Why is housing always a problem ? In the socialist/communist societies, everyone was supposed to be given a home, but in all those societies homes were scarce and/or very costly and they had a waiting period of decades. Why on earth would a socialist regime not produce the one most fundamental item of equality HOMES FOR EVERYONE? That is really amazing, at least this is one thing they could have done.
If you look at the big three USA, Europe and Japan, only the US has a decent situation. Homelessness in the US is simply an "ideological" choice the americans like because if you are poor you should be punished by not having a home. The US could easily solve its homeless problem, but the people love the idea of seeing how the homeless are punished. The US however is the only country that has any decent hoUsing costs for most of the people.
Europe and Japan absolutely suck because there are few homes that are extremely expensive and it is actually very hard to buy a home in these places. Japan really takes the cake, then they complain that their GDP doesn't grow! If all your money goes to paying for a little room, whats left ?
It is amazing that after all the right and left wing hype, no one can solve the housing problem! WHY IS IT SO HARD TO CREATE AT LEAST A MINIMUM CONDITION FOR HOUSING EVEN IN THE RICHEST COUNTRIES?