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  1. Well how about Solid>Ignition temp (Of oxidizing molecule) > Fire So this is like an example of water being a more physics based reaction than Chemical right?
  2. Hi John, Im not sure if you saw it or not but So is fire kinda like the evaporation version of solid materials?(and obviously the water from the solid would leave and evaporate) So Ignition temp is like the solid version, of Boiling temp (for liquid) Ex) So water goes from Solid(ice)>Liquid>Boil temp>Gas(evap) so solid materials would go from Solid>Ignition temp>Fire
  3. Thank you for the notification, May I ask if you have a recollection of what was posted? As of right now I cant recall it
  4. So is fire kinda like the evaporation version of solid materials?(and obviously the water from the solid would leave and evaporate) So Ignition temp is like the solid version, of Boiling temp (for liquid) Ex) So water goes from Solid(ice)>Liquid>Boil temp>Gas(evap) so solid materials would go from Solid>Ignition temp>Fire
  5. Anything that oxidizes? Doesnt it have to be specifically CH2, that reacts with Oxygen to get the fire?
  6. Right! I have heard that the speed heat or the speed of the molecules/ temp creates colors like fire is oragney red and humans also glow but we are lower temp and glow in infrared. __________________________________________________ When you say extract fuel, do you mean specifically CH2? So we could put a cap on possibly when and where he can make fire/ what the right conditions are _______________________________________________ So I would like to ask if you could review the steps and see if it makes sense.... And when you say "release the combustible molecules through the skin in his hand" do you mean he would.... Steps 1) Take fuel/CH2 from air or food, wood,/fuel source 2) Then as @Delta1212 says he would ignite it by smashing the the oxygen in the air with the CH2 to act as ignition 3) And to maintain the fire he would just take CH2/fuel from air or other fuel source and he no longer needs to reignite/ step 2 because "The dangerous thing about the chemical reactions in fire is the fact that they are self-perpetuating. The heat of the flame itself keeps the fuel at the ignition temperature, so it continues to burn as long as there is fuel and oxygen around it. The flame heats any surrounding fuel so it releases gases as well. When the flame ignites the gases, the fire spreads." 4) And in addition he can control the heat temperature and thus color of fire after the ignition by increasing or decreasing the amount of times he slams the CH2 and air molecules (Becasue its the reaction of the molecules of CH2 and air that releases heat
  7. So the physics of faster moving particles in fire Is primarily a result of chemistry, in which the combination of particles creates the heat, so fire is a byproduct in a sense and the heat which is also a byproduct is where physics comes in. But then how does the chemical reactions occur in the first place? Wouldnt physics be needed here? Say if an individual had the ability to manipulate any kind of molecule(The means is that it is through a mechanism in the brain, as this is for a story I am building) Then with wood and oxygen, essentially he would Cause the chemical reaction to occur By manipulating the molecules of oxygen and one or more other chemicals right? and thus fire is created? So would having a stick of wood handy be what he needs to create the reaction, if in fact he has the ability to manipulate molecules?
  8. Hey guys, The reason I wanted to know more about this is because After hearing what my teacher said i wanted to create a story where "magic" in that universe is based off of physics. So in order to boil water, the people there would manipulate the molecules (in this case water molecules) with a "verse" and thus cause boiling by increasing the speed of the water molecules. ___ But say these magicians wanted to create fire from thin air like we see in so many movies. My question is, what would they need? Assuming that they control any kind of molecule through their "verses" Can they just increase the speed of the air molecules around them and make fire, etc Like I just cant get my head around how they would do something like make fire from thin air like that by controlling the molecules which is what physics mostly showed me, which = speed of molecules runs the world. _________________________________________________ Or perhaps they could have the materials necessary So maybe having Ingredients) -a piece of wood in hand -and the oxygen in the air And then would manipulating the molecules of the wood and oxygen be more likely to create a fire? (And if we hide the wood under his sleeve would it seem like the fire came from out of thin air?)
  9. Hey guys, So I learned from my Physics teacher that many things even explosions are just high velocity oxygen particles. So he told me when a grenade explodes, it the high vel oxygen that kills you. So I want to know then,,, What particles are part of a fire and How do those particles move that causes a fire? ------------------------
  10. Thanks, but what i wanted to know is, If there is 7 in of rain in Arizona, and all of it is evaporated into the air, then the air should be humid right? Its not like the evaported water goes into the air and then just dissapears right? is this the main reason Arizona is dry? And if so, why does Arizona only get that little rainfaill?
  11. Hey guys, This has been a really big mystery to me and my classmates for a while so we wanted to ask more experienced people on what the reasons are. ___________________________________________________________ If hot air holds more moisture than cold air does, which causes hotter areas to be more humid, like Texas and Flordia. Reference) “Warm air can hold more water than cool air.” From Scientific American 1) Then how come there are many areas where it is hot and not humid? Reference) “Dry regions, where evaporation and evapotranspiration exceed the annual mean precipitation, cover about 40% of Earth’s land surface and affect the livelihood of nearly two billion people, primarily in developing countries (Safriel and Adeel, 2005). Dry regions are primarily found in the subtropics,” From Yale Climite and Energy Institute, Xavier Levine Here Mr.Levine explains that the reason there are many areas where it is hot and not humid is due to… “evaporation and evapotranspiration exceed the annual mean precipitation” but why would that be the case? 2) However from the first reference, hot air holds more moisture and the water that is heated and goes into the air doesn’t just disappear…but goes into the air, so shouldn’t it be humid no matter what? 3) Where else would the water go then? ______________________________________________________ Then assuming that we accept what Mr,Levine says , the subtropics is where “evaporation and evapotranspiration exceed the annual mean precipitation” = why subtropics are dry And it does ring true that Florida and Texas are above that region as we can see in this image... Reference) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b0/World_map_indicating_tropics_and_subtropics.png 4) However, Arizona which is known for being hot AND dry just like the subtropics Mr Levine describes, doesn’t lie in the subtropics range… So whats the explanation for that? Reference)
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