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  1. So I would like to start this off with a request... Please reserve personal judgements and/or opinions aside from the matter I will try to present. Like I said this is very possibly the wrong forum to be bringing this to, but what I'm really looking for are people that understand what the hell I'm talking about & hopefully capable of sharing some wisdom! I believe that I have actually seen quantum behavior in action, due to an overlooked nuance with psychotropic drugs ( in this case, liquid Psilocybin ). I should mention that this theory is based of my knowledge of both quantum physics and psychology/metaphysics/consciousness - inspired by the book I'm currently reading, 'Your Brain Is A Time Machine' by Buonomano. The reason I am so confident is due to what I've recently learned about the illusory nature of our perceived world which, in many cases, is heavily influenced by our active/passive awareness of time (past, present, and future). Something that is foundational in the equation for uncertainty, too. Here are my observations: 1.) The strangest and most memorable aspect of my experience with psilocybin was a threshold I passed where my conscious perception of time completely froze. I don't mean to say that me or my friends were incapable of moving; but it was extremely apparent that the present is all that existed in that moment, if only however briefly. My brain was operating at t(0), I have no other words for explaining this. 2.) The ceiling tiles in my house have very tiny, black dots all over them. The ceiling tiles are white so even though they are small you are able to see them, and they aren't even dots technically. Just indentations on the surface of the tile. Anyways, all 5 of us were amazed to see these dots hovering, moving amongst one another along the surface of the tiles. Another interesting fact, these tiles lay on a plastic grid that lines the borders between all square tiles. The dots also appeared to be freely moving from tile-to-tile, across the plastic borders at apparent randomness. No other visual hallucinations reported. Please keep in mind that I'm not sharing this on a hunch. I've done my research, and I believe this is currently unknowable within our understanding of quanta and neuroscience. Yes, these were illusions, but so is any and all of the reality we see. I have a strong notion that this is related to this apparently timeless cross-section of a moment, allowing me to peak into the behavior of a nearly weightless, massless dot. Which would explain why much more massive objects around us were not prone to this uncertainty. This was about 3 years ago and we recorded several pages of thoughts/observations that I was able to refer back to. These speculations are obviously not sufficient for proving anything, nor do I believe is it something we currently have the knowledge to prove at all. I'd be very interested in some feedback though... as to whether these thoughts were pieced together within the acceptable laws of quantum physics (which I am merely familiar with), as I am confident in the abstract laws of modern neuroscience I am applying. I hope this post was at least interesting! As an engineer I am fascinated with the world around me, and I have a passionate hobby for studying psychology so this possible interaction is really exciting for me. Thanks for reading, don't do drugs!
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