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Stephen Stars

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  1. Humanity has been puzzled by gravity for millennia. It is the strangest and the most significant of all the known forces in the universe. Gravity is still a mystery and the exact mechanism and nature are still unknown. I will be examining the mysteries of gravity, antimatter, black hole, and gravitational lensing today by reflecting on Nikola Tesla's quote, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration". Space, Energy, and Matter Everything in the cosmos is composed of no more than energy. Energy is just a term to describe a capacity to do things and is commonly measured as frequency. On the other hand, space is only an expression of the energy at work in terms of frequency (the speed at which something happens within a given time). Both energy and matter are conserved. It means that in any system, total input is equal to total output, namely a constant factor or otherwise, there is no such equation like E = mc2. All scientific laws and equations will fall within the principle of absence, balance, and constant (ABC), as depicted below: - E = mc2 or E - mc2 = 0 or mc2 - E = 0, A = B or A - B = 0 or B - A = 0. Energy is Space in Tango, Space is Energy at Play Energy is generally represented as a vibration, the presence of opposing forces. The alternating motion of the opposing forces would then generate a continuum of undulating patterns swinging back and forth. This may be elucidated by a tango dance (a partner dance) where space is meant as energy to play on a dance floor. In the meantime, the intersection of low-frequency energy waves in space is called matter. This is something that occupies space due to the conversion of mobile waves into standing energy waves. In other words, energy and matter are only two aspects of the same thing; the two are mirrored differently under conditional phenomena. Standing waves can generally be produced by two identical waves moving in opposite directions with the right wavelength. In a confined space, standing waves occur when a wave with the correct wavelength meets its reflection. A standing wave, also called a stationary wave, combines two waves moving in opposite directions, each having the same amplitude and frequency. This phenomenon is the result of interference: when the waves are superimposed, their energies are either added together or cancelled out. In Albert Einstein’s equation of relativity, E = mc2, a quantum of energy is defined as the diffusion of a mass at the velocity of light squared. By comparison, in an electrical circuit, a watt is defined as an amp current with a voltage of one volt. Why is Antimatter largely missing in the Material Universe? The mirror image of matter is antimatter, and when they come into contact, the two can cancel each other immediately. In the Material Universe, there should be an equal amount of matter and antimatter. However, antimatter could not manifest as an anti-atom or anti-molecule because of the lack of low-frequency energy waves. The creation of Atoms and Molecules 1. Firstly, atoms and molecules are formed by crystallising low-frequency energy waves. As shown, atom A would be formed in the beginning, followed by atom B, atom C, and atom D. The interactive waves of energy produced a clockwise rotational force between the space of atom A and atom B. At the same time, atom A and atom B turn in the respective counter-clockwise direction. 2. When atom C is formed, it would be attracted to adjoining atoms, say, atom B. This is mainly due to the prevalence of differential pressure in the surrounding area and a strong bond would then form, just like the pair of rubber cymbals kissing. From there, a new molecule is formed, say, the B-C molecule. Similarly, the attraction between atom A and atom D would produce the A-D molecule. 3. At the same time, the B-C molecule and the A-D molecule would be drawn together according to Bernoulli’s principle, that is, when the velocity of the substance around the objects rises, the pressure decreases. Afterward, the molecules would travel towards each other in accelerated motion, and it is a mark of gravitational force. 4. Finally, the respective atoms in the molecules would cease auto-rotation and begin to vibrate in the form of standing waves. Later, the newly bonded molecules would assume a counter-clockwise rotation that is coupled with disturbances in the curvature of spacetime. A new spiral-shaped gravitational wave would appear in a diffusing pattern as a result of natural aerodynamic flows. How does Gravity work? 1. Gravity would appear parallel to the presence of atoms. This means that it is directly influenced by the mass of atoms or molecules in an object, that is, the amount of matter in an object, rather than the size of the volume. In other words, an increase in the mass density of atoms would cause greater gravitational forces between objects and vice versa. 2. At the same time, the rotation of an object does not affect its gravitational force. However, in terms of surface gravity, it has a slight influence by which when the centrifugal force increases the surface gravity would decrease slightly. For example, the rotation of the Earth leads to a slight bulge at the equator and a slight flattening at the poles. 3. Meanwhile, it is imperative to note that all objects have a force that draws them toward one another. This means that we even attract other objects because of gravity, but our mass is too insignificant for the force to be effective. Generally, weight is a force caused by gravitational attraction. The more mass the object has, the greater its weight will be. The following principle applies: - Weight (N) = Mass (kg) x Gravity (m/s2) 4. Also, the mass of an object stays the same wherever it is, but its weight can vary depending on the variation of the gravitational force on it. Moreover, an object with a higher mass would induce a stronger pushing force toward the other side of another object with a lower mass. As a result, the gravitational force increases when the masses of objects are greater; instead of the size of the volume. 