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A Tripolation

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Everything posted by A Tripolation

  1. It's not. Greatest I Am: I can answer your entire post: Free Will.
  2. This is a sound point. But I disagree with your last statement. I doubt the agents in the field that do some of the more undesirable torture have any "investment" in torture still being viewed as a method that gets results.
  3. If torture is so exceedingly ineffective, then why do we still use it? I think it's naive to think that clandestine operations that result in the torture of a prisoner do not yield any information. We're simply not privy to it. If it truly were as ineffective as you all say, no one would do it anymore.
  4. Precisely. It's not a system that resembles planets orbiting a star. That's been outdated for some time.
  5. Electrons do not orbit in the sense that you are describing.
  6. Jesus is basically saying to follow the laws of man (give to Caesar what is Caesar's) while maintaining what God expects of us (give to God what is God's). None should be ignored. Though they frequently are. It's called sin. I fail to see your point. He's not. And I think you're talking about the Holy Spirit. But it supposedly only resides in the souls of Christians. He was right in stating that the Bible contains God's Laws. Ever heard of The Ten Commandments and the two rules Jesus spoke of as being the greatest rules?
  7. They will be frogs because tadpoles are frogs and not skunks. Nothing more. Moontanman was right on this account.
  8. Jesus disagrees: Emphasis mine.
  9. All I can say is that a CO2 tax would be disastrous for farmers. I really want to know how you expect us to replace our diesel engines with their featherweight electrical counterpart. Electric motors simply cannot produce the amount of torque needed to tow and power farm equipment. The profit margins for farmers are already slim. I do not understand why there is a desire to make food any more expensive.
  10. You keep saying this. Is it not clear that your religion, whatever that is, is no more rational than any other religion? They are ALL illogical and fantastical. You can never rationalize them. There can be no sensible religion.
  11. The Anti-Christ is at first an opposing force to the newly-converted Christians after the Rapture. He signs a peace treaty with Israel, is leader of the New World Order, ect ect. The Anti-Christ is not the false prophet. The Anti-Christ dies after a certain time, and then Satan manifests himself inside this human, resurrecting the body, and then making himself into a deity. So, the first round would be Satan versus a human. Satan, being an Archangel, would win. The second round would be Satan versus Satan. Which doesn't make much sense.
  12. Indeed. Some of the best Christians I know are Atheists. But do you understand gravity and all of its ramifications? I sure as hell don't. Nor do any of my educated professors. What you see as self-evident is really only what you define as self-evident.
  13. ...does it matter? Any group of 12 people that would alternate sharing a single profile on a science forum are odd to begin with. I think that if it were 12 different people, the posts would all sound differently. Everyone has a different style of writing. I can tell the difference between ydoaPs' posts and Cap'n Refsmmat's posts quite easily, just based on the posting style. I find it hard to believe that 12 people could work out of a single account with someone noticing the incongruity. Prime example: Any time I see blocks of text with little indentation, more question marks than periods, and lots of big words, I know it's more than likely lemur.
  14. This is a the focus of research for one of my physics professors. At my university, upper-level physics undergrads are paid to be "learning assistants", to help students pass the typical University Physics I and II. This coming fall will be my second term as an aid in the Astronomy courses. In my experience, students are much quicker to approach me with a question than the professor. And we help them set labs up and such. I think it's a very good system, and helps immensely with learning.
  15. I only give negative rep when a person is being blatantly offensive, or conducting themselves in a manner that is not conducive to a good discussion. I give out positive rep to almost any post that makes a good point, or makes me smile. It's probably whorish, how many times I hit the green + sign.
  16. As far as I can tell, Swansont's expertise lies in Atomic Physics. Going by what I'm learning as a physics undergrad, he would be pretty knowledgeable about particle emission just based on association with his current field. When you specialize in an area in physics, you don't just know that one area, you have to learn about the areas that surround your own. One of my professors is an Astrophysicist, and because of this, she is also quite learned in Chemistry and such. It's understandable to want to speak to someone who works directly in this field, but why would you discount Swansont's suggestion of independent confirmation? No offense intended. I'm just curious.
  17. I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying. How are the two sacrifices comparable? Pretty much. This is off-topic, but I heard that there is this fascinating school of belief amongst some scholars that Job was written even before Genesis. And in my opinion, it does seem like a dated book. Just the way that Satan and God are still chummy.
  18. A Tripolation


    He was here before you even started. Bad luck, chummy.
  19. Funny thing about discussion boards. Everything you post is up for discussion. Psychology. Sociology. Biology. What point are you making about physics and mathematics not studying morality?
  20. I know many atheists who are better people than I could ever hope to be. So no. God is not needed for someone to be a good person. I disagree with pretty much everything written here.
  21. From what I've heard and read in IRC, Insane Alien, also a Brit (I think), is able to hold his alcohol fairly well.
  22. I think this is naively optimistic. I agree with what you're saying morally, but realistically, the people who wish to commit terrorism (radicals) will not be swayed by a trial where their leader ends up being executed anyways.
  23. It was directed at you. I don't care what God you believe in. They are ALL illogical. There is NO god/are no gods that are logical and rational. It's as simple as that. Any psuedospiritual definition you want to ascribe to YOUR god will be just as illogical as the Judeo-Christian God, or Zeus, or Thor.
  24. Going by this logic, shouldn't we actively be preparing and spending billions on the abilities to destroy Earth-killing asteroids? I might be misunderstanding you though. Then why does a serial killer who kills ten people in a city of +300,000 garner so much media time and police attention? Shouldn't more important things, like all the other crimes committed by other people, take priority? Again, I may be misunderstanding your position.
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