Handy andy
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Everything posted by Handy andy
Why would you think allowing religions to carry on would help. Politicians and chiropractors don't walk into crowds of people and blow them selves up
I would hope to eliminate, blowing people up, and torturing people and all other forms of religious bigotry. How is that an atrocity? So Bombings in Manchester should be allowed to die out naturally. Is this going to happen when all the suicide bombers have committed suicide.
IF (big if, the ice caps have nearly all melted and sea level has not risen appreciably) the climatologists are correct ref a 7 metre sea level rise, it might be environmentally better to move to higher ground and abandon the lower ground, or any where built at sea level on swamps. Perhaps the white house or the houses of parliament could be put on stilts. A 7 metre wall along the coastal defences might take some maintaining in hurricane areas, if it was breached another disaster could happen, it might even make an excellent point of focus for nutters to blow up.
I am all for the freedom of thought. BUT in light of recent and historic atrocities accreditted to religious people does any one think religion should be banned globally? Does anyone have any idea at all what would be the best way of setting events in motion to ban religions in the developed world.
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The link above, I think, was the last link studiot posted on Harold Aspden, it links into allsorts of fringe science ideas of free energy from the aether etc. I am sure many of the claims Harold Aspden makes are wrong especially around his understanding of an aether. He references Henry Murray in his papers who was a radio enthusiast who claims to have drawn free energy from the aether. If you investigate him Murray used a box of valves a transmission line an earth, some capacitors and what may have been a crystal diode. Little more is known on Murray except there are numerous affidavits signed by various judges around the area he lived and worked stipulating he was generating power from the aether. There is insufficient documentary evidence to replicate what he may or may not have done. He also references Stan Meyer another even less credible person, if you care to read up about him (he dissacoated water into hydrogen and oxygen to make a fuel which he claims to have ran his car on). If you investigate further he never documented his so called discoveries, ie he was most likely a fraud. Aspden believed he had discovered a feature of the aether or space, in that his motor took less time to accelerate a second time in either direction than it did the first time it was run. IF (big if) the inertia of the machine was being affected then perhaps the mass would also be affected and could be seen with scales, maybe a gravity meter could be placed near to the machine to see if space was distorted and remained distorted for a time after the machine was run up. If it was it would be mega interesting . If not it would be a damp squib . The Aspden effect is fringe science, and badly documented, it may be complete fiction, unless anyone can repeat the tests and prove otherwise, it is pointless discussing it. It may be an idea to move on, unless anyone is particularly interested in looking into fringe sciences, most of which is 99.9% gold carrot nonsense (BS). (Except perhaps some, but not all of what Tesla did, and ideas related around some of his ideas ) Henry Murray is interesting because there are a number affidavits from judges stating his device actually worked, which is intriguing.
Yes but I still aim to get inside that box, to me quantum effects suggests extra dimensions, which is why I like some aspects of string theory. Not the graviton however, having said that if the graviton were absorbed and appeared at the other side of the universe in an expanding space, I would be cool with that. I am just not happy with the concept of the graviton originating inside atoms. In the sailing world waves are indicators of what is going on under the surface as well as on the surface. Rather than starting a new thread is there one the thread can be moved to already existing.
Thanks for the link, it is now downloaded to be read. I have a lot from that website, it is very useful place to find info. I have a picture in my mind of a particle or field spinning through space, causing waves in space, which can in turn interact with other particles or fields like Feynman diagrams. The particle itself also being a wave, can merge with other waves and appear elsewhere giving a wave effect. Thanks for that also.
Yes probabilities or knowledge based systems are an excellent way of working out the likelihood of an event inside a block box, and predicting what will happen, especially if the mechanism inside the black box is not known, or is way too complicated to predict from first principles. I want to understand what is going on inside the black box, rather than just using a mathematical tool to predict a likely outcome. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does anyone have an opinion ref the equivalence of the graviton being absorbed in string theory, and the concept of space being absorbed in GR by matter. I have only read a few popular physics books on string theory, and M theory. But find the concept of gravitons a bit bizarre in the sense, I have read they are emitted by matter and absorbed by matter when transmitting the gravitational force, if they were only absorbed, then they make some sense, and may have the effect of stretching space around matter. If they are emitted and absorbed they would cancel each other.
