior positively, ingroup members attribute that behavior to luck, a special privilege, extreme effort, or some other exception to the rule. When individuals of the ingroup evaluate their own group members, they are more forgiving and make more exceptions for failures and fewer exceptions for successes. This error in thought plays a large role in prejudice and other social biases. " Source: https://www.alleydog.com/glossary/definition.php?term=Ultimate%20Attribution%20Error
  5. I think a humorous language, but I stopped reading after reading "Life to mean life for GPs". After reading the replies, this thread was meant to be taken as a joke.
  6. I guess you can say that we are the opposite. The more I understand a person the more I can ... empathize with their point of views. My family abuses me, I do not hate them for it. I can understand them. The same with other people, I suppose you can say that I am hard to fall to commit a fundamental attribution of error when I start to analyze a person's actions. I have gone through something, and you have as well. I am quoting Nietzsche here, "We both looked into the abyss, but when you looked back at us, you blinked. Edit: I am not sure how your thread is still open, it seems that you are trying to convert the heathens.
  7. Today I learned a new word; leeway.
  8. Soy milk is good and tasty. It has a better texture than milk too in my opinion. I have always been intolerant to spicy stuff. I don't know why, but the smallest amount of spice can get to me.
  9. Hang in there buddy.
  10. Want to see my rock collection? If yes, I will try to upload sometime tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. NimrodTheGoat
    3. DrP


      I'll post some pics when I get time. Maybe we can start a thread about collecting rocks or something. It will have to wait until I get home... and then until I remember to do so. ;-)


    4. NimrodTheGoat


      Yea it will be a great thread. The greatest of them all.

  11. Shouldn't this belong under Ethics or another sub forum?
  12. doubt that our ancestors lived in southern California before migrating from Africa. It is a regular rock. It is a nice rock nonetheless, I don't mean to offend its feelings. I have a rock collection too.
  13. Do you mean if your chemicals are going through chemical reactions?
  14. they werent killing others 24/7 or finding food for 24/7 ( that is if they had enough for the time being) your point arises another consideration, could it be possible that suicide grew after the rise of agriculturization?
  15. I am speculating. Here is what roughly went through my mind. { suicide: killing yourself why? to get away from? life/ problems why? stressful and/or hated by others, pushed by others but why? we are social animals we have our duties to fulfill in life, to help others, to be accepted by others, if we fail at this we are sad. it can get pretty bad. but why does this push us to commit suicide? .... can we see patterns in other primates with similar social structures? if yes, then it is likely that our early ancestors did so too, not on mass scales but its there and undeniable. conclusion: yes, but this is speculation based on raw basic psychological knowledge with prototype thoughts/ little to no evidence, but with enough reasearch and pondering, maybe this can be supported and stated as a true fact } I do beleive that suicide rates are on the rise although very slightly and worldwide.
  16. Now I understand why people don't like surveillance. Well, here in the U.S. we are protected because of the freedom of speech to say anything bad about the government. Not so sure how they would react to threats though. In other countries, I can imagine what they would do to someone who is against the government. I think the government agent listening/watching me will be more disturbed than I would of them. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) just kidding
  17. You can try cleaning out your ears of all of that wax and junk in there. I remember cleaning my ear out and I dragged out a dead cockaroach from in there and a ovular pallete of somesort. (Imagine one of the little circle batteries but about half the size, thinner, and an ovular shape. It was brown.) Your auditory will be enhanced.
  18. If they just convert, then are we missing out on how the original picture is supposed to look like? I would also like to know the answer to this question We would see different shades of colors. (thats all i know)
  19. 1. Specify which days. 2. The Earth is 4.543 billion years old, and around 3.8 billion years ago the first life forms emerged. Why? Carbon dating or something like that. 3. We split from our closest African ape relatives in the genus pan around six to seven million years ago. 4. I would like to beleive so, yes.
  20. i honestly dont care if the governement has surveillence on me, i dont mind the government knowing what i search and stuff like that. its not like im doing anything illegal, and I don't necessarly see surveillence as an infringement of free speech under certain circumstances sure.
  21. Why would they eat cake as breakfeast? Not a healthy way to start the day I speculate. I don't quite understand the problem. So she is trying to cut the cake into three slices, but can only slice once. Is there something I am missing?
  22. instant pizza baking-furnace-kit-thing?
  23. Hey, at least it isn't pineapples on pizza. >:l

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