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Everything posted by harlock

  1. We need calculus to manipolate its properties and experience to be able to make a good job obviously! Another question about sodium is: -Can it power a submarine?... It seems it breathes underwater like a fish...
  2. I don't understand why God justice had to modify his judgement in Heaven. So, is new heaven referring to new planets? Example: a new Mars with delicious fruit and very good animals Obvious question: scientifically speaking, can a new Mars give us a great natural life?
  3. It's incredible what's happening in Italy!! The previous government stopped immigration. A political rebellion created a new government(two monthes before covid-19 beginning) and reopened immigration. But now they stopped immigration because of covid-19!! (It seems a real miracle!!!) Is God against muslim immigration in Europe? Is God against Bergoglio(the Pope) who prayed for immigration?
  4. There is no animal serum against hiv even if bovines(for example) produce Hiv antibodies...
  5. Probably it's possible to use wind energy to heat(using Faucault currents, so inconstant wind power isn't a problem) the salt. The very good news is that this molten salt has a great heat of fusion(around 250-300 kwh/m3) value so it can work even if wind is not constant.
  6. Fe --> more than 500 kwh/m3 (Tfus. 1538°C) Si --> more than 1e3 kwh/m3 (Tfus. 1414°C) NaCl --> more than 250 kwh/m3(Tfus. 801°C) Do you think it's possible to store a large quantity of (renewable)energy when a matter changes from a solid to a liquid?…
  7. Howere if plastic products are banned, their alternatives'd fill the market.
  8. No project about it. I'm suggesting it to everybody because humans probably need it to save Earth planet from pollution. My idea is to use renewable energy to melt NaCl in order to store it. Then humans can use molten Sodium Chloride to have constant electrical energy from changeable renewable energy... p.s. Wind, Sea and hydro energy are largely availabe on the Earth and can directly be converted into thermal energy by Foucault currents without using electrical resistances...: I think it's the key to have cheap renewable energy. if it's cheap, it grows and replaces pollutant energy sources.
  9. The required thermal energy needed to liquefy 1 m3 of NaCl is about 300 kwh(at least), infact its heat of fusion value is about 30 kj/mol ---> 300 kwh/m3, consequently 1 m3 of molten NaCl stores about 300 kwh of thermal energy at the same temperature(about 800°C)..before becoming solid again. The working Temp is around 800°C(T.fus of NaCl), so thermal to electric energy conversion is potentially efficient.
  10. Take a look at a RAD(Rapid Application Devolopment) programming language. An example is Lazarus/Delphi. It's good for personal use...
  11. Why not to ban plastic products if it's replaceable?! If only Trump bans them including import of plastic products, the world'd be saved from plastic...
  12. - Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Sea Energy ----> Thermal Energy ---> molten Sodium Chloride - 1 m3 of solid Sodium Chloride + 300 kwh of Thermal Energy -----> about 1 m3 of molten Sodium Chloride - 1 m3 of molten Sodium Chloride ---> 300 Kwh of Thermal Energy(--->100 Kwh of Electric Energy + 200 kwh of lost heat) + solid Sodium Chloride - In a single salt mine usually there're several billion m3 of NaCl. Storing energy with Sodium Chloride?
  13. Does it exist or are we too much enthusiastic for these things? There would need less than 1 cm thickness of tungsten(or lead --> about 1.5 cm) in the coverall to have the same terrestrial weight. What do you think about?
  14. Uninhabited by human doesn't mean it is uninhabited by other life forms such as microorganisms.. Antarctica(Surface: 14e6 kmq) is almost completely uninhabitated. Only liquid water can give some kind of life. Surely we can find a location without life where to free living beings from nuclear waste!
  15. A no-living-being environment as healthy as possible while people're exposed to radiation or have this risk: is it logical?
  16. Why don't world govs decide to move all of their nuclear waste in Antarctica?
  17. Animals're instinctive living beings. Especially for sex...
  18. It's what I said: 'we need to rationalise sex also' because we all can be better than animals. Religion is a way but rationality is the best way because of impartiality.
  19. I've no source about it however it's understandable: governments call them refugees escaping from war but for the most part they're all young and strong guys who harass society for sex. What about no women and children? It's only an understandable situation.
  20. Air ionization is a limit to the maximum possible Electric field. It seems to be around 3e6 Volt/m! Surely on the Moon this value's more high, it's important because the stored energy depends on the square of Voltage... Photoelectic effect depends on the presence of light so it's not a problem, maybe it can be useful to discharge it very slowly...
  21. How much voltage'd can a Van de Graaff generator reach on the Moon? I mean...completely without air!
  22. Why? Is it very important?...
  23. Today immigration is for sex for the most part... Sex-tourism isn't as good as we think... I think humans need to rationalise sex also, religion or not!
  24. Don't forget steam engines. They push nuclear ships/submarines... The last steam coal-locomotive(around 1950, designed and devoloped by the engeneer Livio Dante Porta) was more than 20% efficient!... So I'd say there're several ways to replace oil cars. -Hybrid pellet cars'd can be powered by agricultural residues: bagasse, cotton stalk, cereal straw, etc... -Fuel cell cars have the best efficiency and are powered by very clean carburants: bioethanol and hydrogen. -Electric cars. -Maybe cold nuclear fusion cars
  25. I didn't calculate anything till now, I don't know if radiation pressure is good enough to propel a spacecraft(My question). Obviously I'm talking about radiation pressure coming from radioactive dregs of nuclear fission! How it works? It's sufficient to release radiation in the space to have a propulsion in the opposite direction: it's conservation of quantity of motion because radiation pressure is a palpable quantity of motion!
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