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A Tripolation

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Everything posted by A Tripolation

  1. I'd like to see the scripture that calls the crucifixion BS. Yes, I am saying that. Jesus wasn't a scapegoat. He willfully gave himself as a sacrifice that way we would not have to endure the punishment we rightfully deserve. Read what I had written more closely. I was saying that, in the modern version of Christianity, good deeds and your own merit are not enough to allow one access to heaven.
  2. I'm pretty sure that the main point of Christianity is that we are an inherently sinful species, and only God can save us from our deserved punishment. Good deeds do not matter, nor does how we live our life, because we have still sinned. How is that shunning responsibility for our sins? Maybe if we prayed to some telepathic, sentient universe-collective thing, everything would be better.
  3. Don't mind at all. And that was my point. Living zombies are a much graver threat than any other type of zombie,in my opinion.
  4. That's the typical undead type of zombie. The zombie genre has gone on to include movies like 28 Days Later, where a mutated rabies virus turns people into psychotic husks. The movie stays true in that these zombies quickly die of starvation, due to how much energy they consume. But I think that an outbreak such as this would be a serious thread indeed.
  5. Disclaimer: I'm not an chemistry expert, nor am I particularly brilliant in that field. You usually take Organic Chem after two semesters (one if you have the AP credit from high school) of university-level chemistry. In these two semesters, you develop and refine a LOT of chem techniques that will be used in Organic. Not to mention a lot of lab skills. To succeed in organic, you must get in the lab. All book and theory will cheat yourself out of some very useful hands-on knowledge. So it's certainly doable, but it will have a very steep learning curve to it. I would recommend waiting until you pass AP Chem, at the very least.
  6. I wasn't aware that the pesticide that I help spray on my crops kills people. Where are the mass deaths that should be ensuing after 50+ years of pesticide use? You cannot keep up with today's food demand without genetically engineered produce. Tell me, do you actually know what it means to have a genetically engineered plant? 1. The soil (which is what I presume you mean when you say "environment") is always healthy. PH levels are maintained, it is aerated, and properly taken care of. Otherwise, the crops would not yield what they do. 2. Again, you can't feed the world with organically grown crops. Fertilizers have pushed corn yields past 200 bushels an acre. Try doing that with just rain and sunshine. 3. Waste from cities is more prominent than any waste farmers would produce. Are you also suggesting a clampdown on all current pollution sources? How will you deal with the inevitable rise in cost? Since when has what farmers grow (wheat, vegetables, meat) been deemed "bad for you"? So will a healthy diet of nuts, whole-grain wheats, fish, lean meat, vegetables, and fruit. What is your point? Except you can't. Do you know why the cost of organic food is high? To defer the costs that the organic farmers must endure. They cannot output as high a volume as "regular" farmers, so they must charge a higher price for their produce. Also, you would need more farmland for cattle, as their manure is your only fertilizer, and doing so will further reduce the amount of land at your disposal. And the land needed for equivalent yields as non-organic farmers would be an impossibly large amount. So you're also leading to more of a food shortage than we have now. All for this miracle drink of yours. Yes. Make it yourself. No, you're not. Stop eating Twinkies and McDonald's, and go visit your local farmer's market. Problem solved.
  7. How many times do the experts that have contributed to this thread have to tell you that EVERYONE knows our theories are flawed and need to be refined? The funny thing is that the observational evidence and beautiful math don't really care what you think is "logical". It works. Yes, it needs to be reconciled with General Relativity, but the unified theory will have bits and pieces of each. Because they are true in their respective domains.
  8. No. You didn't:
  9. A dimension isn't a place you go. And frequency is a measured property of electromagnetic radiation.
  10. I think the main point of this thread (and the problem, if there is one, that the politics forum is experiencing) is that there is a woefully low amount of people here who would be able to contribute to a politics thread in such a manner. Pretty much anyone that can has already posted in this thread.
  11. It's not that the threads are violating the rules. I suspect this is why I and many other users aren't reporting them. It feels like an abuse of the report feature. It's just that the threads are moronic. I again point to the thread about rape and the "communist women's movement". They are absolutely ridiculous. I mean, unless we're allowed to report a thread for "blatant idiocy". If so, I have a lot of reporting I need to do. I don't agree with this. Most of my posts are in the religion and politics forums, because I'm a theist and feel that I have enough common sense to post, respectively. I know some physics, as it is my area of study, but nowhere near as much as the actual physics and mathematics experts here do. So, I do not feel qualified to answer questions about QED or correct misconceptions of what QM says. I do not think I should have access to the politics forums restricted because I do not post much in the actual science forums.
  12. Laws are not some higher truth of reality. A law is like a theory, except it is explaining a natural phenomenon. A law may be overturned at any time, if new evidence reveals itself. It is highly unlikely it will be overturned, it will simply be refined, but it still isn't the end-all to everything within that particular domain. So basically, it's not so bad to have an open mind about unproven possibilities. Many theoretical physicists do. What problems did you have accepting the secular items that ydoaPs gave to you?
  13. Forth [math]\ne[/math] Fourth.
  14. How is that his job? YOU'RE the one proposing a new "theory". You go look at the math and read it all for yourself.
  15. Yes. Because in many of the engineering courses I've taken, the Kelvin scale isn't special in any way. It's not even the most frequently used one. So it seems to me like a lapse in judgement to call him the world's best engineer.
  16. You should be glad CaptainPanic even deemed your post important enough to spend his time to help, not insulting him. Especially when you're asking him to send you to a video that will magically teach you two semesters of physics courses.
  17. Are you saying that they do not have a cross-country highway system like the US or any sort of high-speed rail system like China?
  18. I suppose your computer and all your other electrical devices are powered by electricity produced by magical pixies?
  19. And us farmers will just magic up crops through the pavement, eh? Unrealistic due to basic human nature. There will always be people who seek to control others, or have authority. I sincerely hope you're a vegan then. Do you know what happens in stockyards and slaughterhouses to make beef? I'm denying it right now. It sounds abhorrent and depressing. I prefer the country and not inhaling fossil fuel exhaust every time I step outside.
  20. Um. Yes. This is largely true in the animal kindom. It is still a wholly illogical, irrational, unobservable, untestable, unquantifiable being as any god(s) observed today. It is just as silly. But according to evolutionary standards, we aren't even the supreme being on Earth. Telepathy and cosmic awareness is not natural. In any way. Sorry. As you have stated multiple times, it is to convince theists to leave their "superstitious" beliefs for your "godhead" who is somehow supposed to be more logical and more natural than the Judeo-Christian God, but, as everyone is trying to tell you, isn't. So is your cosmic conscious.
  21. It has been shown time and time again (when checked against available cameras and forensics) that eye-witness testimony is the most unreliable form of evidence. I think you need to learn what "law" means in science. Then what use is the whole thing? ...what? I tend to agree. But it is still plagued with evil.
  22. This is exactly what true time travel is. The science fiction stuff is just that. Fiction. From what I've read about time travel in the past, it requires crazy stuff like exotic-matter-powered wormholes and such. I'm not going to pretend like I understand it. But it seems the consensus is that it too may be possible in some form. Or, maybe I just misinterpreted it.
  23. We can travel forward in time right now. Get into a spaceship, accelerate to .99999c, travel for a few years, and then return. You will have aged very slowly while everything else would be have aged at the "normal" rate. This is a mathematically proven idea. We only lack the technology to do so.
  24. What do you think happened to the virgin girls that were to be "shared" with the soldiers? Do you really think it was consensual in any way? This happened many times in the OT. The Israelites would take the young woman for themselves. Does that mean God excused rape? Or, since they were God's people, the rape was ok?
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