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Everything posted by jutntog1

  1. I dont want to spend the time reading this entire thread, but im requesting that an admin consider moving this thread to either genneral or psudoscience becouse clearly it is not scientifily related (read above thread) thanks.
  2. {mod pleese move this if it belongs elsewhere} This may just be med student syndrome (though i am technically/and literally not at medical school just studying medicine my self). But i am wondering anyways I seem to develop (more than habitably) "Obsessions" about many different things about a month ago it was did I accidentally leave AOL instant messenger up on the computer. I would totally freak out about it even if people told me (who where with me at the time) that I didn't this was reoccurring, Because of this "Obsession" I would feel the need to check it, that often meant doing things I really did not want to do like go home etc. From what i have read this is very symptomatic of OCD. After a while of realizing how extremely irrational this is I forced myself to quit. So I am wondering is it possible I have OCD or a form of OCD but it is to a low enough degree I can over come it. There are other strong examples like the one above but there are other much less typically OCD examples of obsessions. I need to be listening to music and if i am not ill go very much out of my way too. If I don’t know what something is or a lot about something I feel the NEED not just want to go home or to a computer and look it up on wikipedia. And again will go out of my way to do so. if my cell phone isn’t near me I freak out and need to get near a phone, and if my phone is out of battery I will go way out of my way to sit by a charger so I can charge it and hear if someone’s calling.... So I am wondering your serous thoughts thanks...
  3. ok, maby i wasnt clear enough, first off i dont believe the uncertainty princibal is exactly what your talking about second off, i knew that, what im asking is what are the odds, and is it even actualy statistcly posible (not likely)
  4. Truly sory i scimmed over your post and did not read it... OOPS yes it was helpfull
  5. ok so does anyhone have any real answers?
  6. In the mockumentary "what the beep do we know!" the idea that people could theoreticly do things like walk on water, if things worked out at a quantom level. I know this is not statisticly posible obvously, but im wondering is it theoreticaly posible? and if it is what are the odds (pleese express simply in scientific notation) of an average person taking one step onto water, would this be configurable?
  7. pleese retype, im a poor typest myself and usualy in fact this is the first time ive critisised someones typing but i honestly cnat understand your question.
  8. woa, while i do agree its a shame that modern games arent usign there superioir visual capabilities to convay stories, you cant say that current games have worse game play. current games are more interactive, much more complicated and usualy much more time extensive (if the games decent) i do agree they should be able to do a lot better but the current games are better just not as much better as they should be... halo... case in point
  9. yeah thanks a lot this is very intresting
  10. whether or not thats acurate, at least you have added some meanign to this discusion
  11. my thoughts exactly... does it mean anything relivent or is it just an intresting piece of trivia?
  12. I feel stupid asking, was that question sarcastic or what you where actualy saying? on a much more relivent note I had never thought about how our eyes/Brain distorts time, does anyone know how long it takes our eyes to refocus does it always take the same amount of time? are there any other examples of times when our brains distrort time. (its intresting to to note if we are talking about our eyes only it isnt realy distroring our sence of time, becouse we do have other sences it is only distroting our ability to see things in real time isnt it)
  13. id want to live forever, but i do comlpleatly agree it would be miserable, i figure if i live "forever" i could figure a lot of things out and thats all i realy care about right now....
  14. You are slightly confused, aim fight does not check you buddy list, it checks other peoples buddy lists for you sn. and it only checks that on people online, so you can see there is no potenional for any security holes crackers could abuse.
  15. I was thinking... can every object in the world be described 100% acurately in bianary, theoreticaly i mean.
  16. http://www.aimfight.com is my new addicition.... im trying to get the highest number posible, pleese add me to your buddy list and tell your buddies to do the same etc.... pleese....semag68
  17. Icheb be nice, if you dont think its common sence id like to point out its also listed under edaquit take a look http://scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=8730 "Don't Flame Just because someone doesn't agree with you, doesn't mean you need to insult them. They can be ignorant, sure, but try not to flame them out of the forum. If they're intentionally insulting people, don't reply--just use the Report Post function to let the moderators know about it. They can deal with insult wars and rule-breakers a lot better than regular users" "Don't be Mean If you don't agree with someone, don't attack them. Tell them politely why you think they're wrong, and give them evidence. Insulting people won't get you anywhere but suspended." now on topic i think he has a good point i dont think it would effect anything but its certainly intresting if we view events in an extreamily distorted way from other creatures it could make cross specise comunication very tricky... as in telling your dog to sit...i wonder if dogs have a dif perseption of time... or even if monkeys, im thinking very clearly of koko (however its spelled)....
  18. yeah i was figuring it might mean somethign about not working for yourself, or maby simply always doing "buisy work" for the good of society.
  19. While listening to the bright eyes album digital ash in a digital urn i was confronted my some odd lyrics i looked them up and decided to post them hear for some help desphering them here they are (from the first song on the album called "time code": Artist: Bright Eyes Album: Digital Ash In A Digital Urn Year: 2005 Title: Time Code Death data entry ant hill law encoded arc our common cause drink liquid clocks 'til i see God crystal display can't turn it off shh...shh...shhhh don't talk don't talk any help would be apreciated but mostly i am wondering what ant hill law is. Connor (the artist) claims he does not ever ramble about nothing in his songs has some meaning...
  20. jutntog1


    I had always been let on, almost certainly from the movie, that the disaster would have been avoided by hitting the iceberg strait on, however i do not know anything for real on the topic. I am wondering did the movie indicate that a strait on hit would have been better, if so why?
  21. Economic Left/Right: -6.13 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.79
  22. thanks for the great post lucid that was a real help
  23. this seems like a stupid question... basicly how do they geneticly modify animals/plants, and how does it work.=p
  24. Not to patronise but simply to rephrase what other have said in a more simplisitic way evolution as your refering is created simply by random mutatations, the mutations that help the creature survive mean that more creatures with that mutation survive so more creaters pass that trait down to the next generation. we could have stopped this proccess temporarily by making life to "easy" but it is not posible that it has permenately stopped. two other points worth thinking about are humans have "invented" unatural "evoulution" as in evovling technology etc, and while this isnt even simalar to biological evoulution in many ways it serves the exact same purpose. even if we do not "Change" into somthing diffrent as the massises the random mutations that are hereditary will continue to either thin or grow based on how medical care is given.
  25. how will i know what plate?
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