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Everything posted by buzsaw
Thailanders have the least incidence of cancer of all nations across the board. Why? Imo, it's their diet and lifestyle. It certainly can't be that they have more hospitals and modern facilities to treat cancer than the US. However some of these underdeveloped nations have a rapidly increasing chart because they are adopting western lifestyles. www.owendot.com/Health_Science
But if 42.4 is the average, that implicates a heck of a lot of incidents under that age.
Do you think a global prevalence of the deteriation of food quality over a long period would have any long term effect on NS?
My wife makes THEE BEST and THEE MOST HEALTHY pancakes. Here's her {until now) secret fomula/recipe. l. A cup and a half of whole organic rolled oats and 2 cups of buttermilk. Let these soak a few minutes while you're getting the rest ready. 2. A half cup of whole organic spelt flour. (Spelt is similar to wheat, but imo, better and no wheat gluten.) 3. About a half teaspoon of salt. 4. 2 eggs (we get ours from organic source) 5. 2/3 teaspoon baking soda. If you want to top your cakes with a delicious and nutritrous topping, mash up a banana and mix with unsulfured black strap molasses (enough molasses to taste.) Spread this on your cakes. Mmmm good!! Sometimes I substitute pure maple syrup for the molasses. The larger health food stores in many cities would have most of the organic stuff. Believe me, it's worth the little extra to buy organic and buy healthy. Cheaper than docs. Most of us put the best oil and parts in our automobiles, but alas, so few care a snap about the quality of what goes into the precious human body.
Hi Edisonian. We're in this dialog as to whether space (abstract) exists apart from matter (absolute.) I suppose we've got to settle that matter before your question can be answered. I don't see how the heck it can be bounded, i.e. end. As I see it, mainstream science bigbangists must needs have it somehow end in order to accomodate the BB, and the only way they can do that is to attach space to matter. After all, BB says the whole universe, space, matter and all expanded from a teeny submicroscopic singularity area. I know Rich Gore of National Geographic a couple of decades ago called this singularity an area of space billions of times smaller than the proton of an atom. I believe the name of the article was "The Once And Forever Universe" by him back in the 80's, if I recall. I saved the article but have missplaced it. I do remember those terms he used though.
OK. 1. Space exists. It exists in the universe as an abstract, meaning, according to my dictionary, that it's thought of apart from particular substances, or as you say, from the absolute. 2. If abstract space exists apart from the absolute, how then can you say that it cannot exist separate from matter which is absolute. True or false: The existing abstract space between objects is not part and parcel of the absolute objects existing around it.
This is a good point and might be relevant to the fact that both were affected if both were swimming in the same pool. The toxic fumes from charcoal lighter fluid, smoke in campfires or charcoal burners are another possibility, especially if both were present in these conditions.
Hi Braddock. I see this is a couple of months old. Have you or your room-mate had any more of this since posting? Some possible causes: 1. Tired or fatigued eyes. 2. Too little sleep. 3. Chemicals in the air. 4. Vitamin A deficiency due to excessive drinking. Some natural suppliments for eyes. 1. B complex, Vit A, E, C 2. Herbal "eyebright". 3. Essential oils such as Flax oil, borage oil (available in capsules) to keep your veins and arteries healthy, soft and plyable. NOTE: Any side effects of a reasonable amount of the above suppliments should be all good!
There seems to be LTD 1 problems with this, but being that it would lead off topic, I'll save elaboration on that for it's own thread topic another time.
Mother Board looses power? Fan's old -- it stops!
buzsaw replied to 1veedo's topic in Computer Science
Over a year ago the power unit fan on my computer began running slow and finally quit. I took it out and turned it upside down and reinstalled it. It's been running fine since. Maybe worth a try. -
My wife does nearly all our cooking, but likes a muhlich which I make up from mostly raw organic ingredients. I don't measure, but simply add to taste as I go. I begin with a sizeable bowl for easy mixing (which I do with a large spoon). First in goes raw organic rolled oats which we buy at a health food outlet by the 50 lb bag. I believe it runs around 30 - 35 dollars but lasts a long time. From there I add whatever tastes good and is healthy. The list goes as follows: 1. about 3 or 4 tablespoons of cold pressed flax oil which I buy frozen by the quart and keep in the freezer so as not to turn rancid which it will do easily. In our freezer door compartment it does not get hard but stays very cold. There's a test for rancid oils. Sample a small dab and if it stings your throat, IT IS RANCID! Much of the olive oils you buy in the supermarket, even though they are valid dated, DO NOT PASS THE TEST! I also had to return some flax oil capsules which did not pass the test, though they had good dates. For that reason, I bite all oil capsules when I get them. Olive oil is fine too, if you can find some good coldpressed that's not rancid or if you can buy it frozen. 2. A quarter cup or so of wheat germ. (organic, of course) 3. A quarter cup or so of raw organic sunflower seeds. Do not buy sunflower seeds unless they are raw and have a rich grey color. If they are yellowish, they're worthless and not good for you. 4. Raw organic nut chips or chopped nuts can replace sunflower seeds if desired. 5. If at all possible a nice ripe (but not mushy) mango is an important ingredient, imo. This should be diced which is tricky. You first peel half of it. Why? Because they're miserably slippery and you need the other half unpeeled to hold onto it. Then with a good sharp knife you slice TO THE SEED (important) longwise first about five or six slices. Then you slice crosswise the whole length of the half so you end up with little pea size dices. Then you shave off that side to the seed, making sure your all the way to the seed, leaving half of your seed bare when you finish that half. Now you have the seed to dig your fingernails onto for a grip so you can hold it to peel the other half and do likewise. (Practice makes perfect) For a good muhlich, it's important to have everything in small parts/dices so as to get a nice blend when finished. 