Are these two links stating they have not gone below absolute zero, or is it some form of wordology I have missed. http://www.nature.com/news/quantum-gas-goes-below-absolute-zero-1.12146 http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-01/scientists-send-cloud-atoms-plunging-below-absolute-zero The next is a Wikipedia link supporting what you are stating https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absolute_zero Then the record is apparently 100pK https://ltl.tkk.fi/wiki/LTL/World_record_in_low_temperatures Has the double slit experiment been carried out at extremely low temperatures approaching 0K or tested at varying temperatures. Blind alley or not, its better to keep moving forward, and forget the Aspden effect. Yes move on. Does anyone have an opinion ref the shape of a photon as it travels through space. I suggested an analogy of a pipe spinning, to represent the electric field, polarization and wavelength or frequency of a photon or radio wave. The pipe analogy partly comes from an idea in string theory, and partly wondering what a photon might look like as it escapes or breaks from an atom, when an electron drops to a lower energy level. ? Is there a link to what different particles might look like? electrons outside an atom are perhaps donuts with spin and polarity etc. Inside an atom in the electron cloud they seem to merge like a fog, around the nucleus at set energy levels.
Apologies, it was not meant to be offensive. I find it hard enough defending my own ideas, never mind some one elses. I do not wish to defend Harold Aspdens claims, I found reference to him when I was googling aether, and it stuck due to my lecturers comments. Electric motors are not emersed in oil which needs to warm up, with any engine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ anyone ref the double slit experiment, has it ever been done at absolute zero or different ranges of temperatures. I ask this question because I have been made aware that if the experiment is performed at 100 different locations by firing just one photon, then compiling the results a wave effect still occurs. To me this implies waves existed before the experiment, and interact with the photons(waves), going through one slot or the other. Ref an analogy for a photon would a pipe representing an electric field spinning through space produce the correct effect. Wavelength, frequency, and polarization. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ref the concept of gravitons in string theory, if the gravitons were viewed as being absorbed by particles, would this then be inline with GR absorbing and stretching space. Could gravitons represent space in String theory, or does string theory not attribute properties to space also. I have enough difficulty defending my own ideas never mind other peoples:) I saw Harold Aspdens claims on a search ref aether and brought it up as something interesting. I do not wish to defend Aspdens claims, false, true or otherwise. My speculation up to present has been largely from memory, with little or no background work. I do not wish to get drawn into further speculation until I have done a little reading. I find arguing a point even if wrong or right, is an excellent way of learning. Annoying as it can be for some it is not meant to be offensive:)
OK I will formulate a better argument, and start a new thread in a few weeks I am going to restrict myself to asking questions for a while.
I am not sure I believe the Aspden effect is due to the "Aether" Space The reason it caught my eye was that I remember an experiment from many moons ago whereby the prof asked why a much larger machine took less power to run up on the second acceleration than the first. I put forward residual magnetism, warmer windings taken lesser current, some mentioned perhaps the bearings were affected. The prof just shook his head smiled and walked off, it stuck in my head.
Its good to see you agree with me ref gravitons, ie they don't exist . I think you are aware they are included in the quantum theory of gravity and string theory or at least the few versions I have skimmed through. This however has little to do with the Aspden effect other than how all forces are transmitted through stretched or expanding space, the stretching of which transmits the gravitational forces. The mechanism by which space is stretched is not a mathematical equation, but Einsteins GR and SR seem to cover it extremely well. Your reluctance to share you don't believe in Einsteins theories astound me Why don't you agree with Gullstrand Painleve. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gullstrand–Painlevé_coordinates C is constant as it moves through space, I am not arguing this. What I was arguing is that the curvature of space, gravity affects the movement of the particles inside atoms, and gives the appearance of time dilation. All things at all levels are affected by gravity, even fermions and bosons and every other atomic particle imagined or otherwise. Gravity is an effect which distorts space around all waves even light.
