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  1. First I believe you are mixing up evolution by natural selection with abiogenesis, if i am getting you. So, It doesn't matter how life began, evolution applies to any life form that has imperfect replication (gene mutations). If you are implying and in the process attempting to discredit evolution, by saying "primordial soup" is disingenuous on your part. Evolution happened, we know his.. whether or not we arrived via abiogenesis [or big bang or whatever you want to point in here] or not is unknown, a very promising hypothesis but ultimately unknown. This is where I think you disingenuously imply abiogenesis with the derogatory term "primordial soup" and use it to discredit evolution which is completely different. I have seen many pseudoscience advocates do this. I think this would go under the category of what I call 'pseudoscientific apologetics'. P.s. this is more for the sub topic biology but I can understand based on your question, why you asked it on a cosmology forum. While being true and i agree with you but playing devils advocate... ...technically all matter that ever existed came from this singularity an din the process of gasses cooling formed matter and with the add of exploding stars, this matter is spread and ultimately, as far as we know, life. We are matter and matter expanded from this dense point and cooled and here we are. But, what made life into non life is unknown. (Saying that abiogenesis does seem very promising but yes it is still a hypothesis )
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