Recently I became very interested about philosophical and science deep matters (I wish I didn't, but there is no turning back), anyway, now I'm reading a book written by Stephen Jay Gould about evolution of species, and uses something he calls, the Time Tape.
The mental experiment is this way, assuming that you can rewind and fast forward time. If you went back to the first steps of life, and press play, would the human being appear? He claims that maybe not, because it's quite possible that evolution was a random process.
But know I think about randomness, looking at it from my perspective (I am a computer enginereen student), as far as I know, a computational device can't generate a real random number, the randomness in computers is product of a function using things like the date. So for computers, randomness is impossible.
Now we move to the real life and think in something random, like rolling a dice or tossing a coin. It will depend on certain variables, maybe thousand of variables that we don't know. But if we could recreate the same scenery, we would get always the same results.
Trying to think in another random stuff, someone can say that humans are random and unpredictable, but I am personally quite convinced that a human is no more than a computable device made of biological hardware. So I think it's aswell governed by a HUGE quantity of variables, things like, what a person has eaten, the things he heard or watched would change those variables that make him do the things he is going to do.
Briefly, those things make me think that everything it's predetermined and everything makes part of a chain, and we could follow that chain to the origin of time.
On the other hand, science has supposely found the real randomness in quantum physics, but I haven't completely understand this issue.
What do you people think? Is there real randomness?
P.S.: Sorry if my english is not correct