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Everything posted by Manticore

  1. My avatar is a photograph of myself and my lady - hardly aimed at concealing anything. As for science, I studied Astrophysics at University. I have written aerodynamics software for aircraft design (and built my own aircraft). (I was also lead singer & songwriter in a punk rock band many years ago - though that is totally irrelevant.)
  2. Not easy to disqualify anything you've said, for the simple reason that you haven't said anything meaningful.
  3. "PS . THIS -2 DOWN VOTING IS QUITE REDICULOUS , THIS IS TURNING THIS FORUM INTO A ANCIENT ROMAN COLLOSIUM PUTTING HUMANS IN THE LIONS DEN . HOW STUPID IS THAT?" Maybe it's your ludicrously bad spelling that annoys whoever it is (can't possibly be the endless reams of drivel - or the seemingly total lack of listening skills).
  4. Do you mean "orthogonal" or "orthodontal"
  5. The fact that "Intelligent Design" proponents exist seems pretty good evidence to me.
  6. Typical racist bullshit. There is in fact only one race of humans - the human race. Yes it is.
  7. Ego detector overload alert Captain.
  8. For that, we have to go to the historical use of a large hammer to treat idiocy.
  9. Obviously god never fails - to do that it would have to exist.
  10. "But now, 105 years later, scientists have revealed that the Tunguska devastation was indeed caused by a meteorite. A group of Ukrainian, German, and American scientists have identified its microscopic remains. Why it took them so many years makes for a fascinating tale about the limits of science and how we are pushing them." http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/06/mystery-solved-meteorite-caused-tunguska-devastation/
  11. Infinity is not a number, so you can't use it as a number in performing mathematical operations.
  12. Something/infinity = NaN (Not a Number).
  13. There is no flaw in the logic because there is no logic.
  14. All Sam Harris actually said was that one day we might be able to build a computer which to us today would appear to have godlike powers. This idea dates back at least to "The Last Question" by Isaac Asimov which was first published in 1956.
  15. Mike, now that you have confessed that you belong to the ranks of the brain dead, where would you like us to bury the festering corpus of your intellect?
  16. He does - you, however appear not to.
  17. Let's see; I have had friends who were Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Zen Buddhist, Voudon, various tribal religions and any number of more or less deranged Christian variations. Which of these is supposed to be Heathen?
  18. Ahh.. But bottling a new one would not be evidence that the original one existed.
  19. Why ask? Have you never dropped one. (An engineer I worked with always used to say "If you knew how much they cost to replace, you wouldn't rip them like that.").
  20. Double posted for no obvious reason. (Must be Bog providing evidence.)
  21. About as much as there is for "God".
  22. I just farted - that is at least as good evidence as yours.
  23. This is beginning to reek of desperation.
  24. I did think of strobe effects - if this is what is happening (assuming anything is), then the effect could also be shown on a flat screen monitor. Another (rather unlikely alternative) could be that on a tube screen, the changing magnetic field is causing an infrasonic vibration - the effects of which are well known. http://www.skepdic.com/infrasound.html
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