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Everything posted by rescue341

  1. Thank y'all for the replies. I'm on mobile so I'm not able to look at everyone's usernames across the to pages so I can't directly reply. To the poster who took offense to the image on the video I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to offended I had to put a image other the audio to post it and I was not to please with religious folks at the time so that is the one I chose. My personal opinions of religion is it is the ultimate form of narcissism and intelucal death. while those are my opinions. I want to make it clear I have no issue with anyone believing in a religion. And I believe you should Beable to express your religion or for that matter any view. Regardless of what I think of it. But understand freedom of expression is not freedom from confirmation. I believe strongly in the quote by David cribbin "freedom of speech is not only the right to say as you please it is also the right to have what you say contested, and where does not accord with reason refuted, or with sense ridiculed" while it troubles me that a stem professor is allowed to teach when they openly deny science I do not have a problem with him haven't a religion. But if he brings his nonsense up and try's to pass it as science or fact then I have a problem and I believe wholely that in that situation if you claim yourself a person of reason or science then you have a duty to act To the commenters who posted about the MRSA and flu shot I love those ideals I will keep them in my memory. I have asbergers I've learned to coup well in day to day social settings and I consider my self pretty knowledgable on a wide range of scientific areas but when it comes to on the fly communicating. It gets very hard for me to form what I know in to words . So it's a huge help to kind of have rebutles pre-loaded in my mind so thank you To the commenter asked where I go to college I'm not going to put that Info out there. I will say I go to a very small rural community college. I understand where your comeing from when I took my EMT at another college further up north it was written policy that teachers did not discuss this stuff. Unforantly my current college is a whole different world. my largest class here is 5 students, most students and instructors are ultra consertive due to the coal industry here. And just as many are religious. the student government association and the bible club here are one in the same. When you add ultra consertive and highly regligous with the small sample size it's not hard to believe.
  2. Hey all So I was in one of my classes for my electrical engineering degree and I was talking with another student about creationism in the classroom. He had another veiw on it then me but we had a good discussion about why we thought different. During this the professor burst into the conversation and says he knows evolution is wrong because god tells him it is. In heingsight I dont think I should have let the conversation shift from one one education to one of religion but unfortunately I did and I dont think I did a very good job of defending science. The majority of the class made sure to let me know afterwards they were no monkeys and repeatedly offered me a banana.(not the best day of my college career) I attached the link to the last few mins of the debate. I hadn't thought to record it until several mins in. I was hoping some of yall may listen to it and give me some advice on how I could have done better. I don't know if it's directly related to our new president or not but it seems i'm ending up in positions tring to defend science more lately. Just last week I had a student argue with mw stating global warming was a lie of the government after they peer-reviewed my english paper on climate change. Thank you
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