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  1. Nature is both too harsh and not so... I don't recollect the shape I mean being defined; a dome, in theory only.
  2. An area void of buildings and per say, trees, seems like massive dome of land. Trees can be included. Being near and under towering buildings abstracts this view, which can be common.
  3. You can pleasure off of yourself and others what's the need for building? We use our brain, not have a machine siphon our brains use...
  4. If originally you are supporting, and there needs to be no more support, what is your duty? Answer: you're in the natural flow of things.
  5. We can revert the planet to it's state prior to civilisation; in this document is a method. As a whole, however big or small, we have a ritualistic regime; we worship that which supports us, such as flora and fauna, until it's support is majesty. Ex. We fill homes with plant-life for the ritualistic effect of not being part of civilisation (this is not optimum but serves as an example of a ritualistic regime). In theory our species is to 'reconstruct the natural dome-shape'. Clean bombing of towns and cities, using natural elements, and parts of construction (rather than new resource) to mould the dome-shape; originally it will appear a lower grade nature, but it will upgrade. The planet will support itself, but we are a part of it and can do our duty. The rest is simple, we support the dome-shape's growth until we are in the natural flow.
  6. CamSpdr


    Eyeballs are capable of curing any illness and can spur optimum pleasure. The pupil of the eye is the passage between sight and iris, as long as stimulation is present, eyes can cause our neurons to form the necessary patterns and rhythm, to simulate a cure or mind-state. We must understand the prospect of, per say, cancer, before we can ponder on required stimulation. There are three grades of harsh; a harsh species-related nature, a harsh nature and random harsh. Life on this planet in the present era is strange, many obstacles are in the way of clean judgement - but these obstacles can be overcome by sensory. As long as communication is available, we can turn the tides of any society. We can win war stood still...
  7. CamSpdr


    People of the world perceive each other on a scale of good. Evil is a liberty that's digressive, it can be contained. Why not earn yourself a good start in the next life? Traveller, from planet to planet - your own Sun. You are probably more evil than those in the past, but that doesn't mean you can't change... Your ancestors were personally understood, but judgement is righteous. You are not forgiven for evil, you must be able to forgive yourself. The planet will fend for itself, and we are part of it.
  8. The best joke of today is this, don't miss out the irony. The odds are stacked against whites who cower from the idea of White Profit. The thought of other races thinking distracts us, from near and afar. We often stumble into conversation off of the thought of other race person. During, after. Whites must learn how to think carefully in these conditions, and adjust their sense of the white. Scared of jump, bounce... Look? The adrenaline rush is present but whites are being swindled. Make up for past mistakes!
  9. Give a little help to the non whites who populate white land and advise homeward bound.
  10. Hello, are we agreed?
  11. It's a fact that the world's non-white population carry the most STDs. Why? In the days of Pokémon Cards (aerodactyl, and so forth), STDs never crossed my mind, but now Non-Whites are populating at an ever fast rate, and STDs are on my mind. Why do STDs occur mostly in Non-Whites?
  12. We're white, but don't agree with one another. The drive was there but the dream of it is gone. We don't want the thought of war, war is the imperfect illusion that it's not already perfect. Whites, specifically, are in a calm of mind. There is no White, sure, it's your imagination. White people should defend White people, be against belief in weakness to other races, as well as weakness, but in the right cases. There is a lot of potential in this move in thought, to ignore the central view of the white man, is to ignore all. We are together, none the less, and the average man would say I was being kind. There are many directions of tomorrow, why would Russian Whites be against American Whites predominantly? We've all committed wrong, and wrong to other races. Imagination is not imagination but powerful, we don't know what we imagine, to talk about it, would be creative; to say we know is stupid, but, that's it. You're through. (Here I was clearly being creative). Whites theoretically should change so that the thought of war or criticism of Whites was not there - but because of the thought of war with other whites, we have an unstable social experience - the thought of 'we' is unacceptable for the imaginary white man. Can I be happy mid speech and tell an irrelevent joke so and be proud of the next one? You'd probably say no... That's the effect of the social experience. We're without imagination, they are there with the same problem, and it's not good.
  13. I disagree. Would you argue that the discussion and debate of racism never existed? That there was never a particular type of human hurt by racism? Have you forgotten? A blind person is unable.to see and therefore isn't an able judge when it comes to determining things like skin colour. People have moved, which is primarily the result of war over the ages. A white person in the middle East who is from America, is an American. If we're talking long down the family line, then I refer you to my point about mutation. A white person and black person make a white-black person; there are more whites and blacks than white-blacks; the white-black race will probably not flourish on it's own, to do so, it must meet more white-blacks... It's more than biology. All fields are relvent when considering a person, but we often reduce that person to biology. The reason it doesn't parse easily is the discussion we have at hand and any confusion surrounding the matter. If you don't accept white, you won't accept white-black, or have a separate theory. You don't respect her.
  14. Why do you compete for high standing around knowledgeable people? Why do you categorise people around you? When was the white man a victim of racism, if not the presence of the other man at present? Would racism be a thing if nobody got hurt? In the purest sense, races should be understood as races.
  15. What's the square-effect? It is the creative side of the questions you asked - vague, at best.
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