6. Add one diced/sliced banana. I peel it down so as far as I can and still hold the unpeeled part in left hand. Then I slice once through the middle all the way down, after which I slice it quite thinly all the way down. Then I peel the end I've held and dice it up. Again this procedure is used so as to hold onto it. 7. Add to this UNSULFURED blackstrap molasses to taste. Even if you don't like blackstrap, you'll like it in this as it, as with everything else blends the whole so you don't taste anything particular, perse. I often add some genuine maple syrup also. NO SUGAR!! Imo, if you do you will end up with something inferior in taste and unhealthy for your body. Blackstrap molasses is all the good nutritious stuff that is left after refining the sugar out of sugar cane. In America most is fed to animals to keep them healthy and we stupid humans eat the worthless nutritionless white sugar, wrecking havoc with out health and rotting our teeth. 8. A few tablespoons of plain white yogart is good. 9. A few tablespoons of UNSULFURED grated coconut is an excellent ingredient, but for health, make sure it's unsulfured and says so on the lable. Most is not. Your local health store will likely have it or can get it. 10. Berries, such as blueberrys, currants, strawberrys, etc are excellent ingredients, either frozen or preferably fresh. If you don't like to deal with the seeds, don't use currants or rasberrys. I don't mind them. Dice up the strawberrys. 11 Other fresh fruits as desired can be added but dice them up good. 12.Oat bran, rice or other grain bran is always included in my mix. 13. Tofu is good. 14. To end up with the desired slump (a term used in mixing cement for desired thickness ) you will likely need some kind of liquid. I often use Coors beer as last I heard Coors uses no nitrites. I need to check with them though to see if that still holds true. Water will work fine if it's not clorinated tap water. Milk not good, nor is pop. Fruit juice is good so long as it's the real stuff. I sometimes use cider if I can get it without preservative nitrites. Wine has the nitrites also. MIX THOROUGHLY (very important) with a large spoon. As you mix and mix and mix, it will thicken. This is when you begin to add liquid to desired slump. This gives you something delicious to try. I call it sinless desert meal It's also something you can scale down or up sizewize according to how many you're feeding. Most guests should love this, but I suggest you do one up for yourself first. There's all kinds of variations you can use to suit and finetune what you like. Remember though that you SHOULD NOT LIVE TO EAT. You should EAT TO LIVE!! I believe fruit meals such as this tend towards an acid body ph if eaten too often. You need the vegies, (preferably raw) to maintain a slightly alkaline body ph for optimum health, according to the health books. Cheers and good health to all!
You either have a wrong view about Medicine and/or about Holistic healing. Holistic healing is for 50% a fraud ( people selling cures for cancer, vitamine tablets which are not needed etc ), the other 50% works mainly in ensuring a healthy diet, which prevents a lot of diseases. As I stated, there's a whole lot more to holistic health/healing than vitamines, and speaking of vitamines, good holistic recommends natural vitamines in proper proportions and combinations. Theres diet, exercise, chiropractery, detoxification cleanses, minerals, including proper proportions of magnesium to calcium (very important), herbal teas, herbal tinctures, et al. I know these things work. I've used most of them for years and observed them working wonders in others, some of whom the mds gave up on. By medicine there are certainly mistakes made ( especially in backwater regions ) and sometimes MD's even commit fraud, but generally MD's will help you prevent symptoms WHILE allowing your body to heal naturally. It's not just the backwater regions. It's all over including the big city hospitals. It's in my own home town, where prescription drugs are, for the most part doing more harm than good. I have a friend right now, who's a mess from prescription drugs and is just beginning to get on holistic regime to cure the terrible effects of the multitudes of drugs she's taking as well as working on her terrible diet pattern she's been on. One more thing about vitamins which are used A LOT at Holistic Healing...........they are one of the biggest frauds there are. If you eat a normal variety of food and don't spend your days locked up inside your house you WILL have the necessary vitamins. If you take vitamin pills it is completely useless in that case. 1. Vitamines derived from natural products and sold by reputable companies ARE very beneficial. They, being natural as opposed to synthetic are just food and for the most part have no possibility of adverse side effects. 2. The American diet does not have the necessary vitamins and minerals in the general food supply. Why? Because the foods are for the most part grown on worn out soil, deficient in natural organic minerals and nutrient need for adequate nutrition. The large farms use pesticides and chemical fertilizers which force out what litttle is left in the soil, but add nothing of lasting soil building substance to the soil for delicious healthy products. I know the difference. I garden organically and my trees are organic. There's a world of difference in taste and quality of organic vs commercial. 3. I've raised chickens just for healthy eggs. I've read where if commercial caged hens eggs were fertilized by a rooster they wouldn't even hatch. Store bought eggs are enimic, pale and quite blaw tasting after eating natural eggs where the chickens can range and forage. The first thing a chicken will do in the AM is eat grass and greens, et al. I gave my chickens to my neighbors who also raise them so we wouldn't have to do the work. We now buy our organic eggs from them. 4. It's true there's frauds out there, but imo, the most subtile frauds are the AMA and the Cancer Society as well as the pharmacuticals who's agendas seem to be too largely money driven. They, imo, find it more profitable to look for cures than to find them.
