This is just another idea me and some friends came up with as a possible renewable energy.
So when two south or north sides of magnets meet they will push away from each other. What we were thinking is if you were to have a sort of "X" shaped piece with magnets on each end. Now this "X" would be able to spin freely on its center. Around each end of the "X" you would put a north/south magnet to push away on each side. Think of a graph and at a 30, 60, 120, 150, 210, 240, 300, and 330 degrees you would put a magnet. the x and y axis of the graph would be the arms of the previous piece.
If you were to push the arm, with the same magnet as the other ones, into one of the previously listed angles then it would push away from it. This would then bounce into the other angle where it would be pushed away again. this would create a bouncing back and forth sort of movement that could be used to generate energy.
-the bouncing motion would eventually stop
-requires a push to start it
-probably doesnt make sense haha
-magnets dont release any pollution
-we have access to some really strong magnets