We have to figure out an unknown.. Here's the case
Type 2 Diabetic male presents with fever, pain, necrotizing swelling over his left leg. His symptoms began about a week ago with swelling, redness of the left leg followed by a bronze discoloration of the skin and the appearance of hemorrhage bullae.
Pertinent Clinical Data:
Temp: 102.5 F
Physical exam - Extensive cutaneous Gangrene observed over his left leg with many ruptured bullae; black necrotic eschar with surrounding erythema.
Biopsy- areas of necrosis of the dermis and subcutaneous fat, infiltration with PMNs; vasculitis and thrombosis in vessels in the superficial fascia.
Specimen: Swap of Lesion exudate
We think it's a Group A strep mainly becuase of Gangrene and also the black eschar.. But not sure. Anyone have any ideas of the bacteria it could be? We have a list of possible ones so if you have one in mind please post! Thanks!