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Everything posted by Manticore

  1. "I have no idea. People who boast about their IQ are losers." Stephen Hawking, when asked what his IQ was.
  2. It's never left the mainstream because it was never in the mainstream.
  3. Take a look at Khan Academy https://www.khanacademy.org/ Quote: "Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere."
  4. Lots of people have built valveless pulsejets - if you really want something that is really inefficient, runs white hot, is mind-buggeringly noisy and will never, in any way be hypersonic.
  5. I think you might have missed the point I was trying to make. Many Maasai have degrees and have reached high levels in so called civilised society (eg. Edward Lowassa - Prime Minister of Tanzania from 2005 to 2008). When they have accomplished whatever they set out to do, they will happily throw away the suit and tie, don their traditional clothes and return to their tribal lands. I know quite a few Maasai who have travelled widely (many have been to foreign universities), all have eventually returned permanently.
  6. Are these people primitive? The answer is no. They use the parts of modern technology that they find useful and discard the rest. From Wikipedia: "The Maasai people stood against slavery and lived alongside most wild animals with an aversion to eating game and birds. Maasai land now has East Africa's finest game areas. Maasai society never condoned traffic of human beings, and outsiders looking for people to enslave avoided the Maasai." Nice people.
  7. "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas..." Charles Babbage
  8. That's like saying: 27 Trillion flies eat shit. They can't all be wrong. Therefore you should eat it too.
  9. I managed to plough through the entire original post. Looks to me as if it's the dreaded tired light "theory" raising it's ugly head again.
  10. In fact, people refused to fund Columbus not because they thought the world was flat, but because they had a reasonable idea of the size of the world - whereas Columbus' figures were hopelessly wrong. (I did hear somewhere (long ago) that King Ferdinand finally sponsored him in the hope that he would never return - apparently he was getting a bit too close to Queen Isabella.)
  11. If you seriously believe this; I have a nice beachfront property in Mali you might be interested in.
  12. The whole idea of one god just seems silly to me. Certainly, if the universe is infinite, there must be either zero or an infinite number of them.
  13. Hardly a 'fence sitter' - more just bemused by the mind buggering gullibility demonstrated by one side. Edgar (nut)Cayce, John Dee, Atlantis - FFS
  14. Why would an imaginary entity care?
  15. I found my first grey hair when I was 18 - started going bald at 22. I blame it on having led an 'interesting' life.
  16. The only thing the bible is evidence of, is that a bunch of ignorant barbarians once wrote down a mish-mash of every old legend they could remember, steal or invent.
  17. Don't know about the amount of money given, but the NGOs in Africa who seem to get the most accomplished are usually French.
  18. Churches - we have a really bad infestation - particularly fundamentalist ones. They all send missionaries to Africa & their only aim seems to be to extract the maximum amount of cash from the maximum number of suckers. (And, of course, multinational companies.)
  19. I mostly use FLTK (partly because it's used in Bjarne Stroustrup's books which are the standard for college courses and partly because I find it much simpler to use than GTK or QT)
  20. He's either trolling or the last few remaining brain cells have finally evaporated.
  21. That must take a hell of a lot of energy. Do you know how big those things are?
  22. Remember when Reagan was shot - right through the middle of the head - missed his brain by a good yard.
  23. You ask questions about "ethnic groups", then, in the final one you admit that you don't know what "ethnic groups" means. I think this thread has committed suicide.
  24. I'm trying to figure out what on earth a "natural dome-shape" might be. (And what it could possibly have to do with any sort of flow.)
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