Thanks Dan. It appears that I'll get along fine here.
I suppose my universe hypothesis comes close to that. It jives with a literal rendering of the Genesis account and it satisfies the thermodynamic laws, imo, topping the BB for the 1st law, since with this, energy and matter had no singularity/beginning as with BB. In Jehovah God's Universe; time, energy and boundless space had no beginning and will have no ending. The universe, by and through him, is, has always been and forever will be intelligently designed, changed and managed by his providence.
That's a rather sweeping generalization, and while certain activities, smoking in particular, increase one's risk of cancer, there are many types of cancer whose primary cause is not due to "lifestyle choices". For example: Quote: Originally Posted by American Cancer Society While not common in the US, stomach cancer is the second most common cancer in the world, as well as one of the leading causes of cancer deaths. (Source: http://www.cancer.org/docroot/NWS/c...ch_Canc er.asp) The currently, it is believed that one of the main causes of this cancer is atrophic gastritis, where: Quote: Originally Posted by American Cancer Society This is a condition where the normal glands of the stomach are either decreased or absent. There is a variable degree of inflammation (the stomach cells are damaged by cells of the patient's immune system), and this is often due to H pylori infection. It is not known exactly why this condition progresses to cancer. (Source: http://www.cancer.org/docroot/CRI/c... 0.asp?rnav=cri) There are a number of probiotics and antioxidants which I would used to help this condition, Fresh extracted carrot/celery juice, other raw juices, aged garlic, leafy vegtables, green tea, Jason Winters tea, Essiac tea, aloe vera, selenium, beta carotene, vitamines A, C, E, grape seed extract, flax seed oil, et al. I would ELIMINATE: White flour products, salt preserved and smoked foods, products with white sugar, hydogenated oils, margarines, peanut products, alcohol products, pickled foods, nitrited and nitrated products such as processed meats, colorings, all products with preservatives, etc. The above are some things I would apply for myself or my family for any stomach problems. The problem with the American Cancer Society is that they've been hauling in the megabucks from the people for 50 plus years and imo, they, like the medical profession and pharmacuticals find it more profitable to look for cures than to find them. They've made relatively little progress over the last 50 years, though in recent years some of them are responding to the pressure by the public to introduce some of the things above into their cirriculum. In my opinion, this is due to the fact that obesity doesn't tend to cause severe medical problems until much later in one's life, and thus, the only immediate negative effect of eating whatever one wants while they are relatively young is a negative social stigma. Obesity is a diet and lifestyle problem, for the most part, and a lot of folks, young and old are paying a price for careless eating, lack of exercise, et al. That price includes sickness, disability lack of energy, poverty, social problems and even death. Care to elaborate? It's a long story beginning with the drug librium for heart skip and ending with a 24 hour coma due to doctor error. How do you know that they don't have conditions that show few precursors to serious medical conditions, such as such a high cholesterol, or high blood pressure? What about vaccinations? What if they had a serious medical condition whose symptoms are life threatening, but easily treated with modern medicines, such as asthma? When they got sick we knew what to do for the remedy. The body heals when you give it what it needs to do it. You don't treat the symptom perse. You treat the body. I and my elder son tend to get hay fever which can lead to asthma, if not attended to. I deal with that with diet, eliminating wheat and other conjesting products, applying antioxidants, et al. I never take any drugs of any kind and seldom have hay fever problems now. My children are grown and use some of what we taught them, but not as much as we'd like. They often consult us when they or their children get sick. They do use the docs some. I hope that you aren't asserting that holistic treatment are a substitute for a good diet and regular exercise. Holistic treatment IS a good diet and regular exercise, for the most part, often suplimented with minerals, vitamines, herbs, et al. These also are, unlike perscription drugs, essentially food. Your solution becomes a bit muddied when the symptoms of a disease are fatal. We've never allowed sickness to advance to the stage of life threatening. That's what's cool about this knowledge for one's self and one's family. I'm not saying don't use the doc. They're good for doing tests, fixing injuries, and such. One, imo, is safer using med docs who apply some of the alternatives with their proceedures. The medical profession and cancer society's solution becomes very muddled when you factor in the $$ factor. It's too much $$ driven, imo. Cheers, and the best of health to you and yours. __________________ You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it. -Robin Williams (1951 - )