If you look at the first part of my post, I was asking the exact same question, can a potential well be created?. A link was posted sometime ago that suggests space flows towards a mass. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gullstrand–Painlevé_coordinates If space cant be made to contract above an object, can it be made to expand below it, or both? Would a hot air balloon work better, or perhaps?? I wont speculate
I am not rejecting SR, I fully accept time dilation is a measureable effect, and predicted to a very high accuracy, and explainable by the stretching of space. From a post under the blasphemy thread I started Qoute "Much as I worry about encouraging your nonsense, you might want to read about the Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates. These can be interpreted as space flowing towards a mass. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gullstrand–Painlevé_coordinates " Under string theory and the quantum theory of gravity, I understand Gravitons are assumed to be emitted by atoms and absorbed by them. Can gravitons under these theories be viewed as contracting or expanding? Or is the graviton now assumed by all theorists not to exist.? I will restrict my self to asking questions in future.
I note what you are saying, and don't totally agree with your first statement. But think it is just splitting hairs, the result is exactly the same, with only one slight difference in interpretation. I am having a little wrestle with my assertions, as I think they are not contradicted by GR or SR. From my point of view time dilation in GR and SR just proves space is a substance and affects the speed of clocks, and does not affect time. A Muon falling to earth is moving with space and presenting less drag and so lives longer. It is taught that actual time is slowing, I don't believe that. On one post in the speculations trash can I read some one believes time dilation is the cause of gravity which is complete nonsense. One interpretation of Gravity is according to GR, as kindly pointed out by strange the contraction of space, the expansion of space causes galaxies to free fall or regress away from each other. All electromagnetic waves move through space, space which is both expanding and contracting affecting their movement through space, ie photons. My not believing in things people tell me is a life long personality trait, I was kicked out of sunday school when I was 6 years old for flat refusing to believe what I was told. My final work was trouble shooting all over the UK, If I believed everything people told me, I wouldn't have been good at what I did. Thanks for your input, I will give more consideration to starting a thread in the future.
If you read all the links on GPS thread there is not much left to discuss for someone with only a passing interest in the subject. The GPS discussion would be more interesting if those who claim to have worked on developing it, were to discuss the way it will develop in the future or any vulnerabilities in the system, however there is such a thing as confidentiality agreements etc that would most likely restrict them from posting anything of interest. Do you have something interesting to post yourself.
I understand what you have written, and studied the pound rebka experiment after your previous nudge. The pound keating experiment I was already aware of, but had mistakenly remembered this experiment as proof of GR in curved space not Special relativity. Thanks for clearing that up. The link below is for anyone interested. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hafele%E2%80%93Keating_experiment I posted the question here as I did not wish to start another thread, and you locked the thread I had opened ref Time Dilation, as it was clearly going no where. Having read the various proofs of general and special relativity, I still think time dilation whilst being a measurable effect is a misunderstanding of how gravity(gradients in space) affects all matter even fundamental particles, and how all matter when it moves creates gradients in space. I will put this down to religion and as Basil Faulty used to say "I Just Don't Believe It" The Aspden Effect is interesting as it does happen, and mostly is ignored and explained with throw away comments like the friction must reduce when the bearings or grease are hot, or like I suspect it is due to residual magnetism in the motor or heated windings drawing more current. However it could as was claimed by Aspden it is related to the aether. My understanding of the aether most likely is not the same as yours. I take a very simple view the aether is space and nothing else. However I also take the view that space can be stretched, and most likely has inertia, a kind of memory of what has passed, in that waves are caused by the movement of even photons of light, and these waves carry on affecting space long after the photon has passed. The Aspden effect IF (you will note I have used a big if ) it is an effect of the inertia of space, ie space being spun out off the motor like a wave or vortex, then taking time to return after the motor has stopped, it tells us something about the inertia of space. I am not stupid enough to think I know everything like some folk, so I ask questions. I am also none religious and don't believe something to be fact without first understanding it. Again thanks for answering my question you cleared up some questions I had, ref SR, GR and time dilation I still have questions ref the nature of space, which I suspect the Aspden affect MIGHT be related too, along with the various slit experiments. I have further questions ref what exactly a photon looks like, as it moves through space. Does the solitron model explain fully how a photon moves and looks like as it moves through space, I am not sure? but it certainly gives some good clues. What does the distortion of space look like after a photon has passed and how long does the effect remain. Is all of space in constant movement, for simplicity and to create a closed model, it easy to say space has no properties, I think this is wrong, and space does have properties.
https://en.wikipedia...clear_explosion A hammer is probably simpler, shooting a nuclear missile at satellites in medium earth orbits, will interrupt their transmissions. Do the world governments have early warning systems for things bumping into their satellites and exploding next to them ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite Maybe low earth orbit satellites will be damaged by High altitude nuclear explosions. Iridium phones Satellite TV and the likes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_Earth_orbit
Ref the nature of space. What is the difference between the time dilation of special relativity and gravitatational time dilation. Have all tests to confirm SR time dilation been carried out in curved space, influenced by gravitational time dilation. If so how is gravitational time dilation separated from gravitational time dilation.