5. For easy reference, the gravitational forces between atoms are akin to voltage in an electrical circuit. When the batteries are connected in series, the total amount of voltage in the circuitry would be reflected by the total sum of the capacity of each battery. Supposedly, one battery would supply approximately 1.5V and both batteries would supply approximately 3.0V respectively. 6. In other words, greater mass would provide greater gravitational strength. It is similar to more gravity-carrying bands turning simultaneously between atoms. Just as a series of turbine motors operate simultaneously to generate a higher voltage which, in turn, results in a higher electromotive force in an electric circuit. 7. The illustration above shows that gravitational forces would occur as the gravity conveyor belts began to rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise, respectively, in the presence of atoms or molecules. As objects get closer together, gravitational forces would increase. This conforms to Bernoulli’s principle which dictates when the speed of the substance increases, the pressure decreases. 8. The applicable principle: a smaller space between the atoms of the objects in contact would encourage the conveyor belts of gravity to turn at a higher rate, thereby generating a much lower pressure in the surroundings. Subsequently, the atoms between the confronting objects would be pushed toward one another at a more intense accelerating speed. 9. Finally, the more mass an object has, the more inertia it has. Inertia is defined as an object’s tendency to resist a change in its state of motion. As a rule, translational momentum depends only on the mass and velocity of the object. A larger mass would take an extended force to bring the object to the targeted speed and likewise, to bring it to a stop thereafter. 10. Supposedly, object A is the Earth, object B is the rock, and object C is the feather. As these three objects approach each other, the Earth with a much higher mass density would certainly inherit much more inertia, namely a resistance to change in its state of motion. This is although these three objects are pushing together at the same time. 11. At the end of the day, the effective force would be the objects with lesser masses (object B and object C) moving towards the objects with higher masses (object A) at the same accelerating motions. For example, a small dust particle would move towards the human body that encompasses a relatively higher mass and with greater inertia rather than the contrary. How does Gravitational Lensing work? 1. Spacetime fabric is full of energy vessels, as are blood vessels in our tissues and organs. We could describe these energy vessels as the arteries and veins of the cosmos in a nested structure of the corrugated pattern. Gravitational force occurs when the gravity conveyor belts start to rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise with the spawning of atoms or molecules. These gravity conveyor belts are the rotating motion of the energies that make up the integration of the arteries and veins of the cosmos. 2. Meanwhile, the best-known black holes are created when a massive star reaches the end of its life and implodes, collapsing on itself. It created a variation in the velocity of energies between the arteries and veins of the cosmos. The energies in the cosmos’ arteries would travel in accelerating motions, while the energies in the cosmos’ veins would travel in decelerating motions. This scenario conforms to the orientation of spiral gravitational waves that would appear in a diffusing model due to natural aerodynamic streams. 3. To illustrate the circumstances of a black hole, we could think about the elastic limit of the spring, as described in Hooke’s law. The metal of the spring has an elastic property only up to the particular stress known as the point of elasticity. Elastic means that the metal can deviate, but once the force of deviation is removed, it will return to its original form. However, if the deflection force is greater than the point of elasticity, the stress would result in permanent deformation of the spring. 4. As a result, the fabric of the energies would distort towards the outer direction of the centre of the black hole. Also, the variation in the velocity of energies between the arteries and veins of the cosmos is inversely proportional to the circumference of the black hole. Ultimately, the colossal mass of the black hole would be compressed inwards before crumbling to a singularity. And this is the precise moment when anything that falls into the black hole would be inescapable. 5. When a beam of light moves through the veins of the cosmos towards a black hole and very close to the event horizon, its velocity would decelerate correspondingly. As a result, the respective beams of light curved and moved at an angle toward the end of slower velocity, creating an optical phenomenon known as a mirage. Just like navigation on a stationary two-wheeled board, that is, when the left wheel turns at a slower rate than the right wheel, the machine moves forward and proportionately curves to the left. 6. Meanwhile, rigorous gravitational forces would induce a new phenomenon known as time dilation. With a faster inertia system, the rate of change would slow down because of the high frequency of occurrences near the black hole. For instance, if you were to cross the horizon of events, you would look frozen, as your friend saw and it’s just an optic illusion that reminds your friend that you never cross the horizon when in fact you did. 7. From the above analysis, we could conclude that gravity is an emergent force resulting from the main streams of energy in the arteries and veins of the cosmos. Besides, the gravitational force is inversely proportional to the velocity of the photon. This means that in the case of gravitational lensing, the velocity of a photon (light) is the determinant rather than the mass of a photon. In other words, when the photon approaches a black hole with strong gravitational forces, its speed will be reduced considerably.
  2. Photons have zero rest mass or invariant mass as according to science facts. Perhaps, there could be other type of mass in existence such as fluid mass, who knows? That's why the mass-energy equivalence, E=mc2.
