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  1. Thanks - will Google those
  2. Thanks. Good point - i just hate to think someone could be at risk because of something I've done. Thanks for replying so quickly! Ok, that puts my mind at ease somewhat. I'm not so worried about other people's bacteria transferring to me but about me transferring bad bacteria to others - especially when others around me have hygienic habits (in fact, i do too, but in my sleepy state, i got sidetracked). Lol that's one way to put me off yogurt!
  3. I was half asleep when I peed this morning. I'm female. I wiped myself after peeing (i may or may not have got pee on my hand), but either way, i would've touched my genitals . I got totally sidetracked and forgot to wash my hands. I was crawling back into bed when i realised i hadn't washed my hands...i washed them then but by that point, i'd already touched my phone, bedsheets and other things. I don't have a UTI. Am I likely to have spread something harmful?
  4. Thanks StringJunky, I'm just worried about infecting other people after 2 months. I would imagine anything harmful would be dead by now, but i dont know
  5. I've read about how urine germs and fecal germs are launched into the air when a toilet is flushed. If those germs land on clothing, how long are they likely to live on there if the clothing is kept dry and hasn't been washed since? The "incident" happened 2 months ago and i didn't have diahorrea but possibly had a UTI at the time. Thanks
  6. Thank you for your reply. No, no urine infection. She doesn't have any wounds, but it's her urine anyway. I'm more concerned that the urine would pose a risk to the other tenants. Oh dear, I see a huge carpet cleaning bill coming my way.
  7. Hi, my daughter wet herself in the hallway of our apartment building (shoes and all). She walked all along the hallway carpet in her urine-drenched shoes. Is that a serious hygiene issue? Just wondering if i need to ask the building manager to clean the carpet. I feel a bit guilty that she might've spread germs...thanks
  8. If you don't brush your teeth for 24 hours and then you get saliva on something, for example, a pillow, what kind of harmful germs are you likely to spread? Is the danger of spreading germs through saliva higher than if you hadn't brushed your teeth in say 12-18 hours? Thanks
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