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Everything posted by elektrolyte

  1. I am wondering about the feasibility of re-tooling gas stations (petrol stations) as follows:- >>> Instead of delivering hydrocarbon fuel (petrol) to a vehicle with an ICE, they would recycle the in-vehicle battery electrolyte stored in the traditional fuel tanks of an EV Factors to consider would include:- - Reconfigure EV in-vehicle systems to monitor and recycle the battery electrolyte with fresh electrolyte from vehicle gas tank - EV would attend a gas station periodically, which would pump out the spent electrolyte from the vehicle holding tank and pump in new 'charged' electrolyte - Gas stations would have device/appliance to re-charge and recycle spent electrolytes I would appreciate advice on this concept regarding:- - Technical feasibility of in-vehicle batteries to accommodate this technique (ie would pumping in a 'fresh' electrolyte, effectively re-charge the batteries instantly ??) - Cost effectiveness of technique - Major risks Thanks in advance deboerr, Australia
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