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Everything posted by butterysteez

  1. thanks a bunch man. do you want me to email you the program or the source?
  2. I'm just messing around with some computer graphics and I got a little over my head in the math. I need to find the normal to this plane which I'm using to model water splashes. 0=(sin sqrt(x^2 + z^2))/(x^2 + z^2)-y
  3. ya the more I research the more I'm finding out that it would be easyiest to just build up a table for elements and compounds. aparantly there are very few common naturally occuring minerals and elements. all I really need is for things to burn, melt, change colors, change their friction coeficcients, change their density, and perhapps react with a few other substances. so do you think I could just take two elements (whose properties I have predefined) and if their extra/missing electrons match up (or come close) I could bond them? then the new mass would be equal to the sum and the density/strength/state would be relitive to the elegance of the molecular bond and origonal physical properties? in other words: the relitive percentage of each elements' electrons which it is sharing will determine the percentage of volume loss and density increase from the molecular bond. I know it would only be 1 line of code to determine if there is an electron bond then the density and volume determination would only be 3 or 4 interger multiplications which is nothing for a computer. hell it wouldn't be exact enough for a chemist but it might be exact enough for determining erosion or solubility etc... this is pretty helpful: http://www.ce.berkeley.edu/~paulmont/CE60/atomic%20bonds/index.htm
  4. thanks alot. I figured there was some pretty complicated stuff burried under there. I appreciate your help. I think I am going to just end up with a table of elements and their changing properties relitive to temperature. even if I did wanna study chemistry for a while to get to understand it I think that the resulting mathmatical ops would take too long on the computer to warrant real time interaction.
  5. I don't care about the rigid body dynamics of the atoms themselfs. I need to know the physical properties of objects composed of elements. and they don't need to be exact. my vision is the ability to interact with a 3d enviornment with a molecular background ie: wood burns, iron melts, ice cracks.... ie: iron melts at x degrees, iron's strenth/flexibility/elastisity etc... are relitive to heat. what is the relation. this is what I need for a large number of elements. I don't have any chemistry background. I am taking a chem class this summer to help me out with it. there are only 5 variables though why is it so complicated? this is what I don't get: ---------------------------------------- atoms only have 5 variables: protons, nutrons, electrons, architecture and heat/energy. (although acrchitecture is much more complicated than a single variable) Are there formulas relating these variables to the physical properties of large tangible objects which are composed of them? I need either formulas or open source sofware because I'm trying to integrate them into a 3d physics engine. it doesen't need to be exact or perfect, engineers are not going to depend on it. I could even get away with just predefining specific elements if somone would be kind enough to point me to where these properties are located or how I can derive them myself. thanks so much for your help my software will be open-source upon completion and I'll post it here when I'm done.
  6. hi my name's Collin I'm a Computer Science student at UAA AlaskA. I'm in the process of making a 3d engine using opengl which uses rigid body dynamics and the Finite element method to simulate extremely interactive enviornments. (wood burns, steel melts, glass shatters, gass's compress) I need a method for modeling the physical properties of atoms and molecular compounds. given an atom or a molecule and it's temperature I need to be able to determine: -the strength of the material (compression and tension) -surface-tension / flexibility -mass -density -elastisity -cleavage -appearance (color, reflecitions etc...) also Givin a set of atoms and molecules I need to be able to determine: -which new molecules are created -what are the properties of the new molecule -an idea of what the chemical reaction looks like ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- does something like this already exist in open-source software? tables of physical properties are not sufficient. I need formulas for specific elements or for subatomic particles to determine the physical properties. is there a methodical way for determining the physical properties of an atom based on it's subatomic makeup and temperature? is there a methodical way for determining the physical properties of compounds based on it's atomic makeup? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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