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Everything posted by mad_scientist

  1. It's been awhile since I read the entire article so I'm not sure. But yeah if you're a guy, do you think it is best to be on the look out for younger women instead of older ones?
  2. https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/mar/31/women-marrying-younger-men-dying-earlier-research Anyone have any ideas? Should every man try to marry the youngest women around so they can live the longest life compared to others??? What are the advantages of marrying a slightly older wife?
  3. Are you sure? But you learn lots of things from work (e.g. communication skills, time management skills, collaboration skills etc.) sure some of these skills can be beneficial? It's part of the global feminist movement. Now there are more female university graduates than male graduates.
  4. Hahaha. Do you think the years of work prior to being a mother would make a woman a better mother for her children compared to a housewife with little or no professional working life? If so, how and in what ways?
  5. Is it a waste of time trying to get your divers licence if self-driving cars will be available soon?
  6. What's the logic behind it exactly is simple and plain English?
  7. Will humans ever treat other animals with the care and respect they deserve as the human population becomes more humane in time? What do you think? Is it inevitable that the human population will treat other animals as good as how we treat other human beings?
  8. What evolutionary advantage does sodomy give to animals which choose to engage in this activity?
  9. What evolutionary advantage did this give the animals of this planet? What proportion of the animals which exist today, do not masterbate at all in their natural environments?
  10. Which books have you both read and recommend?
  11. This is a serious question, so please only serious replies...
  12. I'm not talking about radiologists (which I definitely know is not safe from automation) but radiographers. Radiographers are the people who help position the patient onto the scanner and make them feel comfortable and take the images of the patients' inside body using ct/MRI machines etc. What does everyone here think?
  13. Depends on what? If you suffered from a broken heart and had invested emotional energy in a previous relationship as well as many others, would this ruin any future marriages you might have in future due to the trauma of being damaged? Is it possible to never get over your first love?
  14. Are you sure this is the case? Do you have any proof that this indeed is what happens either way?
  15. Does it ruin your future marriage as you will forever think about all the previous ex's you had been with while within the marriage?
  16. Anyone know? What are the latest scientific data suggesting?
  17. Nah just plain old ones hehe.
  18. I meant the version of God we are all too familiar with here in the West, Yahweh or Allah. The God of the Abrahamic faiths.
  19. How did you become such an amazing person? How did you get the skills to become the person that you are now? Did your parents encourage you much? What was it that directed you towards the careers that you have had throughout your life?
  20. Oh yeah, what sort of experiments did you do?
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