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Everything posted by jutntog1

  1. thats what i was wanting to know exactly thank you.
  2. Gaetp rq pteag gxamj wtvhbyspg rq rj t pyyp gvkaaf ftea?
  3. ohh, ic so everytime the light comes in contact with something some of it gets aborbed? then im assuming the absorbtion is in the form of turning the the obsorbing matter warmer?
  4. cool thanks for the info ill look it up
  5. yeah i havnt seen anyone with a solid theory but i dont think it is posible for something to be random is it?
  6. but isnt all matter somewhat reflective? so wouldnt it continue to bounce around?
  7. ill state what im asking a little diffrent instead of answering your question: hypotheticaly if you were able to know everthing and could stop time to give you time to figure it out, could you predict all aspects of qm i hope that clears up what im saying
  8. I have seen a few shows on quantom mechanics and done a little research and everthing that i have seen talks about some amount of randomness at a quantom level, this doesnt make sence to me, is what its trying to say is that we cant predict it or understand why it reacts the way it does? becouse it is imposible for something to be compleatly random isnt it?
  9. I am curios how and when light defuses or stops, By this i mean is the light from the sun continue to go untill the edge of the universe (using this as an example not wanting to discuss the edge of the universe). Pleese explain in some detail.
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