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  1. How fast is the universe expanding? Is there an estimate and/or an analogy that could make sense to someone that isn't a physics or math major? And from what I understand you're saying because of this expansion the light from 8 billion light years away only happened 1-2 billion light years away because space has been expanding and caused it to take that long? only happened 1-2 billion years ago* Wait... So in reference to expansion... the Earth and where this happened at 8 billion light years away... At the point light emitted from this body shouldn't it still reach us at the same time? If something is say 1 light year from earth shouldn't it have happened 1 year ago? Roughly?
  2. If the supermassive black hole that was knocked out of its galaxy recently was 8 billion light years away then how could it have happened 1-2 billion years ago? This was listed on multiple articles but the main article in reference is: http://www.spacetelescope.org/news/helc1706/ The only 2 conclusions that I can come up with are that a)the information was wrong or b)our galaxy is moving directly away from the light coming from the debris outside the event horizon of the supermassive black hole in question.... which i'm no mathmatician but light travels about 670,616,629 mph and our galaxy travels at about 515,000 mph which doesent seem to add up. Could someone please help explain this to me?
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