Thanks for that very useful answer. One final paradoxical question ref light if I may, we know photons are absorbed by atoms moving electrons to higher energy levels. Gravity can be viewed as the contraction of space, could it also be viewed as being absorbed by atoms. Or is gravity better described as being a disturbance in space which gives the appearance of stretching space. Einstein Strangely stated "god does not play dice with the universe" It is interesting to try to picture exactly how a photon moves through space, and how space is distorted around it, causing it to ripple and cause a gravity effect, as all moving waves must do. The ripples of which will affect the waves around them, which in turn will be seen in the various slit experiments as waves, etc All things being waves of one kind of another is very easy to visualise, and leads a little towards string theory, however I do not believe in any theory should be believed like a religion, and never questioned. I do not for instance believe in the graviton. I will study the soliton link thanks again, for your input.
In the beginning there was light, may be more correct than people think. Except for one thing, for there to be light there had to be space, for light to exist in. Unless of course light is made of space, in which case the bible is correct, on this point. Light can be described by mathematical equations or in words or pictures. Light is a polarized vibration of space, travelling at light speed with reference to the space around it. Light has momentum but no mass. Space has momentum but no mass. The double slit experiment shows space has a memory of what has passed or momentum. It is well known the double slit experiment can be carried out firing single photons, producing a wave effect, the path of photons is affected by vibrations or waves already existing in space. The single slit experiment shows divergence or fringing. These experiments cast light on the nature of light and of space light travels through. Space on a cosmological scale is not stationery, it is expanding, and contracting. There is absolutely no reason why this cant be happening on a quantum scale also, creating waves. The speed of light is c, wrt space around it. Galaxies are regressing away from us at 3c at the edge of the visible universe, space with in those galaxies, is moving with those galaxies in a difference reference frame to our solar system. A photon of light can create a gravitational effect around it, showing that it can effect space around it. Wave particle duality is confusing. If we state all things are waves in space of one form or another, things are easier to visualize. Photons are polarized waves with inertia, that have energy = hf. This energy wave can be transferred to atoms to raise electrons to higher energy levels, or when an electron decays to a lower energy level a photon is given off.
High level nuclear explosions are intended to produce an electromagnetic pulse to knock out electronics on the ground. If they can do that then they can knock out electronics of satellites, even if they don't produce enough signal degradation to cause a loss of the GPS signal through ionization of the atmosphere via gamma rays. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-altitude_nuclear_explosion I know the Royal Navy still do sextant including semaphore. Do bigger Navies still practice older methods of navigation. The Indian navy will most definitely after the GPS signal was blocked by the US a few years back, after a little disagreement.
Could a volcano interrupt gps. Not answered Could a nuclear war affect gps. Answered How long would the loss of GPS last for due to nuclear war or serious volcanic activity? any ideas. Could a small scale nuclear war render all GPS guidance systems useless? Could a super volcano do the same? Could the navies of the world still navigate the worlds oceans with out GPS guidance and charts? Do any any of them still practice with sight reduction tables, and sextants. Would the whole global telecommunications systems be knocked back into the dark ages by a nuclear war or super volcano. Does anyone have any none obtuse thoughts on this, that might actually be interesting.
A charge on a large sphere will develop a lower voltage than a charge on a small sphere, whether it is a pulse or DC. A filament or pointed antennae will produce a higher voltage for the same charge than a round antennae of fat conductor. I am interested in an impulse build up of stationery charge, to generate a momentary Electromagnetic pulse. I am not looking to form a plasma between contacts and pass a current through it, I am looking to create an ionized atmosphere around the source of EM pulse and separate the ions into negative and positive charges, using magnetic fields.