  3. It's nice to hear of your interest in my analysis on the gravitational forces and its relevant matters. Unfortunately, I can't help you further because I'm not a scientist or mathematician by profession. At the same time, I'm not sure if you're a scientist or otherwise but it would be grateful if you could verify whether my observation and analysis would make any sense to you or to the scientific world. Nevertheless, the presented model could explain the following scenarios: - 1. The scientific experiment of particle aggregation in microgravity. See link http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1141&context=nasapub In other words, gravitational attraction arises in tiny objects (like dust particles) as well as massive objects (like planets). As such, gravity should not be perceived or felt as massive objects that cause a distortion in space-time per se. 2. The arising of various bonds that hold atoms together in collections known as molecules. 3. The structure and properties of matter are formed with atoms congregating in spiral manner. At the end of the day, a new spiral-like stripe of gravitational wave is formed in a diffusing pattern due to the natural aerodynamic flows. This process can be observed in human skin, planets, galaxies, etc. The Fabric of Outer Space The fabric of outer space that we could observe is nothing but mere vibrational waves of energy. In a way, we could describe space as energy in play and energy as space in tango (a partner dance). Energy can then be categorised into travelling waves and standing waves respectively. This means, in the cosmos, we could witness nothing but a continuum of vibrational waves at play all the time. For general understanding, gravitational force is a secondary force that interfaces between standing waves in the cosmos. In a simple term, the travelling waves (as in the profile of conveyor belts) that correlate two distinct standing waves are known as gravity. On the other hand, we do know one thing for sure i.e. there is a beginning and an ending of all things or matters in the cosmos. This means when there is a rising of activity there would be a subsequent falling of activity and vice versa. In other words, there’s no two ways about it i.e. one factor is always being balanced off with another factor, without exception. This conclusion would bring us to an understanding that the material Universe is functioning in a feature that is constant – a situation that does not change i.e. the characteristic of an inherent existence. In fact, material Universe is merely a momentary appearance conjured up from a continuum of orientating energy and matter in space under the influence of conditional phenomena (as in the phenomenon of wave-particle duality). Just like ice, water and steam are different appearances deriving from the orientation of H2O properties under the influence of the external conditions. In other words, it is the orientation of H2O properties that has taken place to conjure up the momentary outcome of it. The Principle of Absence, Balance, and Constant (ABC) By nature, everything is a matrix of everything. Therefore, at times, there is a need to link several scientific concepts together while expounding a particular theoretical framework. If we were to examine into the cosmos intently, we would discover that everything is interconnected and balanced. The circumstances of duality or multiplicity in all things would always exist in the cosmos due to the intrinsic characteristics of energy. Basically, all the workings of the universal scientific laws and equations, including the mechanism of gravity would fall within the principle of absence, balance and constant. For instance, E = mc2 or E - mc2 = 0 or mc2 - E = 0 A = B or A - B = 0 or B - A = 0 Newton’s Law of Motion 1st Law of Motion Every object in a state of consistent motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force applied to it. This circumstance denotes that every object would naturally be in the state of balance and constant at all times until it being influenced by the external force. 2nd Law of Motion It is pertaining to the relationship between an object’s mass, its acceleration, and the applied force. In this law, the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector. For example, if the speed of the car decreases, it is literal to speak of deceleration; mathematically, it is acceleration in the opposite direction to that of motion and vice versa. This circumstance denotes the state of balance and constant in all arising forces at all times. 3rd Law of Motion For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This circumstance denotes the state of balance and constant in all arising forces at all times. Bernoulli’s principle Based on the experimental studies on moving fluid (liquid or gas), it is a principle that states as the speed of substance increases, the pressure decreases. By the law of conservation of energy, this increase in kinetic energy must be balanced by a decrease in the pressure-volume, or, since the volumes are equal, by a decrease in pressure. However, this principle need not be limited solely on the substance of liquid. At the end of the day, the key observation on this principle is that all forces would reach a state of balance and constant at all times. The Law of Conservation 1. The law of conservation of charge – the net charge of an isolated system remains constant. 2. The law of conservation of momentum – the total momentum of a collection of objects (a system) is conserved i.e. the total amount of momentum is a constant or unchanging value. 3. The law of conservation of mass – mass cannot be created or destroyed; it is merely rearranged i.e. the sum of all masses is a constant. 4. The law of conservation of energy – energy cannot be created or destroyed and the sum of all energies is a constant. In the material Universe, there are plenty of existences or activities that cannot be discerned by our naked eyes. When we mention that the elements of energy are everywhere in a system of dependent nature, it means that these qualities have fully occupied such a system. Therefore, we could conclude that something as in object would arise out of the elements of energy that exist in a system. This is because energy and matter are simply two aspects of the same thing, both reflected in different forms per se (as in Einstein’s formula, E = mc2). And since we are unable to discern the elements of energy with our naked eyes, we would name it as empty instead of nothing. In other words, by understanding well and observing thoroughly into the characteristics of energy, one could gain insight into the cosmos and its orientation.
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