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Everything posted by Manticore

  1. I can't see what you are trying to say because your ego keeps getting in the way.
  2. Presumably the hierarchy "upwards" would point to whatever would supplant the human race. That has to make cockroaches favourite.
  3. George Carlin — 'Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.'
  4. Just random crap that usually gets filtered out.
  5. I think you managed to totally misunderstand even with my addendum. I will now imagine a pink unicorn (in latex bondage gear).
  6. I should maybe have added: 'therefore they are almost certainly totally useless.'
  7. I can imagine any number of things of which I have no knowledge whatsoever.
  8. I think, therefore I think I am (I think).
  9. Apparently Iran has also tried stabilising dunes with crude oil, as mentioned in this document: http://www.fao.org/docrep/012/i1488e/i1488e04.pdf As has the UAE (way back in the 1980s: http://enhg.org/bulletin/b19/19_13.htm Edit: Just found this - very impressive if they can pull it off: http://jveilleux.blogspot.com/2014/07/reforestation-to-take-back-desert-green.html And - if you want to get deeper into this: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/amete/2016/3262451/
  10. I believe Libya attempted to bring rain to parts of the Sahara by anchoring sand dunes and planting them. To anchor the dunes, they sprayed the slip face with crude oil. This would probably work if you could cover a large enough area. (I've seen massive storms over the desert where the rain never reached the ground - I assume the heat radiating from the ground was sufficient to re-evaporate the water thus making the storm grow still larger - I estimated the tops as being at over 80,000 ft.)
  11. Unfortunately, weather is a chaotic system - meaning that the ultimate effects of any meddling with it are essentially unpredictable. e.g. making it rain on your little bit of the world could eventually lead to massive storms or drought thousands of kilometres away.
  12. From what I've read, Mother Teresa was pretty horrible - refusing to give pain killers, blocking others from starting medical aid centres etc.
  13. Better still if it could shoot back.
  14. Get the Bjarne Stroustrup books for c++. Also get the GNU compiler. And FLTK Graphical User Interface (GUI) library and toolset.
  15. Just get rid of Windoze & install a proper OS.
  16. I thought you might mean one of the interesting ones.
  17. Just one of many short term jobs between school and university.
  18. Because the car manufacturers don't give a shit as long as they've got your money.
  19. Which god?
  20. Cold, wet, Cement dries your skin to the point where you get cracks (painful), minimal pay & the boss was a complete asshole.
  21. Two weeks making concrete blocks.
  22. I always thought that the reason Columbus got funding was that King Ferdinand (who knew how big the world really was) wanted to get rid of him permanently because Columbus was seeing a bit too much of Queen Isabella.
  23. Not at all true - the tread on tyres exists to carry away water on wet roads in order to delay the onset of aquaplaning (plus giving better grip on soft ground where the tread can dig in. In any case, anything you could do like that (if it was possible - which I very much doubt) would necessarily put exactly the same loads on the road that tyres do - thus making your earlier statement that "The wheels is the main reason for the road get wore out. If vehicles would levitate instead, road construction and maintenance costs reduced a few times." completely invalid.
  24. Unless you're using rails, you will be skidding all the time. It's the contact with the road that stops this happening. Imagine you have spherical wheels that can rotate freely in any direction - that is what it would be like.
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